SEN 2249
- Details
- Category: Archive 2017
- Hits: 1395
Table of Contents – SEN 2249
- free flight free publicity
- Fab Feb Update
- USA Team Selection Committee (TSC) In-Person Meeting
free flight free publicity
From: John Clapp
Dear fellow free flighters: every month I see many pictures of RC models and
contestants in the District Section of Model Aviation.
We should also be appearing in the above publication. Lets tell the world
that is more to model planes than RC.
I have seen many very fine photos in SEN, lets increase our presence to the
viewers of M. A.
My thoughts, John
Editor’s Comment. Those columns and some districts have associated web sites are done by the District VPs, Sending them District oriented photos with associated paragraph is worth a try.
Fab Feb Update
For people flying in the Fab Feb Contests at Lost Hills you should enter online for the FAI events. It is doubly important to enter on line if you live outside of the USA and Canada. The entry process will send you an estimate of the entry and associated fees.
BUT you do not have to pay anything until you get to Lost Hills. You should be prepared to pay in CASH.
When you enter online you will be sent a summary of what events you entered an estimate of the entry fees. This will be in an email from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . If you did not get the form which should arrive just after you complete the entry send an email to the above email address.
A report from the field by Glen Schneider indicates access OK, some mud at the main entrance and much more green than last year ! (not difficult!). Further update next week.
Don’t forget that the Ike has a large number of AMA events in addition to the FAI. Many international visitors have taken part and done well in the P-30 and HLG/CLG events , even making the cover of Moel Aviation, the AMA magazine. The schedule for these can be found in the SEN Webste. See below.
As last year we are running a special event for the Lost Hills families, working in conjunction again with the Lost Hills Community Center. This year Rocco Ferrario and Tim Batiuk are the organizers. I’m that Rocco and Tim would appreciate help.
USA Team Selection Committee (TSC) In-Person Meeting
The USA TSC met Jan 21 & 22 in Dallas for the biennial in-person meeting. NFFS president, John Lorbiecki, was invited and contributed significantly to the discussion. The TSC and NFFS have come to operate fairly independently of each other over the years, which is not in the best interest of either organization. The genesis of the TSC was actually the brainchild of NFFS in the 1970s. Under the leadership of then president, Hardy Brodersen, NFFS petitioned AMA to change the team selection process. AMA then commissioned NFFS to take a vote of their membership and create a team selection committee for Free Flight. The TSC structure and Program was used by AMA as the template for the other aeromodelling FAI disciplines and continues to set the standard.
Finals reports from the CD and Head Jurist were reviewed and discussed, as was the post-finals survey results/comments. Regarding the program, no major changes were made. One formal proposal was submitted, debated and ultimately withdrawn by the submitter. Elements of it, however, were deemed useful for the current program. A more detailed report will be sent directly to program participants within the next few days.
Chuck Etherington