SEN 905 - 4 Oct 2004
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- Category: Archive 2004
- Hits: 1483
SCAT Electronic News 4 October issue 905
Table of contents
F1B and 30 gram motors - Pudney
Southwest FAI Challenge - Booth, Beecroft and Steinmetz
WCh. 2005 Embalse - Iele
Pls help us find Oleg Stoev
Looking for that sleeping Hummer - Dukie
National Cup Announcement - Help Ban Silly Rules ! - Biggles
We count the seconds .. the rest is up to you
Still looking 4 Aram
F1B and 30 gram motors
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
As a long time Wakefield flyer of average talent I find it really sad to see
the performance of modern F1Bs with 30 grams of FAI Super Sport. This is
certainly not a shot at John Clapp and FAI Supply, if anything its a
compliment to him. The problem is, as I see it that the FAI reduced the
allowable motor weight to 30 grams as a kneejerk attempt to reduce flyoff
numbers by reducing the models performance. The superb performance was
achieved by the wonderful rubber then available ....FAI Tan 2. This rubber
was readily available, remarkably consistant and most significantly, far
more powerful than what had gone before (Tan 1, Black/Grey FAI, Pirelli
The situation now is that we have Tan Super Sport, which appears to have
similar performance to the old FAI Black (or grey) rubber, with a reasonable
burst but a very pronounced knee in the power delivery curve. This makes a
modern wakefield look very sad. I'm sure that the top flyers can get an
acceptable performance from Super Sport, but it seems to me that maintaining
the 30 gram motor allowance has widened the chasm between the handful of
experts and the rest of us. Clearly this is because the experts can wind a
30 gram motor to 99% more reliably than the rest of us. Please don't say
that the rest should get better, practice more, buy new models etc that is
not the answer. All that maintaining the motor weight at 30 grams will do
and I believe already is doing, is to cause a lot of "the rest" to simply
stop flying F1B. The models are not as spectacular, and don't get the
adrenalin flowing as much. It has been mentioned before that F1B now has a
lower power to weight ratio than F1G. Why would anyone who is less than
totally dedicated spend hundreds of hours designing and building, or
thousands of Dollars buying, a model which doesn't go very well??
Surely this is neither a sustainable or desirable situation?
I am convinced that the time has come for rubber weight to be increased back
to 40 grams. The airframe weight could stay as it is at 200 grams, this
would restore some performance, make the models more interesting and
exciting to fly, and most importantly stop the decline in flyers by reducing
the gap between experts and the rest. I am aware that all over the world
there are people with hoarded stocks of FAI Tan 2, but that situation won't
last forever, by the time any change takes place the stocks will be greatly
reduced and I believe that now is the time to do something.
Or should I just shut up and play tiddlywinks?
Bill Pudney
Adelaide, Australia
as a pseudo journalist I would never tell you shut up .. or play tiddley
As an obervation I believe that Super sport is getting better - I think
that my airplane that will do over 6 minutes in the morning at Lost Hills on T2
will do 5 with super sport. But this is in ideal conditons with "the layer".
Many people with Tan 2 are flying SS during the rounds and using T2
for the First and flyoff rounds. At a recent Lost Hills contest
Alex A flew a 9 min fly off round with what he claimed
was jan 2003 SS. Now Alex is thruthful and serious guy but after seeing the
model go up the assembled multitude suspected that it Bob Tymchek talking
rather than Alex.
But secretly they are looking for Jan 2003 SS - just in case !
On a more serious note maybe John Clapp would like to publish the offical
SS performance numbers ? or some else the un offical numbers ?
Until I got my latest airplane going there was no way I could anywhere
near 5 mins on SS - so this makes it very discouraging for the long
early morning round.
Comments ?
Southwest FAI Challenge
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The contest name is very accurate. This contest always seems to be a
challenge to organize.
With apologies to John Malkin and all others who have already made
reservations, the dates for the Southwest FAI Challenge in Las Vegas have
been moved a week to October 30 and 31, 2004. Boulder City had apparently
already issued use permits for a very large R/C Scale Fly-In for our
original dates (October 23 & 24). The R/C folks and the City were very
gracious and had no problem with us sharing the lake-bed, but we decided the
potential conflict with their 500 participants and 2,000 spectators was not
worth the risk.
So we will carry on as follows:
Southwest FAI Challenge, an Americas Cup Event
Sponsored by the San Diego Orbiteers
October 30 and 31, 2004
For Classes: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1G, F1H, F1J (plus P-30 and Gollywock)
Saturday October 30th: F1A, F1B, F1C and P-30
(7) One hour rounds commencing at 8:00AM
F1A, First Flight 210 Seconds, F1B and F1C, First Flight 240 Seconds
P-30 8:00AM to 4:00PM, No Rounds
Saturday Fly Offs will start at 4:30PM
Sunday October 31st: F1G, F1H, F1J and Gollywock
(5) One-hour rounds commencing at 8:00AM
First Flight for the 3 events will be 180 Seconds
Gollywock 8:00AM to 2:30PM, No Rounds
Fly-Offs will start shortly after the 5th round
***There will be NO timers provided. Please find someone to fly and time
with you.***
Perpetual Trophies to winners in F1A, F1B, F1C, F1G, F1H and FIJ
Glassware 1st through 3rd place for all events, including P-30 & Gollywock
Entry Fee: $20 for first F1 event entry, $10 for each additional F1 event
Gollywock and P-30 $5
Contest Information:
Bill Booth Jr.
4242 Via Clemente
Oceanside, CA 92057
(760) 757-7677
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bob Beecroft
3488 Linda Vista Terrace
Fallbrook, CA 92028
(760) 723-2499
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Harry Steinmetz
3518 Union Street
San Diego, CA 92103
(619) 296-5735
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Directions to El Dorado Dry Lake:
Go 5 miles south of Hwy 93 on Hwy 95. The flying area is to the west, on
southern part of lake bed.
Las Vegas, Boulder City and Henderson have many motels. Camping on the
field is permitted.
Don't forget the time change Saturday night!
WCh. 2005 Embalse
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In the site
you will find all the info about our next World Championship.
Best Regards
Daniel Iele
Pls help us find Oleg Stoev
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am having some problems reaching a F1A seller.
Part of this message was removed because it describes business discussion
between Oleg and Ofer. - It is SEN's policy not to refer to in
business discussions between readers.
I would suggest however that Oleg should get in touch with Ofer.
[end snip]
Ofer Ben- Noon
Looking for that sleeping Hummer
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am almost at the end of the current production of Hummers. At this time I
am asking for people who have bought Hummers and have not used them, and are
interested in selling them, to contact me and I will buy them back.
Doug Galbreath
National Cup Announcement - Help Ban Silly Rules !
Martyn Cowley
* For SEN:
In case you haven't heard yet, NFFS is rumored to be planning long
overdue rule changes for next season's National Cup events, that will
bring all of the events flown into conformity. In future, Power
flyers will be allotted only 15 seconds to start their engines and
launch, otherwise that's an attempt. Similarly, Rubber flyers will
get only 15 seconds to wind their Rubber motors, put on the prop and
launch, otherwise it's a no flight. All modelers should understand
the urgent need for this important standardization, as a way of
leveling the flying field with those fleet footed Glider flyers who
under the present rules currently only get 15 seconds to tow up and
release - otherwise it's an Over RUN !
[also heard that HLG guys could onlt take 15 steps ...]
We count the seconds .. the rest is up to you
In an annoucement of shaneless "self" promotion - Magic [Red/Black/Smart...]
t-shirts with the above message or with
Fly Magic ... Fly on time
are available for $10 where ever you can find the Nimbus 3000
on the field.
Still looking 4 Aram
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Its still bouncing. I need to contact you re sympo 2005.
Michael J. Woodhouse
Editor NFFS Sympo 2005
Roger Morrell