SEN 1843
- Details
- Category: Archive 2014
- Hits: 1319
- America' Cup 2013
- Lost Hills mapped
- NFFS Membership promo
- wanted F1C
- San Valeers Annual Flyer - corrected
America's Cup 2013
Well the first contest for the 2014 AmCup season is complete and I had not published the final results for the 2013 season. I will not give a detail event by event discussion-- the previous report was not changed significantly by the last 2013 contest-- the King Orange.
Congratulation to the winners. Please remember coat and tie for the AmCup award banquet on Feb 15, 2014, Wasco Elk's Club. Banquet Details have been previously published in SEN.
2012 winners-- be sure to polish the perpetual trophy and get to the banquet.
The Banquet dinner for this year will be:
Meat Lasagna or vegetarian Lasagna, Garlic bread, anti pasta salad/ veg salad, dessert carrot cake/pound cake and ice cream. There will be a bottle of red or white wine at each table-- get there early and you can select the table / wine you want. Please contact me if you have any dietary needs-- we'll do what we can to accommodate. The Elks will have an open bar starting at 6 or so. I will have directions to the Elks club-- see Marty-Aimee during Max Men table or me in the the "old moldy loaf" RV.
Jim Parker <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
2013 Am Cup Result Summary
1 Shlomi Rosenzweig
2 Jama Danier
3 Lee Hines
4 Jim Parker
5 Brian VanNest
Jr Alex Stalick
1 Tom Vaccaro
2 Charlie Jones
3 Blake Jensen
4 Aram Schlosberg
5 Ed Vanlandingham
Jr Sevak Malkhasyan
1 Roger Simpson
2 Faust Parker
3 Ron Mc Burnett
4 Gil Morris
5 Mark Troutman
1 Glen Schneider
2 Bob Hanford
3 Taron Malkhasyan
4 Colby Fedor
5 Cade Fedor
Jr Taron Malkhasyan
1 Blake Jensen
2 Ed Vanlandingham
3 Tiffany O'Dell
4 John Clapp
4 Geralyn Jones
Jr Kyle Gerspacher
1 Brian VanNest
2 Bob Sifleet
3 Jim Parker
3 Jean Pailet
5 Mike McKeever
Jr Gina Barron
1 Faust Parker
2 Jean Pailet
3 Bob Hanford
4 Gil Morris
5 Alan Abriss
Jr Taron Malkhasyan
1 Julie Parker
2 Bernie Crowe
3 John Oldenkamp
3 Aram Schlosberg
5 David Lacey
Jr Sevak Malkhasyan
1 Peter Brocks
2 Tom Ioerger
3 Dick Wood
4 Brian Furutani
Full details in up coming SEN
This is SEN, short for SouthernCaliforniaAeroTeam Electronic News. The SouthernCaliforniaAeroTeam is a model airplane club that is dedicated to FAI class free flight model airplanes and so is this electronic newsletter
It is published on a frequent but irregular basis. There is no charge for getting it. A few nice people make donations to help defray the costs. It can be read online at or you can have it emailed to you.
We welcome contributions from all our readers about all aspects of FAI free flight model airplanes. Contributions include, notices of upcoming events, results , individual items for sale, information about new product and services of interest to out readers, suggestions about rules changes, discussions or comments on new technologies. Over 1000 people read each issue and they are in about 40 countries world wide.
We do not publish picture or plans , although you can include links to them. Ideally material for inclusion should be formatted fairly simply. An article with complex formatting is more likely to get messed up when included in SEN. Results of contests should be submitted in a Microsoft Excel file.
Remember that for many of the readers English is a second language. Also it most important to exchange information so sometimes there will be errors of spelling or grammar, this is not a problem and we are more interested the ideas and information rather than how it is written.
While the main interest of SEN is FAI class free flight we publish items of information about of classes of free flight and subjects that we think will be of interest to our readers. An important aspect of FAI Free Flight is innovation and new ideas so looking at what people are doing in other branches of our hobby/sport is always a good idea. Recently some people have complained about us including reference to non FAI events, we appreciate that our hobby is very diverse so we use editorial judgment that this information is of interest to some of our readers.
Preparing SEN is a lot of work and it is made easier by us just cutting and pasting the information that you send. If you make a mistake and need to correct something be sure to resend us the entire corrected item and we will republish it in the next issue. Never just send fixes to the incorrect article and ask us to make it right, we don't know what you think is right, you have to do that. Similarly if an article you wrote got messed when included in SEN you are welcome to reformat it it more simply and we will include the re-structured piece in the next issue. If you have sent several versions of an article and you think we published the wrong one, do not ask u to publish the right one, just sent it us again.
If you are selling an item, be sure to tell people how to get in touch with you. It is a good idea to say what city and country you live in. Remember we will print the Advertizement as you write it, we are not you ad copy writer.
As a general matter of course we publish the name of the person who wrote the article. There are very few people, one less since the death of Martyn Cowley aka Biggles, when we use a nom de plume. Typically unattributed articles are written by the editorial staff.
We use a service provider to manage the server used to host our web site and mailing engine. The service provider requires that we throttle the rate that the email subscriptions are sent out to just under 200 emails an hour. This means that some people will get their SEN quite some time before others, seeing there are almost 1000 people on the mailing list. Also from time to time you email provider may think that SEN is spam this could cause SEN to be bounced and eventually automatically unsubscribed. If this happens you can go to the link at the end of the SEN mailing and re-subscribe yourself.
A number of readers have made observations about the current satellite view of Lost Hills as shown by Google Maps. If you go to Google Maps and type in Lost Hills, CA USA you will see the town of Lost Fills. It is easy to follow along Hwy 46 in a westerly direction to Holloway road and then follow this North and you will see the Holloway Gypsum works and our flying field. When you switch the view from Map to Satellite and zoom in you will see a number of vehicles and a flight line. The Satellite view shows the San Valeers Annual contest from about a year ago. Kind of appropriate as the San Valeers was the Bob Hunter's Club, Bob was the creator of the probably the best known AMA gas model the Satellite.
NFFS Membership promo
In case you missed it, the NFFS has re-started its two years for one promotion again for new members. You will receive our great publication, Free Flight Digest, 240 pages per year, in six issues dedicated to all aspects of Free Flight. Including: sport and competition, AMA, FAI, scale, indoor, electric. Non-USA members can receive the expanded digital version for the same price as the USA.
See and sign up on-line.
Wanted: Obsolete F1C.
Should be flyable. Might need recovering, should have all its parts but can be minus engine. Must be cheap. Send info to:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dick Nelson
Corrected Flyer
APRIL 12th & 13th, 2014 - LOST HILLS, CA.
(SCAMPS/SCIFS contest same weekend with SCIF CD Dan Heinrick 909 593-5789)
CANNON BALL RUN Saturday 7:00 TO 8:00 AM
RULES: Any gas model. 7 second engine run. Time to the ground. Total of 2 best flights wins!!! $3.00 entry for unlimited number of flights.
1/2A GAS
1/2A Nostalgia**
1/4A GAS(15sec VTO,12sec HL) 1/4A flyoff Sun(7:30-7:45am)
SLOW GAS* (9 Sec all flights) (Slow gas flyoff Sat at 5:30 PM)
ABC Nostalgia**
P-30 & HL Glider
Catapult Glider
Nostalgia Rubber
(all flights same day
for each entry)
1st Round at 8am, F1A 210 secs, F1B & F1C 240 secs. Flyoff begins at 4:00pm
F1G – F1H – F1J SUNDAY 8 AM TO 11:45 (5 rounds 45 minutes ea) flyoff at 1:00 pm Champagne flyoff 7:30 to 8:00 am for tie breaker (if needed after 2 fly off flights)
SATURDAY 8:00 am-1:00pm (5 1hr rounds) All flights 180 secs flyoff at1:00pm
HUNTER MEMORIAL SUNDAY MORNING(weather permitting)-Sponsored by Mike Thompson
RULES: Any gas free flight airplane. 15 second VTO, 12 second H.L. Highest single flight time (no max) Starts Sunday at sunrise with 1 hr window (start time announced). Entry fee ($1.00 per flight)
*SLOW GAS RULES: No Builder of the model rule, no auto surfaces, single bypass stock engines only (except TD’s .049&.051), 15% Nitro max,3 maxes & 1 flyoff to the ground. 9sec motor runs all flights(including flyoffs)
**NOSTALGIAper latest rulebook except motor runs which shall be 10 sec HL, 13 sec VTO for 1st 3 flights, 7 & 9 secs on all flyoff flights. Classes scored separately for National cup but awards given for 1/2A Nostalgia and ABC Nostalgia combined.
BOM RULEenforced on AMA and Nostalgia events except as noted above.
MERCHANDISE AWARDS (engines, kits, fuel, wood, $$$, etc)
***61 ABC motor RAFFLE(1 ticket for each event entered, or $3 ea, or $5 for 2, or $10 for 5)***
FAI CD: Mike Thompson (805) 522-8736 AMA/NOST CD: Ken Kaiser (714) 828-4896
AMA & Nostalgia 1ST event: $10.00, Additional events: $5.00 per event, JRS FREE,
FAI events 1st event $20 and additional events $10.
Roger Morrell