SEN 1581
- Details
- Category: Archive 2011
- Hits: 1294
- Bob Tymchek
- Gunder Future
- Outrageous October
- USA Jnr Team BarB Q
- Joe doesn't have the 7 footer, so who does?
- Neither does Mark.
- Slovenian Update... FOR SEN
- Folder/Flapper/Lower Dragger Note
Bob Tymchek
Most of you know that the popular USA F1B sportsman and 2 time team member, Bob Tymchek was due to have back surgery this summer. Bob has had the operation and is back at home from the Stanford Hospital. His recovery is on track and he is making progress. Unfortunately the recovery and physio from this kind of operation is quite long so it will be some time before Bob will be back on the field. Sue said they had hoped to be at Lost Hills this October but that is just not possible. Bob is having to stay at home so is bored. he would appreciate getting e-mails at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . If you're passing thru Nimpomo I'm sure Bob and Sue would like to see you. I know that all of Bob'sF1B "friends" want to have him back flying so we can get that all important 20/20 hindsight thermal advice.
Gunder Future
Dear Free Flight Friends,
It is with very mixed emotions that I write this to you all. For the last couple of years I have been contemplating the decision to join the Military. This decision was made much more difficult by the great opportunities that I have been granted in my life, and the amazing friendships that I have, especially in the model and full scale airplane communities. Nonetheless, I have been bitten by the need to be part of something much bigger than myself, and feel that the Military is the best combination for me to realize this. I have spent the last couple of years testing the waters of post college civilian life to see if this need would dissipate. Although I admittedly live a very privileged life, I too often find myself unsatisfied at the end of the day. It has become obvious to me throughout this time that in order for me to be satisfied, I have to fulfill my duty to serve.
I have recently been accepted into the Naval Special Warfare Officer program. Sometime in the next couple of months, I will enter Navy Officer Candidacy School in Newport, RI, where I will spend 12 weeks becoming an Officer in the US Navy. From there, I will report directly to Coronado, CA where I will spend six months in BUD/s (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL), and another 8 months in SQT (SEAL Qualification Training) with the end goal of becoming a Navy SEAL. This training is widely acknowledged to be the most grueling in the world, and has greater than an 80% failure rate. The reward, however, for completing this training is to be a member of the United States’ elite fighting force and not only work side by side with, but lead the toughest, smartest, and most dedicated men in the world. This is the part that appeals to me more than anything; the people that you get to work with. I have multiple friends who have followed down this path, and I have been given quite a bit of insight into the community that they have become part of. The quality of people, their professionalism, and their dedication are nothing short of inspiring. It is with this group that I aspire to spend the next several years of my career.
Unfortunately, along with a career like this comes serious sacrifices, and one of the largest is time for personal hobbies. It is very unlikely that I will be able to do much modeling in the next several years. This greatly saddens me, as I truly love free flight and some of my greatest memories and most cherished friendships are built around it. Although it is simply too big a part of my life for me to completely disappear from the sport, I do feel that it is smart to sell a lot of the airplanes and equipment that I have gathered. My reasoning behind this is that with the rate that technology is changing in FAI, it takes very little time for equipment to become obsolete. I would much prefer somebody to get use out of it while it is still reasonably modern. That being said, I will be following this post with a list of airplanes, support equipment, etc. that I would like to part ways with. I also plan to be at the Sierra Cup for at least one of the days in order to spend time with friends and facilitate the selling of these items.
I am very sorry to those of you that I did not tell earlier. It has been a long road to make the decision to pursue this path, and then a very long and difficult road to get accepted into the program. (The Navy selected only 20 civilian candidates from the entire country this year.) Throughout the process I purposefully remained very quiet about it, as I was unsure of the outcome until just recently. The deeper that I have gotten into the process, the more I have realized that this is absolutely the right thing for me to be doing. Although it may seem unusual for someone with my background to do, I hope that the decision will be met with support. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss further. I would be happy to hear from you. I hope to see many of you at the Sierra Cup.
Editor's note
Austin, I'm sure I speak for all your friends to wish you all the best in your new venture. We know that these decisions are not easy and that you will face many challenges but we have confidence in your mental and physical ability and work ethic to do this. We won't forget you as I'm sure you won't forget us. Remember, you are welcome back any time to see us.
Outrageous October reminder
In the last issue we reminded you about the 37th California Invitational aka Livotto
So now ...
On Monday the 10 Oct is the Danish F1E event and on Tues the Bissonette World Cup of Demark starts in earnest under the stewardship of Walt and Henning
On the Friday is the F1A of the Sierra Cup a USA World Cup event followed by F1B and C on the Saturday. If you have not sent you entry into Mike Mckeever you should have, but don't let that put you off.
Also the Jr Team Fund raiser is on Saturday, Oct 15, 2011:
The Wasco Elks Club is not available for the usual Sierra Cup Banquet so the SCAT club is turning this mis-opportunity into a fund raiser for our USA Jr team. Everyone who has entered the Sierra Cup and/or paid for a Sierra Cup banquet has already "donated" to the Jr team and are automatically invited to the Jr B-Q.
If you have not already paid for the Sierra Cup Banquet and wish to attend the B-Q, please bring 20$ (or more!) to Jim Parker, Mike McKeever or Brian & Jana VanNest next week at the field -- dead line is FRIDAY night Oct 14.
The plan is to have good evening weather, gather tables and chairs at the McKeever-VanNest encampment. We'll have extra lighting. Start time will be 6:30-7:00 depending on the flyoff. In the chance of bad weather, "To Go" packs will be provided and we'll seek RV and motel shelter.
Tri tip by McKeever
Baked potato
Dessert surprise
For extra donation: Keg beer and wine by the glass
Joe doesn't have the 7 footer, so who does ?
Is this Trophy buried at Lost Hills or Taft, or still in So. California some where? Anyone out there who was at the FF Champs in the 80's might crack this case !
Randy Secor]
Subject: Chuck Broadhurst Memorial Trophy from the USFFC
I am sending this here because I seen you were looking for the
Chuck Broadhurst Memorial Trophy on Facebook. I don't post on Facebook,
long story, sum it up by saying I don't like the way info gets
shown to the public and the fact that they are constantly changing
things in that area. There is a bit more to my reasoning, but that
is it in a nutshell.
Anyways I wanted to respond to your quest for the trophy
The short story is that I can add a bit of fact to your quest,
though I am pretty sure it is lost forever, I think the giant
7 foot trophy you seek is called the Chuck Broadhurst Memorial
Trophy. I believe I was the last one to win that trophy, it was
sometime in the early 1980's (I can let you know exactly
when later). I never took it home, being from Ohio and had
flown out there for work taking models. I had a good meet
and the regulars dropped a few key flights, etc, and I somehow
managed to win the thing. Taking it back to Ohio was just NOT
I did have some thoughts about having another
workmate whom I knew well who traveled out to SoCal monthly
and have him bring it back in sections, then send it back
the same way. This would have involved Bill Bogart as
my workmate was doing his travel to visit Bill Bogart But,
I decided before I left the field that day that this
scheme was NOT practical, and Bill Bogart did NOT take the
trophy home with him. For the record, nor did I.
I say this because there has been some rumors that I took
it back to Ohio and never returned it. Those rumors were
started by the late Jack Moreland and quite frankly were
just not true. I contacted him at the time and tried
to dispel these rumors, but in the years to come many a people
confronted me asking me to return it. This is part of my
motivation to send you this email, to let you the facts
of what did NOT happen in case you hear the rumor again
The fact that I am from Ohio as was Jim Haught also adds to
the confusion. Jim being a few years older than I won the
trophy a few years before I did, I believe at the time his
Dad either lived in SoCal or did business there a lot,
though I am not sure of this, but it does not matter in
your quest, because Jim does NOT have the trophy either.
Jim got a lot of publicity because he had his picture
taken next to the trophy with a Cincinnati T-shirt on,
so this also added to the Ohio confusion. As I have
told others who have at time sought the whereabouts of the
trophy, I believe it was taken home by someone after
whatever USFFC I won it at. I don't think that it
was left there! I do not know who that was, but it would
have involved the organizer of the meet. I also had heard
that someone tried to research this route and did not
turn up the trophy, though I do not recall who this involved.
In my estimation, it is gone forever, however I wish you
well in finding it if it still exists.
My one regret is that I did not get my picture taken next
to it like Jim Haught did
Joe Mekina
Neither does Marc
I understand that Randy Secor is looking for the USFFC Grand Champ Trophy. I won this trophy in 1984 at Taft when the USFFC were held over Memorial Day weekend. I took it back to Iowa with me where I was stationed in the Army at the time. Over the course of the year that I had it, I took it apart completely and restored it. I sanded it down, repainted it, purchased new hardware to replace the broken pieces and had the brass plate replaced with all previous winners engraved on it. This trophy looked new! As I could not attend the contest in 1985, I contacted the previous year's CD to let him know (I believe it was Joe Norcross). I got his address, took the trophy apart and mailed it to him in two boxes. Since I never heard back from him, I naturally assumed that he had received it. This all occurred, of course, before we had computers, email, etc. I don't know if this is when it disappeared or not, just thought I would pass this info to you and maybe it can lead to the recovery of this trophy.
Take Care
Marc Sisk
[Marc - thanks for the input ..]
Slovenian Update... FOR SEN
Flapper/Folder/Lower Dragger Note
We have got some more updates for our survey - please keep them coming. Because of the large amount of content in this issue we will keep the update until a later issue.
Roger Morrell
powered by phplist v 2.10.4, © tincan ltdNewport, RI, where I will spend 12 weeks becoming an Officer in the US Navy. From there, I will report directly to Coronado, CA where I will spend six months in BUD/s (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL), and another 8 months in SQT (SEAL Qualification Training) with the end goal of becoming a Navy SEAL. This training is widely acknowledged to be the most grueling in the world, and has greater than an 80% failure rate. The reward, however, for completing this training is to be a member of the United States’ elite fighting force and not only work side by side with, but lead the toughest, smartest, and most dedicated men in the world. This is the part that appeals to me more than anything; the people that you get to work with. I have multiple friends who have followed down this path, and I have been given quite a bit of insight into the community that they have become part of. The quality of people, their professionalism, and their dedication are nothing short of inspiring. It is with this group that I aspire to spend the next several years of my career.
Unfortunately, along with a career like this comes serious sacrifices, and one of the largest is time for personal hobbies. It is very unlikely that I will be able to do much modeling in the next several years. This greatly saddens me, as I truly love free flight and some of my greatest memories and most cherished friendships are built around it. Although it is simply too big a part of my life for me to completely disappear from the sport, I do feel that it is smart to sell a lot of the airplanes and equipment that I have gathered. My reasoning behind this is that with the rate that technology is changing in FAI, it takes very little time for equipment to become obsolete. I would much prefer somebody to get use out of it while it is still reasonably modern. That being said, I will be following this post with a list of airplanes, support equipment, etc. that I would like to part ways with. I also plan to be at the Sierra Cup for at least one of the days in order to spend time with friends and facilitate the selling of these items.
I am very sorry to those of you that I did not tell earlier. It has been a long road to make the decision to pursue this path, and then a very long and difficult road to get accepted into the program. (The Navy selected only 20 civilian candidates from the entire country this year.) Throughout the process I purposefully remained very quiet about it, as I was unsure of the outcome until just recently. The deeper that I have gotten into the process, the more I have realized that this is absolutely the right thing for me to be doing. Although it may seem unusual for someone with my background to do, I hope that the decision will be met with support. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss further. I would be happy to hear from you. I hope to see many of you at the Sierra Cup.
Editor's note
Austin, I'm sure I speak for all your friends to wish you all the best in your new venture. We know that these decisions are not easy and that you will face many challenges but we have confidence in your mental and physical ability and work ethic to do this. We won't forget you as I'm sure you won't forget us. Remember, you are welcome back any time to see us.
Outrageous October reminder
In the last issue we reminded you about the 37th California Invitational aka Livotto
So now ...
On Monday the 10 Oct is the Danish F1E event and on Tues the Bissonette World Cup of Demark starts in earnest under the stewardship of Walt and Henning
On the Friday is the F1A of the Sierra Cup a USA World Cup event followed by F1B and C on the Saturday. If you have not sent you entry into Mike Mckeever you should have, but don't let that put you off.
Also the Jr Team Fund raiser is on Saturday, Oct 15, 2011:
The Wasco Elks Club is not available for the usual Sierra Cup Banquet so the SCAT club is turning this mis-opportunity into a fund raiser for our USA Jr team. Everyone who has entered the Sierra Cup and/or paid for a Sierra Cup banquet has already "donated" to the Jr team and are automatically invited to the Jr B-Q.
If you have not already paid for the Sierra Cup Banquet and wish to attend the B-Q, please bring 20$ (or more!) to Jim Parker, Mike McKeever or Brian & amp; Jana VanNest next week at the field -- dead line is FRIDAY night Oct 14.
The plan is to have good evening weather, gather tables and chairs at the McKeever-VanNest encampment. We'll have extra lighting. Start time will be 6:30-7:00 depending on the flyoff. In the chance of bad weather, "To Go" packs will be provided and we'll seek RV and motel shelter.
Tri tip by McKeever
Baked potato
Dessert surprise
For extra donation: Keg beer and wine by the glass
Joe doesn't have the 7 footer, so who does ?
Is this Trophy buried at Lost Hills or Taft, or still in So. California some where? Anyone out there who was at the FF Champs in the 80's might crack this case !
Randy Secor]
Subject: Chuck Broadhurst Memorial Trophy from the USFFC
I am sending this here because I seen you were looking for the
Chuck Broadhurst Memorial Trophy on Facebook. I don't post on Facebook,
long story, sum it up by saying I don't like the way info gets
shown to the public and the fact that they are constantly changing
things in that area. There is a bit more to my reasoning, but that
is it in a nutshell.
Anyways I wanted to respond to your quest for the trophy
The short story is that I can add a bit of fact to your quest,
though I am pretty sure it is lost forever, I think the giant
7 foot trophy you seek is called the Chuck Broadhurst Memorial
Trophy. I believe I was the last one to win that trophy, it was
sometime in the early 1980's (I can let you know exactly
when later). I never took it home, being from Ohio and had
flown out there for work taking models. I had a good meet
and the regulars dropped a few key flights, etc, and I somehow
managed to win the thing. Taking it back to Ohio was just NOT
I did have some thoughts about having another
workmate whom I knew well who traveled out to SoCal monthly
and have him bring it back in sections, then send it back
the same way. This would have involved Bill Bogart as
my workmate was doing his travel to visit Bill Bogart But,
I decided before I left the field that day that this
scheme was NOT practical, and Bill Bogart did NOT take the
trophy home with him. For the record, nor did I.
I say this because there has been some rumors that I took
it back to Ohio and never returned it. Those rumors were
started by the late Jack Moreland and quite frankly were
just not true. I contacted him at the time and tried
to dispel these rumors, but in the years to come many a people
confronted me asking me to return it. This is part of my
motivation to send you this email, to let you the facts
of what did NOT happen in case you hear the rumor again
The fact that I am from Ohio as was Jim Haught also adds to
the confusion. Jim being a few years older than I won the
trophy a few years before I did, I believe at the time his
Dad either lived in SoCal or did business there a lot,
though I am not sure of this, but it does not matter in
your quest, because Jim does NOT have the trophy either.
Jim got a lot of publicity because he had his picture
taken next to the trophy with a Cincinnati T-shirt on,
so this also added to the Ohio confusion. As I have
told others who have at time sought the whereabouts of the
trophy, I believe it was taken home by someone after
whatever USFFC I won it at. I don't think that it
was left there! I do not know who that was, but it would
have involved the organizer of the meet. I also had heard
that someone tried to research this route and did not
turn up the trophy, though I do not recall who this involved.
In my estimation, it is gone forever, however I wish you
well in finding it if it still exists.
My one regret is that I did not get my picture taken next
to it like Jim Haught did
Joe Mekina
Neither does Marc
I understand that Randy Secor is looking for the USFFC Grand Champ Trophy. I won this trophy in 1984 at Taft when the USFFC were held over Memorial Day weekend. I took it back to Iowa with me where I was stationed in the Army at the time. Over the course of the year that I had it, I took it apart completely and restored it. I sanded it down, repainted it, purchased new hardware to replace the broken pieces and had the brass plate replaced with all previous winners engraved on it. This trophy looked new! As I could not attend the contest in 1985, I contacted the previous year's CD to let him know (I believe it was Joe Norcross). I got his address, took the trophy apart and mailed it to him in two boxes. Since I never heard back from him, I naturally assumed that he had received it. This all occurred, of course, before we had computers, email, etc. I don't know if this is when it disappeared or not, just thought I would pass this info to you and maybe it can lead to the recovery of this trophy.
Take Care
Marc Sisk
[Marc - thanks for the input ..]
Slovenian Update... FOR SEN
Flapper/Folder/Lower Dragger Note
We have got some more updates for our survey - please keep them coming. Because of the large amount of content in this issue we will keep the update until a later issue.
Roger Morrell