SEN issue 1150 - 5 Nov 2007
- Details
- Category: Archive 2007
- Hits: 1452
- Mail.RU Users
- 2008 NZ World Cup Events Entry Form
- Shorter Endless October and 2008 Sierra Cup
- Bernie's Rubber
- Curiosity Prompts a Query
MAIL.RU users
This popular Russian mail service had recently blocked SEN Traffic. We have contacted them and hopefully this is now opened up again
2008 NZ World Cup Events Entry Form
(2008 World Cup Events)
Sunday 30th March – Sunday 6th April 2008
Killermont Vegas Flying Site, Omarama, New Zealand
Address: _____________________________________________________________
Country Representing: __________________________________________________
FAI Registration and or Licence number: eg NZL378/03am08___________________
Kotuku Cup Events Omarama Cup Events
F1A Glider $40.00 F1A Glider $40.00
F1C Power $40.00 F1C Power $40.00
Note : Only $40 per contest for F1A,Bor C or for multiple Class entry eg F1A and F1C
F1G $10.00 Mini Combined (F1G,H,J,P.30) $10.00
F1H $10.00 (please circle model type)
P.30 $10.00 Kiwi Power $5.00
Discus Launch Glider $5.00 Discus Launch Glider $5.00
Hand Launch Glider $5.00 Hand Launch Glider $5.00
Catapult Launch Glider $5.00 Catapult Launch Glider $5.00
Sizes SM, M, L, XL, XXL ($35.00 each)
Price $27.00 each
Send payment in $ NZ with Completed form before February29th 2008 to : Robert Wallace
956 Riverslea Road South, Hastings, New Zealand
Cheques or Money Order should be made out to : NZMAA Free Flight Technical Committee
Kotuku Cup Organiser/CD: Robert Wallace, 956 Riverslea Road, South, Hastings, New Zealand.
Omarama Cup Organiser/CD: Chris Murphy, Flat 5/ 126 Bishop Street, St Albans, Christchurch New Zealand. PH 0064 3 3743384 , FAX 0064 3 3743394, email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Photocopies of entry form are OK. Overseas Visitors may arrange payment on arrival but must send completed entry form prior to February 29th 2008 confirming attendance.
AND there will be a new Trophy for the second Trans Pacific Team ChallengeShorter Endless October 2008 Sierra Cup
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sun Oct 5 Livotto's
Tues Oct 7 Sierra Cup Open
Wed Oct 8 Sierra Cup Minis
Sat Oct 11 Finals, F1A-C
Sun Oct 12 Finals, F1C-B
Mon Oct 13 Finals, F1B-A (Columbus Day)
Tues Oct 14 Finals reserve day
Jim Parker SCAT president
and for those visitors with excess end of year vacation/holidays to burn or just plain retired, it's rumoured that the "Vegas" contest will be the following weekend. For those who have not flown on El Dorado dry lake it's a great site with a very large flat open space and certainly different from Lost Hills.
Bernie's Rubber
From:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Bernie, Why only UK fliers on that Tan II? Did I miss somthing? I would like a shot at it. Ed Mate
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Has anyone worked on converting a portable GPS into a model recovery unit? Just thought it would be very good in visualizing and finding where our models go. Just a thought. I don't know if this is possible. That way we could have voice turn by turn tracking?
Curiosity prompts a query...
From: Lee Hines
Roger Morrell