SEN 1579
- Details
- Category: Archive 2011
- Hits: 1403
- KRKA Cup Info
- Crimean Pic now on
- Babenko F1C parts at Lost Hills
- Trad, LDA, Flap, Folder survey
World cup contest KRKA CUP 2011
Organizer Aeroklub KRKA Novo mesto, Šmarješka 44, 8000 Novo mesto
Date of contest 21. October 2011 – 23. October 2011
Classes F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q
Participation competitors with valid FAI Sporting Licences
Contest area Šentjernej, SLOVENIA ( 85 km SE from Ljubljana, 18 km E from Novo mesto, 55 km W from Zagreb (CRO))
Competition Rules: Sporting code, section 4
Contest fee 30 EUR, additional category 15 EUR, at registration on the flying field on the day of the contest – 50 EUR, banquet 17 EUR
For Slovenian competitors: Vpla ilo takse v Sloveniji lahko nakažete na TRR pri Probanki 25100-9723429150 Advice: take the transfer slip with you to the registration.
Program and time schedule: Friday, 21. Oct arrival and registration at inn Pri Slavcu (Turk), Maharovec (4 km from Šentjernej towards Novo mesto, by the road) 16:00 - 20:00.
Saturday, 22. Oct - F1A contest, flying site round 1 9:00-09:55 max = 210 s round 2 10:00-10:55 max = 180 s round 3 11:00-11:55 11 round 4 12:00-12:55 11 round 5 13:00-13:55 11 round 6 14:00-14:55 11 round 7 15:00-15:55 11 fly-off 16:30-16:40 prize giving on the contest site after the competition banquet at 19:00
Sunday, 23. Oct - F1B, F1C, F1Q contest, flying site round 1 8:00-08:55 max = 240 s round 2 9:00-09:55 max = 180 s round 3 10:00-10:55 11 round 4 11:00-11:55 11 round 5 12:00-12:55 11 round 6 13:00-13:55 11 round 7 14:00-14:55 11 fly-off 15:30-15:40
prize giving on the contest site after the competition Prizes: The best three ranked competitors in each category and the best three ranked juniors in F1A will be awarded with cups.
Banquet: Is organized on Saturday, after the F1A competition, at 19:00, 5 kilometers away from the flying site, in the wineyard cottage. The map of location will be given at registration. Participation should be announced at application and confirmed at registration. 17 EUR fee includes a dinner and a half liter of wine »Cvi ek« (or some other drink). Entry applications: Should be arrived until 17. Oct. 2011:
Warning: Use of vehicles on the flying field is alowed on roads or paths. Driving on fields or meadows is not allowed. The organizer is not responsible for injuries or damages caused by models or participants. Participants should have liability insurance coverage. Anyone, who needs invitations for visa should contact us soon
See you on Krka cup 2011 World Cup Contest
Crimean Pics now on too
Babenko F1C parts available
I will be attending all three of the October contests at Lost Hill, and will have the following Babenko F1C parts available for sale.
Stabilizers (4 dm2... 62 sq inches)..... fits Verbitski stab mounts as well
Stabilizers (4.5 dm2...69.75 sq inches)
Graphite Rudders
Bunt mechanisms
Stab mounts............ same as Verbitski's
Stainless Steel/Graphite wing wires
Miniature One Way Valves for fueling
Clockwork Timers
If interested, I will be at the Days Inn Motel.
Roger Simpson
Trad/LDA/Flap/Folder survey - so far
Thansk to the people who sent in data - this is what we have so far. We want to know if the winner of the World and americas cup events was flying a LDA, flapper, folder or traditional airfoiled airplane. We aere missing data so more would ne helpful
AZ Anselmo Zeri Memorial Dutch World Cup LDA Trad Folder
MM Maxmen International LDA Trad Flap
PL 8th Philippe Lepage _ _ _
MR Mura Cup _ _ _
HL Holiday on Ice _ _ _
MV Matfors VT International _ _ _
BC Bear Cup _ _ _
IC Istanbul Free Flight Cup _ _ _
LC Lucenec Cup _ _ _
EM Embalse World Cup LDA _ _
SH Stonehenge Cup _ _ _
VS South Bohemian Cup Trad Trad _
SM 28th Srem Cup _ _ _
SC Southern Cross Cup _ _ _
AB Australian Free Flight Society Championsh _ _ _
SF Sofia Cup _ _ _
DZ 44th Memorial Dorde Zigic _ _ _
NL Naloev Cup _ _ _
AN 31st Antonov Cup _ Trad _
VJ Vörös Jenö Memorial Contest _ _ _
WS White Stork Cup - Latvia _ Trad _
HC Huron Cup _ _ _
IK Memorijal Izet Kurtalic _ _ _
BL Baltic Cup _ _ _
MG Mongolia Cup _ _ _
HA Harghita Cup _ _ _
PT 34th Poitou Trad Trad _
SL Salonta Cup LDA _ _
SU Summer Cup _ _ _
ZM Zmiev Cup _ _ _
CC Canada Cup _ _ _
MS 47th Mostar Cup LDA _ _
ER Europe Coupe Revival / 28. Ikarus Cup LDA Trad _
KZ Kietrz Cup _ _ _
CL 5th Trofeo Citta di Capannori Trad _ _
ED Dadalus Cup of Switzerland LDA Trad _
EF 42nd Eifel Pokal Trad Trad _
MK Memorial Mikhail Knyazev 19 _ _
SA Siscia Cup 36 _ _
SE Swedish Cup 38 _ _
DK Nordic Cup of Denmark Trad _ _
LA Free Flight Holiday - Latvia _ _ _
BS 5th Black Sea Cup - Estonia _ LDA _
LU Free Flight Holiday - Lithuania _ _ _
BU Bulgaria Cup _ _ _
Equinox Cup Trad _ _
Anatolian Free Flight Cup _ _ _
Prilep Cup _ _ _
Bissonette Cup of Denmark _ _ _
Sierra Cup _ _ _
Krka Cup _ _ _
Eurofly _ _ _
Australian Free Flight Society part 2 _ _ _
Americas Cup _ _ _
_ _
SWR Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ _ Trad _
_ _ _
_ _ _
SCAT SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA _ _ _
SCTX Spring Cup- Seguin TX _ _ _
NCAL NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA _ _ _
Hcup Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN _ _ _
SkC Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY _ _ _
McL McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL _ _ _
IFAI Intercity FAI Muncie, IN _ _ _
MMM MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO _ _ _
SkA Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY _ _ _
HC Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada _ _ _
USOC US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN _ Trad Flap -Gil Morris
FFF FAI FF Fest. Munci, IN _ _ _
O&W Orville and Wilbur, Wawayanda NY Trad Trad _
NWFF NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR _ _ _
NW 2 NW FAI Challenge Tanget, OR _ _ _
CC Canadian Cup, Camp Borden _ _ _
TCC Texas Cloud Climbers, Haslet, TX _ _ _
DC Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO _ _ _
GGG Great Grap Gathering, Geneseo, NY _ Trad _
CFAI Calif. FAI Invit.L.H. CA _ _ _
BAl Big Al, Lost Hills, CA _ _ _
Scup Sierra Cup- , CA _ _ _
SWC S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV _ _ _
ACTX Autumn Cup USAF Aux Field- Seguin, TX _ _ _
ESFFC Eastern States FF Champs. MD _ _ _
PC Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA _ _ _
AZC Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ _ _ _
KOI King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL _ _ _
Roger Morr