SEN 2251 - 28 Jan 2017
- Details
- Category: Archive 2017
- Hits: 1445
Table of Contents – SEN 2251
- Scramble Update – Rules and Contest
- The Brits are no so bad
- Erratum
- SEN Policy on Advertisements.
Model and Flying Rules for the Ike
1. Definition: A scramble is a simultaneous contest between any number of contestants, the aim being for each contestant to keep his model airborne as much as possible during 30 minutes but within time limits for each flight.
2. Models: Any free flight model will be eligible provided it is powered by piston type motor(s). The total engine capacity shall not exceed 1 cc. Entrants may use portions of other models, such as wings, tails, propellers etc. should the model crash but the original fuselage and engine(s) must be used throughout the contest.
3. Starting: Motors may not be started until the signal for commencement is given and must not be running during retrieval. Each competitor must start his own motor(s) BY HAND and regulate them himself throughout the contest. (Cox Spring type of starter permitted) Each flight shall commence from the original take-off point, any infringement of this rule incurs automatic disqualification. Each entrant will be allowed up to two helpers only who may help to retrieve but not launch the model. No form of transport is permitted to retrieve the model.
4. Start of the event: The models and support equipment shall be positioned on the start line. That position is competitor’s designated starting position. All flyers will line up the length of a cricket pitch (= 1 chain = 22 yards = 20.12 metres) from the models. At the start signal given by the Grand Umpire they will proceed rapidly (i.e. run) to the model, start the motor and launch the model. The cricket pitch run not required on subsequent flights but the model must be launched from the designated starting position. This form of start is known by some, those who can remember Stirling Moss, Bruce McLaren and Jack Brabham as a Le Mans start.
5. Timing: Timing is as for all free flight contests except that the model must remain airborne for a minimum of 15 seconds for an official flight to be recorded. The timing of each flight is limited to a maximum of two minutes. At the end of a thirty minute period, all timing will cease No time shall be recorded for flights that continue past the contest end. Should a model be launched within the 15 seconds before the end of the contest period, no flight shall be recorded.
6. Classification: The entrant having the greatest official flight time total within the 30 minute period shall be the winner.
7. Any disputes, questions or safety issues will be resolved or terminated by the Grand Umpire
The Ike Scramble Event
The International Scramble event will be just after the end of flying (that’s 3PM ) on Sunday 12 Feb . This is the time when organizers are totaling up the last events of the day for the 4PM prize giving.
There will be a preliminary training event on Friday 10 at 4PM .
Both of these will be in the space in front of Ike Control
Special prizes Donated by Tahn Stowe
In his words “With regard to prizes for the event I would be pleased to donate a motor as 1st prize and a bottle of good Australian wine for 2nd & for 3rd.”
Tahn is also bringing some extra Flying Carpets for other to fly. Not sure what his plans are, with Tahn you never know.
The Brits are not so bad
I got some feed back on using the Brits in scenario 3 in the last SEN when talking about entering the Fab Feb. The reader thought I was being a little tough and was worried that I was signaling them out for bad behavior. Actually I picked the UK “team” because they were a group who had the one of the larger international contingents and had got their entries in. The UK team is usually has their entries under control, at least the language is more or less familiar. The most offending group comes from a ways further East and I could not use them because not many and in particular their leader had not entered yet.
So nothing should be read into my choice of people or countries
Also in the Fab Feb section I referred to Form 10A , it should be Form 10B as an eagle eyed reader noticed.
SEN Policy on Advertisements.
From: Conrad Conrod
We are happy to post Free Flight related advertisements – For sale or wanted items or wanting help or transport related events. BUT you must write the full text of the advertisement. Don’t write an email that says Hi Roger I want to sell my Oliver Tiger F1C can you an advertise it in SEN.
You send an email saying please put the following advertisement in SEN
For Sale F1C
For sale my Night Train Model as flown in the 19XX World Champ and powered by the original Oliver Tiger. Price $5000 or best offer . Contact me Conrad Conrod at email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Note this is not a real Ad, apologies to Mr French, and there is no Conrad Conrod and I don’t have my original Oliver.