SEN 2250
- Details
- Category: Archive 2017
- Hits: 1523
Table of Contents – SEN 2250
- Fab Feb Sign up
- Hitting on the Scramble
- For Sale
- New NFFS Pub
- Rent a bike ?
Fab Feb Sign Up
Firstly the good news is that about 165 people have signed up. But the bad news is that a number of people who have said they are coming have not yet signed up. This is partly because we have not explained properly why we are doing this. It is very important to enter ahead of time.
For an international sportsman to fly in a model airplane event in the USA they must have AMA associate membership. This gives them insurance coverage against an accident that might happen. Full information can be found on the AMA web site To sign up for this you have to fill out a slightly confusing form that is sometimes hard for a non-native English speaker. Also all flyers, both “local” and visitors have to sign an AMA safety declaration that has some information about the flyer. Again a little complicated for some visitors. Then on the AMA side they have to read what the person wrote on the field.
(and before Peter Allnutt et al complains Canadian flyers do not require AMA associate membership because of agreements between the USA and Canadian Aero Clubs)
So what we do is collect in the entry form the information needed to fill out these forms, Name, Address and licence information and fill out the forms for you. Our entry form is much simpler than the AMA form and you can fill it on your computer in the comfort of your home rather than in a hurry on an early cold morning at Lost Hills.
In addition a number of people have requested that we (the different organizers of the 3 events) let you enter all and pay one time. The only way to do this practically is have some form of advance entry and computer support.
There are a couple of scenarios as to what will happen when you arrive at Lost Hills after entering online.
Sportsman: Hello my name is Sergey Makarov from Moscow. I have entered online.
Organizer: Hello Sergey, Welcome to Lost Hills. Let me get you information.
(looks in file and brings out form)
Organizer: Have you changed anything since you entered
Sergey : No
Organizer: In that case I need to see your competition license and you need to pay $100 (or whatever the number is ) and that is for all 3 events plus AMA and Lost Hills fees.
Sergey: Here is my license and the money.
Organizer: Thank you . This piece of paper is your receipt and you need to sign this one for AMA membership to say you will fly by the rules. Then you need to sign AMA safety form 10A. You can see what it says at the top. Basically it is asking you say that your airplanes are well adjusted and safe to fly and that you know how to fly your airplanes. You sign by your name of the list. It is in alphabetical order of your family name Makarov.
Sergey: (signs and takes receipt)
Organizer: Thank you and do have any questions ?
Sergey: Where do I find my pole position?
Organizer: There are no poles on the Kiwi and North American Cup, just a flight line. Bill Booth the, CD or the MaxMen will post the pole position later in the week when we have all the entries. If you have pole requests you can ask Bill.
Sergey: That is all, thank you;
Organizer: Thank you and good luck in the F1A competition.
Scenario 2
Young lady: Good morning I’m Tiffaney O’Dell and I entered on line.
Organizer: Good morning Tiff. Let me get the paper work.
(gets forms)
Hmmm I see we charged you for the America’s Cup Banquet and you don’t need to pay that because you won F1G. I will take that off. Do you have any other changes?
Tiff: No
Organizer: In that case I need to see your AMA card and you need to pay $25. (note Tiff is not flying in World Cup events some does not need a FAI License.)
Tiff: (gives AMA card and money)
Organizer: Thank you. Here is your receipt. You now need to sign the AMA Form 10a Safety sheet. It is filled out and you can find you entry under O’Dell.
Tiff: Is that all ?
Organizer: Yes, and have a great time.
Scenario 3
Note that each participant MUST sign the safety sheet. So you can’t do this:
Tall distinguished Sportsman: Good Morning I’m Alan Jack the team manager of the UK Team. I would like to sign up for :
John Cooper
Russell Peers
Mike Woolner
Ken Faux
Paul Chapman
Ian Kaynes
Mike Lester
Brian Lavis
And me of course
Organizer: Alan each person has to sign themselves up because they need to sign the AMA associate membership form and sign the safety sheet so unless they are here with you we can’t process them.
So if you know some who might be coming and may not get SEN please remind them to pre-enter
Hitting on the Scramble
From : Malcolm Cammbell
Scramble photos have proven to be a hit. 500 hits in fact. That’s pretty good, so I hope a few of them bring sports models to Lost Hills, and the rest turn up to barrack!
Scramble rules in next SEN
For Sale
Verbitsky Geared engine complete with Babenko pan, engine cowl and four bladed prop. I have used this and it is a very strong engine.
USD$ 475
Leeson Precision Rubber Slitter
These are considered the Rolls Royce of rubber strippers. Made in Australia by Charlie Leeson they cost $200 twenty years ago. With instructions, can send photos if required.
USD $175
I can deliver to Lost Hills in February
Roy Summersby This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
New NFFS Publication
From: John Lorbiecki- NFFS President
I am proud to announce a new publication from the National Free Flight Society, The Fascination of Flight by Hank Cole. This richly illustrated autobiography is chock-full of 70 years of free flight history and development. Through newspaper clips, his published magazine articles, and self-reflection Cole takes readers through the heyday of free flight.
From his 2000-mile cross-country trip to the 1941 NATS (1500 contestants), to Lost Hills and world-class F1B models he recollects his life of modeling. Cole worked as an aeronautical engineer and his models reflect that. From early flappers, to tilt wings, and flying wings he has done it all and you’ll find it here. The Fascination of Flight is packed with early black-and-white, modern color photos, plans and contest memories and results.
Hank has graciously allowed the NFFS to publish this book and present it to you. The Fascination of Flight is 100 pages, printed on heavy, glossy paper (by our friends at “The Printer”) and spiral bound.
Having just read it from cover to cover, I feel honored that Mr. Cole has allowed us such an extensive glimpse into his life as a free-flighter. I can assure you that this is one book that will keep you engaged from page one - and wishing there was more!
Purchase it now at for $29 and recieve two NFFS decals as a reward.
Thank you Hank - and I know that you will enjoy The Fascination of Flight as much as I have!
John Lorbiecki
NFFS President
Rent Bike or something
From: Alfredo Baños <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
I could publish in SEN, if someone rents a bike from February 8 to 19 ... It would be great help me. The costs of the golf cart are very high for one person.
Contact Alfredo if you can help him.