SEN 1282<

Table of Contents - SEN 1282

  1. Looking for F1A Bits
  2. Maxmen Entry form
  3. 4 Blades for sale
  4. Bob Gutai
  5. SWR Results

Looking for F1A bits

From:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



I am looking for some old F1A wings, stabs, etc that I can buy when I am visiting the Bay area in mid-Feb to early-March 2009. The parts can be old style all-wood, or modern composite construction. Low weight is a priority. I am limited in how much I can spend, so older, used items are fine. I can be reached prior to the sale for discussion.



Lawrence KS

785 979 1116


A World Cup and America’s Cup Event
            Feb. 13 – 16, 2009
PLACE:                        Bissonette Mirage Field, Lost Hills, Ca. USA
SCHEDULE:                - F1A   Friday, Feb. 13th (7 rounds on Friday the 13th)
- F1B, C and P Sat., Feb 14th (7 rounds on Valentines Day)
                                                7 rds each day, starting at 8 am, 1 hourrds
                                                1st. round extended max per rules
                                    - F1G, H, J and Q Sunday, Feb. 15th
                                                5 rds., 1 hour each starting at 9 am.
                                    - Reserve day, Feb. 16th.
SPECIAL NOTES:       -FAI Sporting License is mandatory for all competitors flying F1A, B, C
- US competitors can mail entry form, with fees, to CD (email entries from US flyers will not be accepted)
- Non US competitors may email entry and pay upon arrival
- All non-AMA competitors must pay $28 AMA Affiliation fee
- Entries are considered late if not received by Feb. 8, 2009
- Fees are double for late entries
COST:                          F1G, H, J, P and Q                   $10 / event
                                    F1A, B and C                          $25 / event
CONTACT:                  George Batiuk
                                    2221 King St. #2, San Luis Obispo, Ca. 93401 USA
                                    Ph, 805-546-8231 Fax 805-546-0700
                                    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it (NEW)
LOCAL MOTELS:        Lost Hills Motel 6      661-797-2346
                                    Lost Hills Days Inn    661-797-2371
DATE:                         Feb. 14, 2009
PLACE:                        Wasco Elks
PROGRAM:                 Dinner and America’s Cup Awards presentation
COST:                          $22.00 for adults, $12.00 for Juniors
CITY, STATE, ZIP_______________________________________________________________
FAI LICENSE NUMBER_________________________________________________________
            F1A ($25)                                       ______________________________
            F1B ($25)                                       ______________________________
            F1C ($25)                                        ______________________________
            F1P ($10)                                        ______________________________
            F1Q ($10)                                       ______________________________
            F1G ($10)                                       ______________________________
            F1H ($10)                                       ______________________________
            F1J ($10)                                         ______________________________
            BANQUET ($22)                           ______________________________
            BANQUET under 17 ($12)       _______________________________
                                                2221 KING ST. #2,
                                                SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA. 93401

4 Blades 4 Sale
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hi Roger--Could you put a note in the next SEN for me: I have for sale two sets of Babenko 4-blade F1C props with adapters to fit Hummers. I will have them with me at the Isaacson/PanAm/Maxmen. thanks, Dick

Bob Gutai Condition, 1-31-09 AM:
Bob Gutai is currently the hospital as a result of complication that developed after hernia surgery earlier this week.  He is out of Intensive Care and into a closely watch care unit.  Bob condition was very serious after his surgery but as of this morning when I spoke with Marie he is doing much better.  He is alert and talking but he could be in the hospital for several more days or weeks.
Currently he is not able to receive phone calls at the hospital.  If you would like to send him a card his home mailing address is below and Marie will take the cards with her to the hospital.  Please keep Bob in your thought as he needs all the support he can get at this time.
Bob Gutai
1302 N. 23 St.
Allentown, PA 18104 
Jim Bradley   

2009 FAI Southwest Regionals Model Airplane Championships


The weather for the 2 days of FAI flying at the 59th SWR was pretty nice with blue and sunny Arizona skies. On Saturday, Jan. 17, it started out a cool 40°F with winds at 8mph but then dropping to 4mph. It then warmed up to 74°F with the wind speed increasing again in the afternoon. Sunday morning was a bit warmer with 42°F heating up to 78°F and nearly calm until 11 AM.


We had a total of 52 sportsmen signed up for the 8 FAI events. They were from  AZ, CA, CO, CT, KS, LA, MI, NV, OH, OK, OR, PA, TX, WA and Great Britain (3) and Bosnia-Herzegovina. F1A, F1B, F1C/P were decided on Saturday. Jim Parker was the only one in F1A to do the 5 min. in the 5-man fly-off and repeated his win of the December Arizona Champs. Blake Jensen, the 2008 F1B America’s Cup winner, also repeated his December win by coming out ahead in the 5-man F1B fly-off. Paul Crowley launching in the F1B fly-off was not so lucky. As he jumped on his retrieval bike he inadvertently hit the RDT button which brought his Wakefield down in 27 seconds. In F1C/P Ed Carroll was the only one to get all 7 maxes to win this combined event. In F1Q, the electric event, we had 7 people (Julie Faust and 6 guys) flying. The max. motor run was 25 sec. but all used 20 seconds. After 7 rounds we had 3 with all maxes.. The F1Q fly-off was the last on Saturday with a 10 sec. motor run. Bernie Crowe was the only one to achieve the 180 seconds and won like in December. We had 4 FAI Juniors flying. Miles Johnson from Connecticut, the F1A winner last year at Las Vegas, was the highest score Junior and was 2nd overall in F1A.


On Sunday we flew F1G, F1H and F1J. In F1J we had only 3 flying. Faust Parker was the only one to max-out to again win the “Bear” as he did in 2008. After 5 rounds in F1G there were still 6 flyers (Tiffaney O’Dell and 5 guys) all clean and also in F1H 5 sportsmen were maxed-out. At the end of the last round it had become really windy and some dust was blowing – and big thermals were still about. We waited and then decided to have the F1G and F1H fly-offs at the MaxMen Sunday in Lost Hills.


A big thank you to all participants and to Elmer Nelson, Mike Bower, Tom Gaylor and my wife Brigitte who all made this contest a memorable event.

Peter Brocks, CD   

        F1A                  1   2   3   4   5   6   71st F/     Total
1       Jim Parker         180 180 180 180 180 180 180   300  1560
2       Miles Johnson      180 180 180 180 180 180 180   273  1533
3       Dave Oldfield      180 180 180 180 180 180 180   209  1469
4       Mike McKeever      180 180 180 180 180 180 180   197  1457
5       Dallas Parker      180 180 180 180 180 180 180   175  1435
6       Brian Van Nest     180 180 175 180 180 180 180        1255
7       Ken Bauer          180 180 180 180 180 180 163        1243
8       Norm Smith         180 180 160 166 180 180 180        1226
9       Pierre Brun        180 180 180 180 180 180 141        1221
10      Enes Pecenkovic  B 167 180 121  97 180 180 180        1105
11      Billy Farmer       DNF  DN DNF 180 180 180 180         720
12      Peter Brocks       180 180 147  70  84  42 DNF         703
13      Lee Hines          180 180  35   0 DNF 140 126         661
14      Joey Farmer        DNF DNF DNF 180 104 180 180         644
15      Jim Farmer         DNF DNF DNF 116 180 180  73         549
16      Taron Malkhasyan   DNF DNF 180 180 DNF DNF DNF         360
17      Don Zink           129  22 DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF         151

        F1B                  1   2   3   4   5   6   71st F/     Total
1       Blake Jensen       180 180 180 180 180 180 180   271  1531
2       George Batiuk      180 180 180 180 180 180 180   203  1463
3       Bob Piserchio      180 180 180 180 180 180 180   188  1448
4       Rich Rohrke        180 180 180 180 180 180 180   166  1426
5       Paul Crowley       180 180 180 180 180 180 180    27  1287
6       Gene Jensen        180 180 180 180 180 163 180        1243
7       Roger Morrell      161 180 180 180 180 180 180        1241
8       Mike Woodhouse GBR 180 180 180 180 180 180 151        1231
9       John Clapp         180 127 124 180 180 180 180        1151
10      Allen Ulm          180 180 141  33 180 157 101         972
11      Sevak Malkhasyan   DNF 180   0 180 180 180 180         900
12      Elmer Nelson       180 180 173 180 134 DNF DNF         847
13      Charlie Jones      180 180 177 DNF DNF DNF DNF         537
14      Pete Reinhart      180 123  86  49 DNF DNF DNF         438
15      Thomas Ioerger       3 DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF           3

        F1C/P                1   2   3   4   5   6   71st F/    Total
1       Ed Carroll         180 180 180 180 180 180 180        1260
2       Don Chesson        180 180 166 180 180 180 180        1246
3       Faust Parker       180 180 180 180 180 180 122        1202
3       Lynn Pulley        122 180 180 180 180 180 180        1202
5       Bob Hanford        180 180 180 168 110 DNF DNF         818
6       John Bailey  GBR F 180 180 180  12 DNF DNF DNF         552
7       Dick Mathis        180 180 180   0 DNF DNF DNF         540

        F1Q                  1   2   3   4   5   6   71st F/     Total
1       Bernie Crowe       180 180 180 180 180 180 180   180  1440
2       Mike Roseberry     180 180 180 180 180 180 180   168  1428
3       Frank Pollard      180 180 180 180 180 180 180   116  1376
4       Mike Pykelny       180 180 179 180 180 180 180        1259
5       John Oldenkamp     180 180 180 180 175 177 180        1252
6       Larry Bagalini     180 180 180 180 180 180 167        1247
7       Julie Parker       103 180 180 146 180 180  20         989

        F1G                  1   2   3   4   5 F/O               Total
1       Tiffaney O'Dell    120 120 120 120 120                 600
1       Larry Bagalini     120 120 120 120 120                 600
1       George Batiuk      120 120 120 120 120                 600
1       Peter Brocks       120 120 120 120 120                 600
1       Paul Crowley       120 120 120 120 120                 600
1       Thomas Ioerger     120 120 120 120 120                 600
7       Charlie Jones      120 120 120 120 112                 592
8       Jerry Murphy        98 120 106 120 120                 564
9       John Clapp         120  47 120 120 120                 527
9       Peter Reinhart     120 120  47 120 120                 527
11      Mike Pykelny       105  63  95 120  40                 423
12      Elmer Nelson       120 120 120   0 DNF                 360
13      Jim O'Reilly       120  93 DNF DNF DNF                 213

        F1H                  1   2   3   4   5 F/O               Total
1       Lee Hines          120 120 120 120 120                 600
1    & nbsp;  Mike McKeever      120 120 120 120 120                 600
1       Dave Oldfield      120 120 120 120 120                 600
1       Norm Smith         120 120 120 120 120                 600
1       Brian Van Nest     120 120 120 120 120                 600
6       Dallas Parker      120 120 120 120 116                 596
7       Jim Parker           0 DNF 120 120  79                 319

        F1J                  1   2   3   4   5                   Total
1       Faust Parker       120 120 120 120 120                 600
2       John Bailey        106 120 120 120 120                 586
3       Ed Carroll          13 DNF DNF DNF DNF                  13

Roger Morrell
