SEN 1180 - 5 Feb 2008
- Details
- Category: Archive 2008
- Hits: 2008
Table of Contents - SEN 1180
- Detroit balsa Bugs
- SCAT Annual
Detroit Balsa Bugs
59th Annual Inter-City Meet
AMA Field – Muncie, Indiana
FAI Qualifier F1A, F1B and F1C Combined
(JSO Combined) Nostalgia Wakefield (2-3-4 min. max)
(JSO Combined) F1A. F1B, F1C, F1P
3 min. max., weather permitting
(JSO Combined) ¼ A - ½ A Nostalgia (Combined)
A/B and C/D Classic Power (Combined)
Catapult Glider
5 – 1 ½ hour rounds, ½ hr. overlap starting at 8:00 a.m.
2 min. max., weather permitting
½ A Classic Power
· $20.00 for Large FAI events, $10.00 for Small, $10.00 for each additional FAI event.
· $10.00 for AMA and Nostalgia, includes first event. Additional events at $3.00 each. Junior/Senior flat entry fee of $3.00 includes one or all events.
· $30.00 max covers all events.
· Valid AMA License required.
· Trophies awarded to Third Place in all FAI events. For AMA and Nos. events, glassware for first, Certificates for second and third place. Scored as all separate events for National Cup points.
· With combined gas events, ¼ A, ½ A, A, B and C Nos. and Classic Power modelers can fly one or all for National Cup Points, the single highest time will determine placing. National Cup scoring kept for each event, even if combined. All scores will be kept separate.
· All official flights must be made between 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. FAI flyoffs will start as soon as practicable. All persons in the flyoff MUST provide timers for pool in order to fly.
· AMA/Nos. flights and flyoffs will be flown in accordance with Cat. III rules.
· Scores must be posted after each flight. Flights not posted will be voided.
· F1C flyers are to provide their own fuel.
· FAI Events run per CIAM and America’s Cup Rules. AMA/NFFS events will be run per AMA/NFFS rules.
· Teams of two in F1A, B & C will receive additional team awards. Teams must be identified before the start of the first round. Those not registering will be randomly assigned
· On Friday, the 16th, we will hold a qualifying FAI Meet. F1A, B and C combined. No awards, no rounds, two minute max., no entry fee, but fliers must be entered in the contest.
· Max flights may be adjusted so as to minimize off-site landings.
· Contest Director: Paul Crowley, 32604 Tecla, Warren, MI 48093 586-294-1236
· Assistant C.D.: Bill Shailor, 2317 Clawson, Royal Oak, MI 48073
Address: __________________________ City: ________________________ State ________ Zip: __________
Phone: (______) ____________________ D/O/B: (J,S Only)______________ AMA No: __________________
Circle the events you wish to enter:
F1A F1G ¼ A Nos ½ A Nos. Moffet A,B,C Nos.
Large: __________ x $20.00 = ___________
First Event……………………………………$10.00
Additional - ___________ x $3.00 = ____________
-OR- $30.00 Max covers all Senior and Open events.
$3.00 Flat Junior Fee, includes all events.
Please make checks payable to the Detroit Balsa Bugs, Inc. Return entry fee and this form to Bill Shailor, 2317 Clawson, Royal Oak, MI 48073.
All persons entering in advance will be entered in a raffle with the prize being awarded on Saturday.
Lost Hills Field, CA
AMERICAS CUP & NATIONAL CUP Contest Sanction No. 08-376
For FAI Classes A,B,C,G,H,J &P
Trophies for 1st places, Medals thru 3rd
Saturday, March 15: F1A, F1B, F1C & F1P
Seven [7] one hour rounds start @ 8AM with extended max times:
F1A rd 1 max is 210 sec
F1B rd 1 max is 240 sec
F1C rd 1 max is 300 sec
F1P rd 1 max is 180 sec [note: 7 sec max eng run per '08 FAI rule]
Remaining rounds maxes are 180 sec
ABC Flyoff Schedule TBA
Sunday, March 16: F1G, F1H, F1J [Note: 5 sec motor run rule]
Tie-breaker 'No-Max Flight'! H @ 7:30-7:40AM, then G & J @ 7:45-7:55.
Then five [5] 45 minute rds will be flown with 120 sec maxes, beginning @ 8AM.
Rd 5 should end by 11:45AM. Mini Event Flyoffs to begin @ approx 12:30PM.
FO maxes start @ 240, then go up 2 min, etc.
If winners are not determined by 2PM, Tie-breaker times decide final placings.
National Cup Events
Trophies for 1st places
Saturday: Hand Launch Glider & Nostalgia Wakefield 8AM to 4PM
Sunday: Catapult Glider & Classic Towline Glider 8AM to 4PM
Entry Fees: FAI first event, $20 Open, $5 ea for additional FAI events.
National Cup events and Juniors, $10 for first event, $3 additional events.
Junior Hi-Time Trophy.
All-In Fee of $30 to fly any & every event you want!
Memberships in AMA & Lost Hills Field Assn are MANDATORY.
We will be glad to sign you up at field for either one.
Contest Director Contest Organizer
376 Magnolia St 9534 Ruffner Ave
Costa Mesa, CA 92627 North Hills, CA 91343
Roger Morrell