SEN 1841
- Details
- Category: Archive 2014
- Hits: 1317
- Fab Feb Q&A
- Stamov Parts for sale
- F1B Stuff for sale
- Leeper's Auction
We have recently received some questions about the Weather and Health
The past year has been one of the driest years in California on record. For example the annual rainfall in downtown Los Angeles was about 3.6 inches against the average of over 11 inches. Lost Hills also has had minimal rain, this means it is very dry. The State authorities consider it to be drought conditions and extreme fire danger in some places. Be sure to drink plenty of water. While we always need to be careful at Lost Hills, there is not very much fuel for fires at the moment.
The winter has been one of the warmest on record in California with some days going into the 80s F , almost 30 C, with not many clouds in the sky. It is still sometimes cold in the morning before the sun comes up. You may need sunblock. If the current weather continues it will be the warmest Fab Feb event ever. Can't say what it will do to the thermals, that's for you to find out!
Of course the weather is the weather like anywhere else so could change between now and the contests so make sure that you check the weather closer to the date and bring the right clothes. Most people have their own favorite web site for weather. A number of the locals use and specify Lost Hills, CA. This site gives an almost hourly break down.
Just because the the sun is shining does not mean it is not cold and flu season so you should take the normal precaution that you would traveling anywhere else in the Northern Hemisphere at this time of the year. As in other parts of the country local medical professionals are suggesting that people get flu shots, so do what you would do at home.
With Lost Hills there are always questions about Valley Fever, this is because it is something that not known in other parts of the world. It is more common in the south west of the USA and parts of Mexico. Also in recent months there has been more news articles because it was discovered that some ethnic groups were more susceptible and these groups of people get valley fever more frequently if they are in a prison in certain parts of California. Much more has been written lately , including some articles that are possibly overly alarmist. People wanting more information should start with the following web site from the State of California Dept of Public Health
this site gives a good plain language summary with links to further information.
While at Lost Hills it is common sense to minimize how much dust you breath by always driving your car with the window up and not following in the dust of other vehicles especially when walking or on a motor bike. It is also common courtesy not to drive a car or bike as to raise dust close to people who might be out flying or walking.
Stamov F1A parts for Sale
See Brian Van Nest on the field at lost hills or email with any questions.
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
F1B etc parts for sale
Hi Roger,
Would you please post this add for me.
I too will have some models for sale at Max Men on February 15th.
The Andriukov model I used to win the 2002 Max Men as well as 2 other complete models. Also a couple of half tubes with hooks and maybe some other odds and ends.
I will only be there for the day of the 15th. If you can't find me my cell number is 909-519-8519.
Or email ahead to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Thanks, Jim Lueken
Auction alert! Very rare! - Bob White logo '79 WCh T-shirt!
Attention SEN Readers!
To all collectors of Free Flight memorabilia!
I recently found a pristine 79 WChamps T-shirt whilst
looking for something else, of course.
These orange t-shirts with 'Bob White Wake logo' were highly prized
& sought after.
They were exclusively made for the 79 Taft WChamps.
Therefore, I would like to see it go to someone's eager hands.
The Idea I came up with is as follows: Hold a 'Silent Auction'.
Bidding starts now & bidding ends Wednesday, Feb 12 @ 5PM.
The shirt will be awarded to the highest bidder during the
SCAT AM CUP Banquet, on Saturday evening, Feb 15.
(if winner is not in attendance, delivery will be negotiated)
Proceeds will go to USA Junior Team Fund.
Send all bids to me, Lee Hines, by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Or phone: 949-885-6346 (between 0900 & 1900hrs, PST)
Thanks for listening, & good luck!
Roger Morrell