SEN 1280<
- Details
- Category: Archive 2009
- Hits: 2058
- SCAT stuff
- Pan Am Champs is moving right along
- Flying high is in the works
SCAT Stuff
This year is the 50th birthday of the Southern California Aero Team - that's us and a bunch of Scatsters have scanned the classic Scatter newsletters from the 60s with the Classic Cusick graphics plus other great stuff starting with info on the founding of the club in 59 - Founders Hartill, Hutchinson, Peterson, Wiehle, Krecek, Sykora, Trego, Patterson. President: Bill Hartill - so make sure you'e at the Am Cup Banquet at Lost Hills..
Pan Am Champs Moving right along
The Squire of Taft, the international FAI gadabout, fat airfoil tester and bon vivant, Peter Allnutt reports that already entries have been recieved from 15 countries, plus some extra teams and including F1A World Champ and World Cup winner. You can enter on the field but see below ..Those of who are astute in FAI affaires will realize that the said F1A champ is neither Pan nor American so this event is open to all in sundry. A great opportunity to see the top sportsmen and latest technolgy. Be sure to see how the Scottish team have pushed thing way beyond the edge or what was thought possible with the flying haggis - for F1E of course - Basque shepherds watch out.
Seeing Peter is a Luddite and has now replaced Bob White as the only person I'll take verbal input for SEN - you can call him on +1 661 763 5039
For the non Luddite you can find the entry on the web site under contest calendar and recalling critical info it is on
Thursday,Feb 12, 2009; Lost Hills, California
which is between the Ike and Maxmen so everyone or is anyone will be at Lost Hills thenCONTACT INFORMATION:
Contest Director:
Ron Felix
P.O. Box 74, Solebury, PA 18963.
TEL: 215-297-8712,
FAX: 215-297-9980,
E-mailThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Individual Entries should be received with check payable to Ron Felix by January 29, 2009. Entry of teams may be done up until Wednesday, February 11th. Non-USA competitors may advise of entry before January 29th, but must pay no later than February 11th.
Flying High is in the works
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear friends.
I wonder if it is possible to print some of this in SEN (etc), and spread the word about my forth coming autobiography.
Aeromodeling and Jazz (And an appeal)
from Peter King
A while ago I was interviewed about my interest in Free Fight in the Internationally read online US Jazz Magazine ("Point Of Departure").
The interview can be viewed at:
There were a few places where my answers lost some accuracy in the editing, but this is a rare case of a substantial discussion about Free Flight appearing in a widely read Jazz magazine and has hopefully raised the profile of our wonderful hobby a little.
For jazz lovers out there, the home page of the "Point Of Departure" site is at: .
Another reason for pointing Free Fight modelers to this interview is because my autobiography, Flying High, [A Jazz Life and Beyond ], is to be released in the fall of 2009 and I have included quite a lot about model flying in the draft text.
My editor has retained quite a good portion of this in the book, but has also made substantial cuts which I am trying to get re-instated, maybe as an appendix. The book is wide ranging and covers not only my 50 years as a musician in the fields of both jazz and classical music, but also my passion for Free Flight, Aerodynamics and also "Formula One" Motor racing. Initial reaction has been very positive. Benny Golson, the great American Jazz saxophonist and renowned composer has already contributed a glowing foreword to the book, and such eminent people as film director Mike Figgis, have given us wonderfully positive quotes for the advance publicity.
I hope the book will appeal to a wider range of readers than just the usual small Jazz fraternity and the more interest I can generate among modellers, the better chance I have of getting more about our hobby into the final edit. This not only helps to sell more copies but can hopefully raise the profile of Free Flight a little too.
I know many of my Free Flight friends around the word are interested in jazz and any positive feed back I get from the FF community in general will help to convince my publisher to include even more about our great hobby (sport).
Appeal for Help
If anyone is interested in this book or would like to help me get even more about Free Flight (or even motor racing) in it, please email me or write to SEN, so I can show the publisher how much interest there is out there among the world's Free Fight community etc. Any help I can get will be much appreciated and can only lead to a wider appreciation of Free Flight among those who so far know very little about it. Below is a PDF File of the cover of the book.
Sincerely and with thanks in advance
Peter King
Roger Morrell<