SEN 1357<
- Details
- Category: Archive 2009
- Hits: 1412
Table of Contents SEN 1357
- Rubber at the Maxmen
- Stonehenge 2010
- No moto flapping at SCAT contests
Rubber at the MaxMen
If you would like rubber please e-mail me your order as soon as possible and we will have it shipped to Lost Hills. Note: The deadline for orders for Lost Hills is Jan 22, 2010. To insure delivery at M/M please send your request as soon as possible.
we currently have 11/09 1/16” and 1/8” TSS. Keep in mind that all 1/16” is stripped by FAI Model Supply in house and that takes time. The latest test of 11/09 finds that, as all other 09 rubber, it is very good. We will most likely also have a new shipment by mid January.
Please be advised that we can ship 10 pound boxes or factory boxes of approximately 12.5 pounds each to Lost Hills. To insure delivery dates, factory boxes will speed up our shipment. For this shipment only, we will offer a $10.00 discount on factory boxes to Lost Hills for Max Men 2010.
It's that time of year again to remind you that the Stonehenge Cup will be running again next year on the 15th/16th of May on Salisbury Plain.
I've attached some information about the event and the details of the Restricted Technology Classes that will be run at the same competition (Glider,Rubber and Power)
On behalf of the organising team may I wish you Merry Christmas and good luck in the new year
Paul Seeley
The Stonehenge Cup 2010
The 2010 Stonehenge Cup will be held on 15/16th May, at Salisbury Plain.
This World Cup event is for classes F1A, F1B, F1C, F1P and F1Q and there will be additional lower tech. Classes, details in the appendix.
The flying site is situated off the B 390, between Shrewton, and Chitterne (See maps). For those unfamiliar with the site, it is a large area of rolling grassland, normally used by the Army, for training purposes. Retrieval is normally by foot, but under certain wind directions, a mountain bike can be used to advantage on tracks which cross the area.
The event site is in a holiday area and there are well appointed camp-sites and hostelries within reasonable distance. Please see attached list
Due to the location, the logistics involved and the lack of paved roadways we are unableto provide on field catering.
All competitors will receive a Stonehenge mug, and sticker. Additional mugs and stickers will be available at a small charge.
Competitors information packs with details of pole positions, round times etc., will be available from Contest Control.
As a registered World Cup Championship event the relevant sections of the FAI Sporting Code will be followed.
The organisers reserve the right to vary the programme if unforeseen circumstances should arise.
World Cup competitors must hold a valid FAI licence. Competitors in the Restricted Tech. classes must have either BMFA membership or an FAI licence.
Programme: Saturday 15 May
F1B, F1C/F1P + Restricted Tech B & C - 5 rounds plus fly offs.
Sunday 16 May
F1A, F1Q + RestrictedTech A - 5 rounds plus fly offs.
09.00 hrs. Start, subject to weather conditions.
Entry Fees: World Cup events
33 Euro / £27 for 1 class, and 6 Euro / £5 per additional class.
Juniors (under 18 on 31/12/09) 6 Euro / £5 per class.
Lower-Tech events
Seniors 6 Euro/£5 per class, Juniors free
Entry Forms: To arrive no later than 17th April. Late entries will incur a 50% surcharge, and field entries will be double.
Prizes: Prizes for World Cup entrants will be awarded down to 5th place of those entrants regardless of the Restricted Tech. positions. Prizes (as detailed above) for the RestrictedTech. classes will be awarded to those who finish in the top five overall. The prize giving will take place at Contest Control on Sunday evening.
Timekeepers: We will aim to have at least one official timekeeper per pole, but more than 1 person per pole can fly at any given time if another flyer is available to time.
Volunteer official timekeepers will receive a Stonehenge mug, sticker and a bottle of wine.
Your help with this will be much appreciated.
Saturday Dinner: Dinner has been arranged from 8.30p.m. on 15th May at ‘The Plume of …………………….Feathers’, Shrewton at a cost of £12 per head
For entry forms please contact as follows:
Chris Chapman
Easter Cottage
Beacon Hill View
Corton Denham
Dorset DT9 4LS
E Mail Paul Seeley: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
No Moto flapping at SCAT contests
[Extract from SCAT club meeting Minutes -
We discussed our club position regarding motoflapping at our contests. The discussion spanned from that of unsportsman like, to un-fair advantage to safety concerns. Jim stated the facts do not support the safety justification (no injuries by moto flappers, but plenty of motorcycle chasing accidents, we should therefore out-law motorcycle chasing all togather). If unfair advantage is the rational, lets put a maximum launch running speed to "level the flying field". So after this lively discussion the simple idea was formed.
Because moto flapping is no longer permitted at the Team selection finals and we are a FAI club with a stated objective in particpating in international competitions, including the World Championships, we believe we need to align with the Team Selection committe's decision to better prepare our members for such events. A motion was made & the vote passed.
We believe that the Team Selection commitee penalty is : its a zero time for the round and if a non flyer, they are kicked off the field. We will verify for inclusion in the club rules. Note that seeing this is a departure from offical FAI rules it needed to be specified in the contest flyer.
Separately the situation was discussed with the LH association, who informed us that there will be NO unilateral LH Association rule against motoflapping, as it would just be another unenforceable rule to define what is & what isn't a no-no moto. [sounds like it is another one of those things that "I know when I see it", probably why it has not been included in the FAI rules!]
Roger Morrell