SEN 1328<
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- Category: Archive 2009
- Hits: 1389
Table of Contents - SEN 1328
- Tangent Results
- SEN 1326
- USA Junior Team Status
1 MCKEEVER, MIKE 180 180 180 120 120 780
ZINK, DON 180 180 180 120 120 780
SMITH, NORM 180 180 180 120 120 780
HINES, LEE 180 180 180 120 120 780
5 DAVIS, JOHN 180 180 180 115 120 775
6 PARKER, JIM 180 180 154 120 120 754
7 BRUN, PIERRE 180 180 80 68 120 628
1 JENSEN, BLAKE 159 180 180 120 120 759
2 BATIUK, GEORGE 180 151 180 120 120 751
3 BELFIELD, MARK 114 180 153 120 120 687
4 EMERY, JACK 180 97 180 91 120 668
1 MCBURNETT, RON 180 180 180 120 120 780
2 CARROLL, ED 180 180 18 dnf dnf 378
1 O'DELL, TIFFANY 120 120 120 120 120 600 221 821
2 BELFIELD, MARK 120 120 120 120 120 600 154 754
3 BATIUK, GEORGE 120 68 dnf dnf dnf 188
4 ULM, ALLEN 120 dnf dnf dnf dnf 120
1 MCKEEVER, MIKE 120 120 120 120 120 600 191 791
2 PARKER, JIM 120 120 120 120 120 600 109 709
3 DAVIS, JOHN 80 67 120 120 118 505
4 SMITH, NORM 120 120 0 120 120 480
1 ROBERT, MIKE dnf dnf dnf dnf dnf 0
2 CARROLL, ED dnf dnf dnf dnf dnf 0
3 PARSONS, DAVE dnf dnf dnf dnf dnf 0
1 POLLARD, FRANK 120 120 dnf dnf dnf 240
August 22 & 23, 2009
Well the contest has come and gone. As usual we had a beautiful field to fly in. The weather was somewhat challenging.
The Mini’s went very well with a cool and grey sky that burned off about 1 pm and temps were in the low to mid 80’s. On Sunday the competition started very well for the first two rounds but the breeze picked up and forced us to drop the flying time to 120 seconds. By round 5 the thermal’s were so strong that we decided to call the contest off after the 5th round by majority rule. The drift was between 1.5 and 2 miles -- very tricky retrieving down-wind, field’s with bushes and trees and plowed furrows- some we were probably not suppose to be on.
Thank you to all the flyers who took the time to come to the contest in Beautiful Oregon
And a BIG Thank You to Blake Jensen and Tiffany O’Dell for a fine job in preparing the certificates.
Very Truly Yours
Pierre Brun
Can't read SEN 1326
I got a number of complaints about people not being able to read portions of SEN 1326 - Firstly all feed back is welcome so do not stop doing that... But
Sometimes I make a mistake and send soemthing missing text etc. But the more likley cause as was the case was that the text contained something that caused the complainer's browser to hid the text. In fact in all cases when the person replied to me saying they could not read the etxt, it was present in the reply and I could read it with the mail program I use on the SEN account , Thunderbird.
Most times I clean up the text, typically created by Word or Outlook but this time I didn't and typically will not do so. and I won't send it to you individually unless you a diamond subscriber, and no one is even a broze subscriber, except for one anonynous gentleman in Denmark.
So go and read it online and if you can't do it there proably for the same reason, get the PDF version online by clicking the button on the top left.
2010 Jr. Team selection Newsletter Number 3
August 2009
The Jr Finals at the 2009 Nats is complete. A fine group of young flyers demonstrated their flying skills in a wide variety of conditions. Our many thanks to Bill Shailor who was the CD and Paul Crowley as the Head Jurist for the first day of the Jr Finals. Also equal thanks for the timers who gave up their practice time to help the Juniors. We also wish to thank Art Ellis who has supported the USA Jr FF program for many years of service on the Jr Team Selection Subcommittee. Art resigned his Jr TSC position but will continue to be the key mentor for Jrs in the Wilbur and Orville club and in the Eastern USA. Paul Crowley has graciously accepted Art’s position for the remainder of this program.
Below are the standings for the Jr flyers competing for the USA Jr. F1A, F1B, and F1P teams to compete at the Junior FAI Free Flight World Championships scheduled for the summer of 2010 in Romania. Please note that these are not the final team selections, as the remainder of this letter will explain.
Miles Johnson 1041 + 1200 = 2241
Oliver Cai 1081 +1147 = 2227
Logan Tetrick 949 +1152 = 2101
Michelle Barron 1013 + 968 = 1981
Timothy Barron 897 + 964 = 1861
Joey Farmer 680 + 994 = 1674
Julie Barron 605 + 889 = 1494
75% of 2241 + 1681
Sevak Malkhasyan 984 + 900 = 1884
Brede Doerner 949 + 900 = 1849
Brian Pacelli 994 + 840 = 1834
75% of 1884 = 1413
Chinmay Jaju 1080 + 817 = 1897
Brian Pacelli 996 + 845 = 1841
Ryan Seymour 617 + 672 = 1289
Taron Malkhasyan 0 + 790 = 790
75% of 1897 = 1423
The remainder of the team selection process is described in the Jr Team Selection program which can be found on the NFFs web site. Two key sections are repeated here.
3.1 Qualification To qualify for the 2010 Jr team, the flyer must score a minimum of 75% (flyoff time not counted) of the winning Jr Finals time for his/her event.
In addition, the Jr must accumulate 75 minutes in their respective event at any AMA contest sanctioned for the Jr’s event(s). -----
The 75 minute qualification will be retroactively scored after program entry per Section1.0. The Jr must fly at two contests after the Jr Finals but before the end of the program (see section 3.2), even if they have already achieved the 75 minute qualification time.
The first point to make about this section is the need for the flyers in contention for a team spot to fly and complete the 75 minutes qualification time. Note the Jr Finals / NATs scores do not count toward the qualification time. The qualification time period ends at the conclusion of the 2009-2010 King Orange contest.
The second item from Section 3.1 is that the second and third team spots need 75% of the winning time.
At the 2009 Jr Finals, the top 5 flyers in F1A, all three F1B flyers, and the top 2 flyers in F1P achieved the 75% winning time requirement. This means that for F1P, there remains one open team spot. How this spot may be filled will be explained later.
The next important section describes other aspects of the team selection process.
3.5 Official team designations.
The top three junior flyers will be required to complete the AMA team membership agreement form, which will be sent from AMA. The final announcement of the Junior Team will then be made for the 2010 Junior World Championships. ------
Competitors will be chosen for the Junior Team in only one event. If a junior qualifies in more than one event, he/she will notify the selection committee of their preference by the end of the Nats.
Brian Pacelli placed in the top 3 in both F1B and F1P. He has chosen F1P as his event of choice. Because there were only three flyers in the F1B 2009 Jr Finals, there is now an open position in F1B. The open F1B and F1P positions may be filled as explained in the remainder of Section 3.5.
The JrTSC will also maintain the authority to place late entrants in open* Junior Team positions, but is not obligated to fill an open team position. Application for an open* team position must be submitted in writing or email to the JrTSC chairman by Jan 15, 2010**. The Jr must enter, (per Section 1.0) and provide contest performance information as an attachment to Form A. If more than one application is received, the JrTSC will use the following criteria to make a selection: the provided contest performance information; other contest performance information; verbal and written references from other free flight flyers; the number of future JrTSPs the applicant is eligible for. The applicant must fulfill the Qualification requirement per Section 3.1. (75 minutes)
* The released JrTS program states “uncontested” and will be corrected at the next revision.
** The released JrTS program states April 30, 2009 which is incorrect and will be corrected at the next revision
It is important for the two F1P flyers, Ryan Seymour and Taron Malkhasyan, who did not make the 75% of the winning time to submit an application for the open F1P spot. It is recommended that they fly as many contests as possible and submit the strongest contest records as possible. Also note that Juniors that did not fly at the Jr Finals can apply for an open position on the F1B and/or the F1P team. Brian Pacelli may also apply for the open F1B spot.
Jr Team Selection Subcommittee
Gearge Batiuk
Jim Parker
Paul Crowley
Roger Morrell