SEN 1358<
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- Category: Archive 2009
- Hits: 1531
Table of Contents SEN 1358
- SCAT No-Moto Flapping clarification
- SWR coming up soon
- Motorized L* for the Americas Cup Contests
- Looking for a medalion 049 crank
SCAT No-Moto Flapping Clarification
SEN 1357, stated from our recent club meeting minutes: "We believe that the Team Selection committee penalty is: a zero time for the round and if a non flyer, they are kicked off the field. We will verify for inclusion in the club rules."
The actual TSC rule for the 2010 Finals is: "The use of a motorized vehicle to attempt to influence the flight of a model is considered to be a safety hazard, and therefore prohibited. Finalists who violate this rule will be disqualified from the finals and forfeit all fees paid. Any non competitor violating this rule will be asked to leave the field."
So for SCAT contests, Finalist = Competitors and finals = SCAT contests, SCAT Annual, Sierra Cup and Patterson. This will be included in future SCAT contest bulletins.
While a minority of the SCAT membership including myself strongly disagree with the rule and the justification for passing this Finals rule, SCAT will enforce the rule at the 2010 Finals and at SCAT contests for the reason stated in SEN 1357, "SCAT's stated objective in participating in international competitions, including the World Championships, we believe we need to align with the Team Selection committee's decision to better prepare our members for such events." SCAT does not imply directly or indirect any directions to other clubs or CDs on this matter. Should AMA or FAI pass a no-moto flap rule, then per the existing Am Cups, as with all other existing rules, AmCup contests are expected to comply.
Jim Parker
SCAT president
SWR coming up soon
Motorized Lofting in America’s Cup Contests?
The Team Selection Committee out ruled motorcycle lofting at the Finals on safely grounds. If the lofting is done by a contestant, their score will be annulled, and if by a non-contestant, they would be asked to leave the field. In either case the flier is not penalized, as motorized lofting can be done against their wishes for tactical reasons.
Besides the safety grounds, motorized lofting is an unfair, giving advantage to local or well known fliers – particularly at Lost Hills, were 45 motor cycles are stored near by. The size of the Lost Hills property is another issue, as it is difficult to enforce any behavior on adjacent properties. Other sites are owned by public bodies and having any serious accident would terminate the use of the field. The fact that no serious motorized accident had occurred is due to having good luck (so far).
Who is supposed to observe motorized lofting? It might be missed by the timer(s) who are concentrating on following the model in the air. Others standing on the launch line are in better vintage to observe what is happening underneath and fliers returning on foot are acutely aware of a speeding motorcycles charging a low flying model in their vicinity. When motorized lofting is reported, the rider should have the opportunity to protest the ruling, as marginal cases could be interpreted either way. (For example, following a low flying model over the final portion of their flight.)
The fact that motorized lofting is absent as part of the FAI sporting code is due to the scant usage of motorcycle at European flying sites. It’s difficult enough to transport models and equipment to international contest by air, let alone bring a motor cycle along. And just imagine trying to rent a motor cycle and a car that could transport it in a foreign country. But in the States we have figured how to either store motorcycles near flying sites or log them around. So we need local rules restricting their usage to retrieval.
The Scat club is doing the right thing out ruling motorized lofting at their three Lost Hills contests. The same should apply, in my opinion,to FAI contests and this could be achieved by a suitable American Cup stipulation; just like the requirement that an American Cup contests comprise of at least five 2-minute maxes (that does not appear in the FAI sporting code). It’s much easier to out rule motorized lofting this way than going through the AMA.
an editorial comment
My understanding is that the TSC has stated that if a a sportsman has his/her model flapped by someone on a motor vehicle then that person is disqualified. There is not mention if the person is participating party or not. I assume that the TSC may wish to clarify this before the event.
I have a personal concern that another sportsman would ride or walk to close to my model when it was gliding and upset the glide causing the mode to stall, who gets DQ'd then?
In accordance with our general competition rules any sportsman who believes that there is a rules infraction can always pay the required free and lodge a protest. The CD, event director and jury may also observe if the contest is being conducted properly. I have enough difficulty seeing the model when timing and what's happening on the ground is generally out of the timekeeper who uses binoculars field of view.
And what's with this lofting stuff - that's a drafting or is it draughting term, I do not believe it's even a "FAI speak" word, flapping is the generally accepted term - for the artifical creation of a thermal or the inducing the thermal to break loose by some form of human intervention.
Looking for a Medalion 049 Crank
I'm looking for a Medallion .049 crankshaft. If anyone has one he'd let go, call me 530-400-3562. Whole junk engine OK too. I know it ain't exactly FAI stuff, but I'm trying to help a friend.
Merry Christmas and Happy (all maxes) New Year.
ThxDoug Galbreath
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