SEN 1279 - 22 Jan 2009<
- Details
- Category: Archive 2009
- Hits: 1996
Hartill's Book
Hartill's Book Available
Talon Article
SCAT Annual
America's Cup 009 Results
A World Cup and America’s Cup Event
DATE: Feb. 13 – 16, 2009
PLACE: Bissonette Mirage Field, Lost Hills, Ca. USA
SCHEDULE: - F1A Friday, Feb. 13th (7 rounds on Friday the 13th)
- F1B, C and P Sat., Feb 14th (7 rounds on Valentines Day)
7 rds each day, starting at 8 am, 1 hourrds
1st. round extended max per rules
- F1G, H, J and Q Sunday, Feb. 15th
5 rds., 1 hour each starting at 9 am.
- Reserve day, Feb. 16th.
SPECIAL NOTES: -FAI Sporting License is mandatory for all competitors flying F1A, B, C
- US competitors can mail entry form, with fees, to CD (email entries from US flyers will not be accepted)
- Non US competitors may email entry and pay upon arrival
- All non-AMA competitors must pay $28 AMA Affiliation fee
- Entries are considered late if not received by Feb. 8, 2009
- Fees are double for late entries
COST: F1G, H, J, P and Q $10 / event
F1A, B and C $25 / event
CONTACT: George Batiuk
2221 King St. #2, San Luis Obispo, Ca. 93401 USA
Ph, 805-546-8231 Fax 805-546-0700
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (NEW)
LOCAL MOTELS: Lost Hills Motel 6 661-797-2346
Lost Hills Days Inn 661-797-2371
DATE: Feb. 14, 2009
PLACE: Wasco Elks
PROGRAM: Dinner and America’s Cup Awards presentation
COST: $22.00 for adults, $12.00 for Juniors
CITY, STATE, ZIP_______________________________________________________________
FAI LICENSE NUMBER_________________________________________________________
F1A ($25) ______________________________
F1B ($25) ______________________________
F1C ($25) ______________________________
F1P ($10) ______________________________
F1Q ($10) ______________________________
F1G ($10) ______________________________
F1H ($10) ______________________________
F1J ($10) ______________________________
BANQUET ($22) ______________________________
BANQUET under 17 ($12) _______________________________
2221 KING ST. #2,
Bill Hartill's Book
From Vin Morgan
Hello SEN,
I would like to say that I bought my copy of Bill’s ‘World Free Flight Review’ in 1981. I found it informative and inspirational. I felt its descriptions of models, contests and travel provided a global view of all the best things about free flight.
Vin Morgan
Hartill's Book Orders
Some people have written to SEN to order BIll's book. They should go to Peter Brocks at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as Peter said in his article. I was not able to forward on all the requests so please resend to Peter.
Talon Article
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger!
I read the Free Flight Quarterly with the article on Reid Simpson's Talon. It brought back many memories. The '59 Nats was my first nats and where relationships with flyers that has lasted these many year. I still have a Jasco Talon kit. The box has pretty much fallen apart but the contents are still in tact. Hi to Reid and "thanks for the memories".
Jim Trego
March 14 & 15, 2009 at Lost Hills Field, CA
AMERICAS CUP & NATIONAL CUP Contest Sanction No. 09-xxx
For FAI Classes A,B,C,G,H,J,P & Q Trophies for 1st places, Medals thru 3rd
Saturday, March 14: F1A, F1B, F1C & F1P
Seven 0ecea00972e8a8a178e055fcf0fd4b23 one hour rounds start @ 8AM with extended max times:
F1A rd 1 max is 210 sec
F1B rd 1 max is 240 sec
F1C rd 1 max is 300 sec
F1P rd 1 max is 210 sec [note: 7 sec max eng run per '08 FAI rule]
Remaining rounds maxes are 180 sec. ABC Flyoff Schedule TBA
Sunday, March 15: F1G, F1H, F1J [Note: 5 sec motor run rule] & F1Q
Note: F1Q added for AM Cup points purposes. No award. $3 fee.
F1Q Rules: 5 rounds, 20sec motor run, 3 minute max.
Tie-breaker 'No-Max Flight'! H & Q @ 8:00-8:10AM, then G & J @ 8:15-8:25.
Then five 2007-12-18 13:15:58 45 minute rds will be flown: 120 sec maxes, starting @ 8:30AM.
Rd 5 should end by 12:15PM. Mini Event Flyoffs to begin approx 12:30PM.
FO maxes start @ 240, then go up 2 min, etc.
If ties remain @ 2:30PM, Tie-breaker times decide final placings.
National Cup Events, Trophies for 1st places
Saturday: Hand Launch Glider & Nostalgia Wakefield 8AM-4PM
Sunday: Catapult Glider, Classic Towline Glider & Vintage FAI Power 8AM-4PM
Entry Fees: FAI first event, $20 Open, $5 ea for additional FAI events.
National Cup events and Juniors, $10 for first event, $3 additional events.
Junior Hi-Time Trophy.
All-In Fee of $30 to fly any & every event you want!
Memberships in AMA & Lost Hills Field Assn are MANDATORY.
We will be glad to sign you up at field for either one.
Contest Director Contest Organizer
Lee Hines Jim Parker
376 Magnolia St 9534 Ruffner Ave
Costa Mesa, CA 92627 North Hills, CA 91343
[949]645-4850 [818]892-4110
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REV 01-12-09
2008 AmCup Conclusion
Turn-out to the KO was low but this historic last contest of the year did make for two first place changes in the 2008 AmCup season. It is an easy story to tell for F1A, F1C, E and F1P in that no flyers showed up so the 2008 winners are Rene Limberger (F1A), Don Chessons (F1C), Peter Brocks (F1E) and Cody Secor (F1P). Jean Pailet flew F1H and F1J, winning H which hopped him over is buddy Bob Sifleet into third but without the needed bonus points to take the AmCup lead from Mike McKeever-- F1H winner. Tom Kerr won F1J but there was no serious challenge to Faust Parker's AmCup F1J first place. Jim Bradley beat Eddie Vanlandingham and moved up to into fifth knocking Dick Wood off the podium when Blake Jensen accepts his first place AmCup F1B awards. However, Eddie won F1G at KO and the AmCup knocking Tiffany Odell out of her long held first place position in F1G. Wrapping up the year was Dan Berry coming from behind, winning KO F1Q for his fourth win and capturing AmCup F1Q first place position. Results become final at the end of Jan so let me know of any corrections.
South Regional in Eloy AZ is just 2 weeks away and the start of the 2009 AmCup and the Hartill Trophy competition. We have already received several $50 Hartill Trophy entry fees, the cut off date for this two year, seven of sixteen contest competition July 4 2009.
A recent SEN had the2009 MaxMen entry from which includes the SCAT AmCup Banquet entry form. The banquet is on Feb 14, 2009, Valentine’s Day, and so as in the past all ladies will get a red rose. We have been preparing for our SCAT 50 year anniversary celebration with special edition SCATTER theme T-shirt and will have"1961-1965 SCATTERs-- The Founder's Years" CD's for sell. As I have been scanning the SCATTER originals, I've been amazed at the content and all the more appreciative of the work that Bill Hartill, Ken Sykora and Craig Cusick and the rest of the early SCAT members did producing this volume of work with typewriter, drafting pencils and mimeograph technology. Don Hutchinson is coming in from Texas, and we hope Bill Hartill Jr will be able to make it as well. This will be a banquet you do not want to miss. The new location at the Elk's lodge provides plenty of room so make your plans to come.
Congratulation to our 2008 AmCup winner's. The first place winners please write "AmCup winner" on the banquet form for your complementary banquet dinner. Also remember that sports coat and tie is the standard for the first place winners at the banquet. 2007 winners, please shine up the trophies and make arrangement to get them to the banquet. Off to Eloy Az for the shart to the 2009 season!
Thermals, JIM <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>