SEN 1182 - 15 Feb 2008
- Details
- Category: Archive 2008
- Hits: 1325
- NFFS Sympo Call for Papers
- Stonehenge 2008
Model aircraft have evolved for the past centuries. First there were basic gliders, then elastic bands, ignition motors, glow engines, new construction methods, adhesive and finishing materials, you name it. Now with the technological boom at hand we free-flighters need to embrace those new technologies and they will lead us to changes we can only imagine.
Technological research papers on new discoveries are published every day and once a year we capture some of them as they pertain to our hobby in the NFFS Symposium.
We have 40 years of Sympo under our belt and have seen this fledgling hobby go through some wonderful changes. We kick of another 40 years with this upcoming issue and one lingering question remains…what will free flight look like in the future? What can we look forward to in the evolution of models, events and even rules?
If we all get our minds together, we will not only see some great technical presentations, but perhaps we will get a preview of the future!
With that them mind, now is your chance to put your imagination to work and submit a topic you wish to pursue for inclusion into the 2008 NFFS Symposium. If similar topics are received, we will make an effort to put those authors together for a collaborative article.
Because of the deadlines involved with going to press and such, the order of business has to be as follows:
Submit your article title and/or idea, preferably with an outline of your topic and what your article will be about as soon as possible to:
6994 So. Prescott St., Littleton, CO 80120
Please do not delay because if we are to have a timely publication schedule, rough draft of text will need to be submitted by the first of April 2008 for review.
The preferable format would be electronic in Microsoft Word format. Email is a wonderful method of contacting me.
Stonehenge Cup
You are invited to the Stonehenge Cup 2008 World Cup event and below is a link to the information and entry forms. I am sending this information to all those who gave me their E Mail or home addresses last year but please pass it on to any others you know who may be interested in attending.
Following requests last year we have arranged this year for a good venue where we can all get together during the Saturday evening. This is the Bustard Inn about 2 miles out of Shrewton where we will have the use of their function room and bar. There is plenty of parking space and meals will be available for those who order in advance. The beer is good too. I hope that as many of you as possible will support this evening and take the opportunity to meet up with friends away from the flying field.
Peter Williams
Get the full details at
Roger Morrell