SEN 1181 - 7 Feb 2008
- Details
- Category: Archive 2008
- Hits: 1292
- Maxmen reminder
- SCAT Annual Flyer Corrected
- SEN address changes
DATE: Feb. 15 - 18, 2008PLACE: Bissonette Mirage Field, Lost Hills, Ca. USA SCHEDULE: F1A Feb. 15 (7 rounds) F1B, C, P Feb. 16th (7 rounds) 7 rds. each day, starting at 8:00 am 1 hour rounds 1st round extended max per rules F1 G, H, J, Q Friday, Feb. 17th 5 rds., 45 mins each, starting at 11:00 am Reserve day Feb.18thSPECIAL NOTES: *FAI SPORTING LICENSE IS MANDATORY FOR ALL COMPETITORS FLYING F1A, B AND C *U S competitors can mail entry form, with fees, to CD (email entries from US flyers will not be accepted) *Non U S flyers may email entry form & pay upon arrival *All non AMA flyers must pay $28 AMA affliation fee *Entries are considered late if not received by Feb. 10th *Fees is double for late entries *Current Sporting Code will applyCOST: F1G, H, J, Q & P $10.00/event F1A, B & C $25.00/eventCONTACT: GEORGE BATIUK 2221 King St. #2, San Luis Obispo, Ca. 93401 USA Ph. 805-546-8231 FAX 805-546-0700 Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.LOCAL MOTELS: Lost Hills Motel 6 661-797-2346 Lost Hills Day Inn 661-797-2371 AMERICA’S CUP BANQUET DATE: Feb. 16thPLACE: TO BE ANNOUNCEDPROGRAM: Dinner and America’s cup award presentationCOST: TO BE ANNOUNCED
2008 BOB WHITE MAXMEN ENTRY FORM NAME_________________________________________ ADRESS_______________________________________ CITY,STATE,ZIP_________________________________ COUNTRY______________________________________ I WISH TO ENTER: F1A ($25)______________ F1B ($25)______________ F1C ($25)______________ F1P ($10)______________ F1G ($10)______________ F1H ($10)______________ F1J ($10)_______________ F1Q ($10)_______________ BANQUET ($25)_____________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED___________________ IMPORTANT NOTICE, READ CAREFULLY. JUNIORS FLY FREE!!!!!!! FLYERS FROM COUNTRIES OTHER THAN THE UNITED STATES MAY PAY ON THE FIELD. ALL OTHERS MUST PAY BY FEB. 10, 2008, OR FEE FOR ENTRY IN EVENTS IS DOUBLE. PLEASE SEND TO: GEORGE BATIUK 2221 KING ST. #2 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA. 93401
March 15 & 16, 2008
Lost Hills Field, CA
AMERICAS CUP & NATIONAL CUP Contest & nbsp; Sanction No. 08-376
For FAI Classes A,B,C,G,H,J &P
Trophies for 1st places, Medals thru 3rd
Saturday, March 15: F1A, F1B, F1C & F1P
Seven one hour rounds start @ 8AM with extended max times:
F1A rd 1 max is 210 sec
F1B rd 1 max is 240 sec
F1C rd 1 max is 300 sec
F1P rd 1 max is 180 sec [note: 7 sec max eng run per '08 FAI rule]
Remaining rounds maxes are 180 sec
ABC Flyoff Schedule TBA
Sunday, March 16: F1G, F1H, F1J [Note: 5 sec motor run rule]
Tie-breaker 'No-Max Flight'! H @ 7:30-7:40AM, then G & J @ 7:45-7:55.
Then five [5] 45 minute rds will be flown with 120 sec maxes, beginning @ 8AM.
Rd 5 should end by 11:45AM. Mini Event Flyoffs to begin @ approx 12:30PM.
FO maxes start @ 240, then go up 2 min, etc.
If winners are not determined by 2PM, Tie-breaker times decide final placings.
National Cup Events
Trophies for 1st places
Saturday: Hand Launch Glider & Nostalgia Wakefield 8AM to 4PM
Sunday: Catapult Glider, Classic Towline Glider & Vintage FAI Power 8AM to 4PM
Entry Fees: FAI first event, $20 Open, $5 ea for additional FAI events.
National Cup events and Juniors, $10 for first event, $3 additional events.
Junior Hi-Time Trophy.
All-In Fee of $30 to fly any & every event you want!
Memberships in AMA & Lost Hills Field Assn are MANDATORY.
We will be glad to sign you up at field for either one.
Contest Director Contest Organizer
Lee Hines Jim Parker
376 Magnolia St 9534 Ruffner Ave
Costa Mesa, CA 92627 North Hills, CA 91343
[949]645-4850 [818]892-4110
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SEN address Changes
I get a number of e-mails like the one below .. One of the reasons for changing the way we send out SEN was to give you some form of self service capability. On the bottom of SEN there are 3 links to let you subscribe, unsubscribe and change your details. I know that some people may have problems with those links but there are quite a number who have made it work with not problem. Let me know if you are having some difficulty so I can fix it. Do this your self will get it done quicker.
Did you get my email with our new email -- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Hope you did because I love reading them. Phil
----- Original Message ----- From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 2:07 AM
Subject: SEN 1177 - 28 Jan 2008
Roger Morrell