SEN 1580

Table of Contents - SEN 1580

  1. SW FAI Challenge
  2. This coming weekend - 37th California FAI Invitational
  3. Looking for USFFC Trophy
  4. 2011 Nats FF DVD
  5. LDA, Flap, Fold, Trad - so far

OCTOBER 29 & 30, 2011




this event was made possible by the GENEROUS efforts of Jill Rowland-Lagan, ceo of the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce. Please patronize Boulder City motels, restaurants and businesses and tell them why you are there.

For Classes: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1G, F1H, F1J, F1P, F1Q, P-30 and Vintage FAI Power


Saturday October 29th: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1P, and F1Q

(7) One hour rounds commencing at 8:00AM for all events

Round 1: F1A, 210 Seconds, F1B and F1C, 240 Seconds, Rounds 2-7: 180 Seconds

F1P, 180 Seconds, All Rounds

F1Q, 15 Second Motor Run, 180 Seconds, F1Q Flyoffs will use decreasing motor runs, 180 Second Maxes

Saturday Fly Offs will begin no earlier than 4:30PM

Sunday October 30th: F1G, F1H, F1J, P-30 and Vintage FA1 Power

Tie-Breaker “Espresso Fly-Off” (No Max): F1G 7:15-7:25; F1H 7:30–7:40; F1J 7:45–7:55, Vintage FAI Power 8:00-8:10

(5) 45 Minute rounds commencing at 8:30AM

F1G, F1H and F1J, 120 Seconds, All Rounds

Vintage FAI Power, 180 Seconds, All Rounds

P-30 8:00AM to 12:00PM, No Rounds, AMA Rules

Sunday Flyoffs

No earlier than 12:45PM (30 minutes after close of Round 5) flyoffs will begin. For F1G, F1H and F1J, the first flyoff round Max will be 180 seconds, the second flyoff Max, if required, will be 240 seconds and the third flyoff Max, if required, will be 300 seconds.

Vintage FAI Flyoffs will use the same engine runs, with Maxes increasing by 60 seconds starting with 240 seconds. For all events, if a winner is not determined at the conclusion of three flyoff rounds, the Espresso Flyoff times will be used to determine final placing.

***There will be NO timers provided. Please find someone to fly and time with you.***


Perpetual Trophies to winners in F1A, F1B, F1C, F1G, F1H, F1J and FIQ

Glassware 1st through 3rd place for all events, including F1P, F1Q, Vintage FAI Power, P-30 and winners of Espresso Flyoffs

Entry Fee: $30 for first event entry, $10 for each additional event entry. $10 for P-30. No entry fee for Juniors or Espresso Flyoff

Contest Director:

Bill Booth Jr. Bob Beecroft

5092 Nighthawk Way 3488 Linda Vista Terrace

Oceanside, CA 92056 Fallbrook, CA 92028

(760) 842-1079(760) 723-2499

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Directions to El Dorado Dry Lake:

On Hwy 95 approximately 7 miles south of Hwy 93. Access through the Desert Tortoise fence is on the west side of Highway 95 on the north edge of where the power lines cross the highway. The flying area is to the west, approximately in the middle of the lake bed. In the early morning, the field is approximately 35 minutes drive time from the Las Vegas “Strip”. Camping on the field is permitted.

This coming weekend ...

37th. California F.A.I. Invitational

October 8th. And 9th. 2011

FOR CLASSES: F1-A, F1-B, F1-C, F1-G, F1-H, F1-J and Nostalgia Wakefield

SATURDAY OCT. 8TH. F1-A, F1-B and F1-C

SUNDAY OCT. 9TH. F1-G, F1-H and F1-J

Nostalgia Wakefield can be flown both days, (But must finish the same day)

Flt. Duration as per NFFS Rules. 2 min, 3 min. 4 min. etc.

First Flight Duration: F1-A 210 Seconds F1-B 240 Seconds F1-C 240 Seconds

-7- One hour rounds starting at 08:00 hours

Fly-Offs will start at 4:30 PM “FIRM” as schedule
Saturday: F1-A = 4:30 to 4:40 ** F1-B = 4:45 to 4:55 ** F1-C = 5:00 to 5:10

5:15 to 5:25 “ 5:30 to 5:40 “ 5:45 to 5:55

F1-G, F1-H and F1-J Sunday October 9th. 2011

First flight ONLY, for all Mini events will TIMED TO THE GROUND

-5- flights of One hour starting at 8:00 hours

***There will be NO timers provided, please find someone to fly and time with you***

Perpetual Trophies to winners for all FAI events

Medals to 1st. place for all big FAI , Certificates for 2nd. and 3rd place

Certificates 1st through 3rd for all Mini events and Nostalgia Wakefield

Note: Per AMA directive, all competitors must have AMA Insurance

Entry Fee US $20:00 for F1-A, F1-B and F1-C

$10:00 for F1-G and F1-H and Nostalgia Wakefield

Contest Director: Juan A. Livotto, 13212 Lake St. LA, CA, 90066

Phone (310) 391-5986……..e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

AMA Sanction # 11-1308

Year 2010 Winners

F1-A: McKeever, M. F1-B: Morrell, R. F1-C: Nyhegn, H

F1-G: Saks, D. F1-H: Smith, N. F1-J: Malkhayan, T. (Jr.)

Nostalgia Wakefield: Crowe, B.

Looking for the USFFC 7 foot high trophy

Randy Secor is Doing a search for Vic Cunningham Jr.
Does anyone in the US Free Flight Community know where the USFFC 7' Trophy is..? Vic thought maybe it is with Jim Haught?
Vic wants to find and restore the Trophy, he is the one who had the trophy built and donated it .

USA Nationals 2011 DVD

Fellow Free Flighters,

I am happy to announce that the 2011 Free Flight Nats DVD is finished and available to purchase on my website..

If you did not attend the Nats here is your chance to see some of the action that you missed without having to suffer the oppressive 90+ degree heat and humidity.

You may now go back to your regular modeling activities.

Alan Abriss

Free Flight Videos now has secure internet credit card facilities.

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 My Plane of Thought is miles above!

LDA, Flap, Fold, Trad - so far

following a suggestion by Mr Rene Limberger, sportsman, late of this county - we have added second and third where known. We believe that said sportsman thinks this will show further dominance of LDA  ... F1A only?

please feel free to contribute - you can just reply to this message if you get it by e-mail

Roger Morrell