Display # 
SEN 2938 -World Cup 2021 – Results &Thanks 1067
SEN 2937 - Fab Feb Entries USA - Team Selection Bulletin 957
SEN 2936 -North American Cup - signup 925
SEN 2935 - 2021 AmCup Final Results and Report 900
SEN 2934 - 2022 SYMPOSIUM CALL FOR PAPERS - Fab Feb Update 905
SEN 2933 - The 2021 FAI Arizona FF Championships -Number Overload 820
SEN 2932 - 2022 Finals for 2023 United States Team - Last 2022 US F1E contest 910
SEN 2931 - Fab Feb Update. -Fab Feb 2022 sign up link.- Some mixes are mix ups 937
SEN 2930 - LOST HILLS - Update Let Q spread its wings 856
SEN 2926 - Patterson Results 2021- Little Clarification -The Clubs are a good source 846
SEN 2925 - MaxMen 2022 flyer - Now Where are they ? 998
SEN 2923 - Arizona Champs in Eloy - PATTERSON MEMORIAL - Fab Feb 2022 Update 858
SEN 2922 - No Rule Book- AMA Associate membership 864
SEN 2021 - Fab Feb World Cup Updates. 817
SEN 2920 What are D changes ? - Jnr P back to J- San Valeer's Nos An results 860
SEN 2919 - CIAM Submissions 849
SEN 2918 - 20- 20 Hindsight - 2021 FAI FF AmCup Report - Back Off 865
SEN 2917 3 All-Tee or rather Certified Altimeter Items - Skyscrapers apparel 856
SEN 2916 - Kiwi Bs at Dawn Top Dudes 861
SEN 2915 - North American Cup 971
SEN 2914 MaxMen International World Cup - Keep up the tech help- MaxMen Mini Events 925
SEN 2912 - Sierra Cup Mini Events - Altimeter use confusion 839
SEN 2911 The - Kotuku is perched on Holloway Hill with his altimeter, reading the Sporting Code 879
SEN 2910 -The Swiss F1E Team Elimination Final- Just some remarks on the ongoing altimeter discussion -Editorial Disclaimer Plus 8697
SEN 2909 -Sierra Cup F1E- Oh my goodness the rules have changed 844
SEN 2908 Kotuku Korrection and Komment- New FAI project- Juniors at LH in October so far- Problems with the Free Flight Quarterly website 866
SEN 2906 - Kotuku Minis 891
SEN 2905 - Sierra Cup Results 850
SEN 2905 - Sierra Cup Results 837
SEN 2904 - E Correction - Sierra Cup Mini Events 836
SEN 2902 - 2021 North American Cup – revised, only a little - Kiwi F1A corrected 852
SEN 2901 - Kiwi Cup Mini Events -Texas has hills too 830
SEN 2900 - Kiwi Cup results 900
SEN 2899 -About the engine run -AmCup Score and Jr Team Scores- Corrected Harvest Classic Sunday Score Sheet - Revised Ike Flyer 939
SEN 2898 - Remembering ….- Thanking -F1C Timing -RESULTS OF HARVEST CLASSIC 853
SEN 2897 - My Perfect planks from FB-though this is a nice thank you to Pim Ruyter- Patterson 1043
SEN 2896 USFFC – Lost Hills this weekend 839
SEN 2895 - Perfect Planks- Ebenland F1E Competition 845
SEN 2894 Whoops – NFFS and SO -Sen and Son- Lost Classic A1 Email International Results -F1D World Champs Whoops – NFFS and SO 873
SEN 2893 - NFFS + Science Olympics -Building Board Maintenance and Care?- Reaching out 1219
SEN 2892 -RC return to flight line -Our biggest challenge- NATS 2022 DATES ANNOUNCED 813
SEN 2891- Rebutal – No rules is ideal? - Lesson from the past -I want Mr Findahl as my teacher 866
SEN 2890 -. 20 Years ago, part 2 - non-Drone UAS - It's There Already - Unintended Consequences 861
SEN 2889 - One clarification, One Example -It’s there already -Carl Bogart’s thoughts -About 20 years ago 910
SEN 2888 - An approach - Link to FFTSC White paper - Cool it 817
SEN 2887 - 20-20 hindsight - Fun meter pegged 869
SEN 2886 - Altimeter 840
SEN 2885 - We have reached tipping point, when we will cross the chasm? 845
SEN 2884 - Flight to the ground Duration is the Target -Altimeter Flyoffs - "Len" Kendy 868
SEN 2883- Hall of Fame Member Henry "Hank" Cole Turns the Century Mark! 50 km- Altitude, or duration 890
SEN 2882 -One Detail I forgot - Good Example of All-Tee in real life USFFC 921
SEN 2881 - All-Tee Doc - Settings is Key Lost Hills Motels-F1E Meisterschaft - All-Tee Achievement 951
SEN 2880 - Operation of the All-Tee altimeter - Pathway- AMA Nats FF intro 1155
SEN 2879 - All-Tee 1130
SEN 2878- October Update- Sierra Cup -Kotuku Cup -CalCup- MaxMen International 1079
SEN 2877 - Swiss F1E Meisterschaft, - MMM 14-Round Contest Report 905
SEN 2876 POITOU 2021 Cancelled - Canada Cup - Huron Cup - USA Nats 995
SEN 2875 944
SEN 2874 - Licenses, Timers and Travel 886
SEN 2873 - FAI World Cup events at the US Nats -Results from the Scandinavian Free Flight Week 933
SEN 2872 - John Sheppard -Free Flight Quarterly #80 f- Plugs and Booms at the Nats 872
SEN 2871 - AmCup report and scores 929
SEN 2870 - About SCAT HISTORY:- Live scoring for Sweden Cup and Danish Cup 865
SEN 2869 - Some more SCAT History - Thermiksense 2/2021 - America’s Cup So far 854
SEN 2868 - Remembering Craig - Report from Texas 855
SEN 2867 Who’s your timer ? & Cusck 857
SEN 2866 What’s the rest of the story? 875
SEN 2865 Where are you on the altimeter field? 943
SEN 2864 Questions, sign ups and more 1071
SEN 2863 October Scheduled Altimeters 902
SEN 2862 Altimeters – Sporting code, trees, wheels, elephants and crystal balls 943
SEN 2861 939
SEN 2860 926
SEN 2859 “Altimeter” 1633
SEN 2858 CIAM 1114
SEN 2857 - All-Tee 1426
SEN 2856 - F1EChamps 891
SEN 2855 Charging to an EDICed altitude in Denver 946
SEN 2854 929
SEN 2853 925
SEN 2852 1007
SEN 2851 995
SEN 2850 947
SEN 2849 914
SEN 2848 921
SEN 2847 886
SEN 2846 1026
SEN 2845 945
SEN 2844 Plugs and Publications 935
SEN 2843 A quick Correction 886
SEN 2842 923
SEN 2841 891
SEN 2836 969
SEN 2840 931
SEN 2839 932
SEN 2837 Clamp your Kodachromes with a Rocket 858
SEN 2834 Help and more help 910
SEN 2833 USA Team Update plus Don and Jim 1097
SEN 2832 975