SEN 779- Feb 11 2003
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- Category: Archive 2003
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News and Reports 2003
SCAT Electronic News 11 February 2003 issue 779
Table of Contents
SEN Junior Program - Biggles
Comment on Jr. program - Biggles
NFFS Nat cup glider proposals from Bob Mattes - Biggles
Isaccson Winter Classic Report
F1P Again.... - Lorbiecki
Juniors - Kaynes
CIAM lead up - Tracy
Keith Hoover - Mate
Covering with Icarex - Ball
Revised Final 2002 America's Cup
SEN Junior Program
From: Biggles
* Your insightful and perceptive analysis of my FAI Junior Program
concept, helped me clarify my own thoughts on the matter. You are
quite correct in identifying the two goals as being "an international
program for attracting juniors" and "the concept of the Junior World
(and European) Champs". After further consideration I realize that
combining these two goals is exactly what I am proposing. The FAI
Junior European / World Champs program, based on the existing
"Senior" FAI classes, has been in operation now for over 15 years and
has proven to be an absolute failure. So much so that the FAI
decided to force through an "Urgent" rule change for F1P. There is
no indication that it is turning around. F1J was no more popular
than F1C. In fact the opposite appears true. I personally think
the FAI Mini events as they have evolved, are also now far too
difficult to attract Juniors (most current Seniors can barely master
such events, and most cannot even build a state-of-the-art model for
themselves, myself included. Look at the number of participants !).
There is no point in building a simple Mini model, Junior or Senior,
only to be blown away by others using World class factory models in
the same event. Almost all of the current Junior participants are
the children of very active and dedicated FAI modelling families, who
are also very limited in numbers. Virtually no Juniors "outside" of
this Free Flight Family have been attracted to the event during this
15 year period.
I do not believe we have the resources for the two separate Junior
programs that you imply, ie a Junior Junior introduction class, and
an Expert Junior Championship event, and we already know the later
currently has no appeal in it's present format. I do know that for a
Junior to succeed he must attempt something within his limited
capability to succeed, and therefore my suggestions are to devise the
simplest event possible. There is no reason that such a class of
models would not also form the basis for competition amongst those
who achieve some level of competency within this age group. By
having the same event be a contest class, I believe this will provide
both an achievable goal and produce Junior peer role models to
motivate other Juniors. I do not believe the technical complexity of
a sport has anything to do with it's acceptance by the public.
Perhaps just the opposite. Consider as an example the simplicity of
Football - there is a ball and the feet, that is all, and it is the
World's most popular sport ! Yet the "sport" of aeromodels offers
even more in the way of educational benefits if only we can pitch
this idea in the right places. Please think about it some more and
generate some new ideas.
Comment on Jr. program
From: Biggles
* You make some very good points about the need for wider publicity,
both outside the modeling community and even within our own ranks
from the 99% of R/C flyers who don't know F/F exists either ! So
therefore the question arises, what solutions do we have for changing
this situation ? What ideas do you have for starting to promote a
Junior F/F program ? What other organizations can we enlist, such as
schools, boy scouts etc, who are actually looking for worthwhile
activities for their membership ? It seems that the Science Olympiad
has been hugely successful as a model for similar programs that might
include outdoor F/F ? Perhaps someone involved with the SO
organization could publish a report on how they went about this and
quantify the results so far ? Give it some more thought and let's
see what we can come up with ?
NFFS Nat cup glider proposals from Bob Mattes
From: Biggles
Thanks for taking up the baton on behalf of glider flyers, to expand
the participation in the National Cup. My suggestions which you
quote in part, which were originally made at the end of the 2000
contest season, in an attempt to bring the National Glider Cup into
line with Rubber and Power, now need some explanation to help put
them in context today. Currently we have a National Cup for Gliders
without towlines ! That's rather like having a Power class for
engines without fuel, or a Rubber class for models without rubber !
The goal is surely to help encourage non-FAI towline glider events
for those who wish to participate in the National Cup, with less
investment and dedication than has now becomes a prerequisite for the
World Class FAI events. What is not needed is to formulate anymore
glider rules or glider events. Nobody is going to start building
"special" glider models for such a class, especially when they
already have gliders they cannot presently use ! And certainly let
us not use different wording than the standard tried and tested rules
that are already published in rule books. For example, trying to
redefine such parameters as "elasticity", "attempt", "unofficial
flight", or "line tangles" is both unnecessary and will only lead to
even more confusion and disillusionment ! Furthermore, there is
certainly no need to attempt to amalgamate the different and diverse
proposed glider events into one "mean" glider class. Nobody has
proposed we amalgamate 1/2A gas and Super D, or P-30 and Mulvihill.
These events co-exist and have different attractions. You will never
convert one set of followers to campaign in the other event, even if
you did try to do so. So let's not start off wrong-footed with
towline glider.
My suggestion to immediately consider using the many existing
club-level, experimental rule glider events was done in an attempt to
increase participation and get off to a quick start. We have already
lost two years ! Another approach would be to be more selective, but
the outcome will surely delay implementation and will reduce
participation from the outset ? If people don't like a particular
set of existing glider rules they probably aren't going to enter that
particular event, end of story. But perhaps if one or more of these
many embryo glider events concepts eventually becomes more popular
and widely adopted than the others, then we will have learned what
direction to take the National Glider Cup in future years ? After
all, nothing will truly be lost by trying something now this season.
In conclusion - Simply let those who already have models, for events
where rules already exist, be allowed to fly at contests that are
already being organized, and be allowed to count their score in one
event per contest, towards the Nations Glider Cup. That's it.
Either let's do it now and have some fun - or else shall we put it
off for another year ?
Isaccson Winter Classic Report
At Lost Hills this weekend - two excellent days of flying. Perfect
weather conditions. A little cold overnight but it soon warmed to
high 60s [almost 20 C] when the sun came out to a clear sky. Only
the gentlest of breezes.
Results later but ..
F1A Kochkarev - 7 min fly off
F1B Andriukov - went to a 9 min flyoff
F1C Verbitsky - 5 min flyoff
F1P Oldenkamp
Beat Old Al Gollywok Mikkelson
Also seen was the first ? commerical F1P from the stable, or should
I say hanger of Vasily Beachasny. This model should be seen in the air at
the MaxMen.
F1P Again....
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The last massive article published in SCAT brought out many excellent
ideas. I also want to thank Biggles for the kind words related to my son
and Austin Gunder-"(admittedly at an unequalled level of excellence)"-
It is truly inspiring when people recognize what someone's offspring has
done. But maybe we are attacking this in the wrong way.
A bit of a review on what the World Championships truly is may be in
order. It is typically set up to be a stage for the best of the best.
Each country goes through an intense program to select its team and
hopefully provide kids that have the true champion spirit. We need to
recognize that not all will be equal. They can't be. This isn't supposed
to be like the NASCAR class where everyone is given the same car, same
engine, same everything. It is a technology based class, with the higher
performance models and better flyers having an advantage. We still need
to showcase the best, both in skill and equipment. And the WC is the stage.
But saying that, I was very impressed with the kid from Germany who was
flying a Vee dihedral, conventional construction model. Did he stand a
chance against the all carbon, high aspect ratio models that some were
flying? I think he did! The five minute round may have been a bit of a
push for him, but he still had the capability to do the other four
maxes, which would have given him a high placing. But the impressive
thing was that he was there! And he got a chance to see what would be
needed next time to compete with the "big Boys". Heck, Austin started
with a Maverick, placed very low, and saw what it took. Now he is a
twice World Champ.
We need flyers. Simple as that. If no one shows up to play, they don't
stand a chance at all. As the slogan goes-"Just do it!" How many
contests have you won by just showing up? Heck, we did that. After
showing that we had a bit of a chance, we improved our program in a
short period of time and it paid off. I think any child and his mentor
can do the same thing. By changing the rules from something that anyone
can build and compete to something that requires a specific model
doesn't make sense. But, it may be something we have to live with.
Thusly, I like what Jim Parker and the California clubs are doing. They
are making an attempt where as no one else is. This is a definate step
forward. Locked down airplanes do fly. And they can be competitive.
I have talked with John (my son) many times about all the discussions
that have been going on and his comments have always been that what
makes him happy is the performance, the sound, the thrill of each
flight. He is of the mind that the class shouldn't change and that we
need to just get the kids out with their standard 1/2A models and let
them fly. So what if they don't have 5 minute airplanes. Get the
experince and see what FAI flying is like. Then, if they have what it
takes, they will move up to the higher performance aircraft. Not
everyone that flys will like it or have what it takes. So be it.
Maybe we as adults need to do what I did with John. I took a fully
trimmed 1/2A and let him launch it. Yeah, I started the engine and tuned
it, but he actually let it go. The smile on his face was worth it. Then,
we worked up to a Rossi powered Zingo. That really set it up for him. He
was hooked. This can work with any kid. Once they feel it and find out
that they can do it they will want more. Then, we start with the new
kits and engines.
All this talk will, of course, get us no where. We need the Parkers (and
others) in the modeling world to push forward and keep up the momentum.
It is allot of work, but we shouldn't stop. Kids and parents now adays
do have more "free" money then in the olden days so I think that the
supplies can be obtained. But, they need the inspiration to do it. That
part is our responsibilty. So, let's all see if we have that old
reliable 1/2A in the box and take a kid to the field. I know that you
will enjoy it as well as they will.....
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Reading Ross's comments in SEN 778 about how few of the young people know
about aeromodelling in general or FF in particular, my reaction was that in
USA your are better off than many countries as a result of the Science
Olympiad program. I then read on and found this view already expressed by
Hermann and and particularly by Gregorie explaining the difference in
objective between a event to attract juniors and a junior world
championships. Note that the SO models were not F1D models, but there was a
defined and recognisable progression from one to the other. For outdoor FF
the same is not quite true, but it could be bridged by having an event for
entry level juniors as an addition to the championships:
Postulate having a national junior program like UHU for park flying models,
possibly the simple concept models of Biggles.To get the numbers it has to
be based on schools, e.g. as an outdoor follow up or alternative to Science
Olympiad. Age limit considerably below 18. Same sort of model to be used in
a number of countries.
Hold competitions at local level with a few winners then competing for
national champion
Winner(s) from each country compete in an international event held as an
adjunct to the junior championships. This would share the prestige (?) of a
championship but without demanding the same models used for the actual
championships as are required for attracting the base level initial junior
Ian Kaynes
CIAM lead up
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Please include the following as an input to the latest SEN:
The Agenda for the 2003 CIAM Plenary meeting 14-15 March in Lausanne
Switzerland is available for viewing on the FAI website. The FF technical
subcommittee will be considering only a few rule adjustments this cycle.
Two of the items concern essentially a matter of clarification of the
extended maximum concept that is located in the 3.1.7, 3.2.7 and 3.3.7
paragraphs of the FAI Sporting Code, Section IV, Volume F1, Part 3. For
each event category of F1A, B, and C, the first proposed clarification states
(as an added sentence to the respective
rules) that "maximum durations greater than 3 minutes should only be used
for rounds at times when wind and thermal activity are expected to be at a
minimum". This means that extended flight times are to be used only when
conditions are suitable.
A second clarification for the same events (F1A, B and C) is also an ammendment
for the same paragraphs - 3.1.7, 3.2.7 and 3.3.7 . This clarification would
remove the "...must be annunced in advance by the CIAM for specific
rounds...." verbage. Rather, the clarification inserts the following: "In
other international events a maximum of 3 minutes will be used for all
rounds unless different durations (not exceeding 4 minutes for F1A and 5
minutes for F1B and C) have been announced in advance in the contest
bulletin for specific rounds."
The reason for the second clarification is to enhance the application of the
extended maximum at open internationals (like the Maxmen International, the
Sierra Cup, etc). The current wording suggests that the use of the extended
max has been taken as a mandate even when conditions aren't suitable. This
proposal places an obligation for the extended max to be used but only by
keeping in mind field conditions and wind intensity. Both of these
clarification would be in effect January 2004.
There is a proposal to ban metal towlines for F1A and F1H for obvious safety
The final significant order of business is the change of motor run for F1J
(a provisional event) which is proposed to be reduced from 7 seconds to 5
The rational is that generally F1J models preform very well - almost too
well -
and is not commensurate with their 2 minute max. It was deemed that a 5
second run is a better match with the event's 2 minute max flights as well
as being more consistent with F1C. This change would be in effect January
There were 5 US proposals placed in consideration for the FF Technical
- F1B winding
- RCDT for F1A nad F1B
- Elimination of the "Supermax" (extended maximum in FAI parlance) and
attendant potential loss of accrued flight time in the final score tally
- First round max limits of 3.5, 4 and 4 minutes for F1A, B, and C
- First flyoff round max limits of 6 minutes for F1B and F1C
Since they represent significant rule changes that did not either address
specific rule clarification or particular safety issues, they will be
considered at the Plenary CIAM meeting in March 2005 for application in
January 2006. The scheduling process for significant rule changes can be
viewed in the General Sporting Code - rule A.12. The exact process for US
authored FAI FF rule changes and adjustments has been published on the SEN,
the NFFS Free Flight Digest and in a mailer from the US FAI FF Team
Selection Committee.
The following shall aid in conducting a survey of the issues currently
facing the FF Technical Committee, if you please :
1) Clarification statement number one (extended max in minimal thermal
Yes No
2) Clarification statement number two (extended max intentions announced in
advance) Yes No
3) Metal Towlines Yes No
4) F1J engine run to 5 seconds Yes No
Identify event flown: F1A F1B F1C
Please state your National Identification Code:
Those interested, please respond to the SEN before 1 March.
Thank you,
Daniel J. Tracy
FF Technical Subcommittee member
Keith Hoover
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Being from Chicago area I knew Keith Hoover quite well. We flew VHTL models
together. Ossie Czepa impressed us both with his all balsa VHTL 1/2A model when
he was here flying with the Aeronuts. I believe Gerry Ritz invited Ossie here
after winning the A/2 (F1A) World Champs.
Keith was a great guy to fly with and talk to. Always smiling and happy
to help. Had my copy of his book autographed at our IMAC/AERONUT banquet
a few years ago. I shall cherish it even more now. Missed him there for the
last couple of years. Yes untimely to say the least.
I even dicussed the demise of the pylon with Stan Hill at the Nats the year
before he published his "Vector Director" HTL model. We both started
designing HTL at the same time. He finished his. Hill was before Czepa
I believe.
Ed Mate
Covering with Icarex
Author : Phil.Ball
I have been covering with Icarex since 1998 and find it the easiest material
I have ever used, I covered a Slow Open model in 1998 and apart from
recovering the last 2 bays of each tip due gravel rash the covering has
survived intact in spite of periods out in the open and several tree
This first model was covered straight onto bare carbon and looked reasonably
smart from a distance but not so good close up, the inboard panels were fuel
proofed although the tips were initially untreated until last year when I
cleaned the covering with thinners then doped and proofed them as they were
getting a bit scruffy (that's English for dirty and untidy)
My current method which as been used on F1Cs, SLOP,s and the F1A which you
saw in France last year is as follows:-
I spray the top surface only of the wing with Acrylic white car primer and
let it dry overnight, a good covering adds about 3 grams on an F1A/C wing.
For glue I use thinned contact glue (Evo-Stick), thin enough to paint on to
the airframe, 3 coats is sufficient but you must not over paint the Acrylic
until the previous coat of glue is dry, this avoids smudging the paint. I
don't glue the last 10mm of each rib top and bottom or the TE (apart from
the joints) as this allows the covering to pull up tight onto the TE when
you shrink the covering.
I cover in one piece always from the leading edge to the trailing edge and
back to the LE, on an F1A the joint can be arranged to coincide with the
tabulator which also keeps things neat. I always cover the underside first
and locate the covering by making a good folded edge to line up with the TE.
I attach the bottom first whilst the glue is still a little tacky to ensure
a good grip, pull the covering over the top surface and tack in place with a
warm iron, then seal with a hot iron when you are happy.
I leave the covering overnight to settle before shrinking.
I hope this is some help, the Acrylic primer works well and actually helps
the covering to stick.
Phil Ball
Thanks to Norm and Merry Lee Smith for their donantion in support of SEN.
Revised Final 2002 America's Cup
Revised and corrected results.
America Cup results - with individual placings
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 16 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
MM 32 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 19 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
EFF 6 Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
SCT 6 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 9 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
NWF 4 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
FFA -x- FFAMS, Muncie. IN
Sky 10 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 16 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
TCC 5 Texas Cloud Climbers, Allen TX
McL 5 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 6 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
MMM 7 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
HC 8 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 25 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
ESF 4 Empire State FF Champs, NY
AFA 5 Chicago Aeronuts-Muncie, IN
WFA -X- Western FAI Challenge- Harts Lake, WA
CC 9 Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
DC 2 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
CFA 20 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
SC 16 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
SWC -X- S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
SkA 13 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
ACT 4 Autumn Cup USAF Aux Field- Seguin, TX
USF 13
PC 24 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 9 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 0 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 VanNest, Brian 107 SWR-1 MMM-1 CC-2 USF-3* PC-1 AZC-4*
2 Spence, Steve 106 MM-1 SCT-1 TCC-1 McL-4* ACT-1
3 Cowley, Martyn 104 CFA-1 SC-1 USF-2 AZC-2
3 Zink, Don 104 SCA-2 USO-1 SC-2 USF-5* PC-2 AZC-3*
5 McKever, Mike 97 MM-4* NCA-3* NWF-1 CFA-2 USF-4* PC-3 AZC-1
6 Sifleet, Bob 95 IFA-1 HC-2 USO-5* AFA-1 CC-5* SkA-2
7 Tzvetkov,Tzvetan 94 EFF-2 Sky-3* IFA-2* HC-3* USO-3 ESF-1 AFA-4* SkA-1
8 Barron, Andrew 69 EFF-1 Sky-1 IFA-3
9 Brun, Pierre 64 SCA-3 NWF-2 BAl-2 CFA-3*
10 Erguner, Omer 61 EFF-3 Sky-4 ESF-2 SkA-4
11 Coussens, Tom 58 SWR-2 CFA-4 SC-3
12 Terzian, Fred 52 SCA-1 NCA-4 PC-5
13 Hines, Lee 51 NCA-5 BAl-3 MMM-3 SC-5
13 Schlosberg, Aram 51 Sky-2 IFA-5 ESF-3 SkA-5
13 Sheffer, Jackie 51 SCT-2 TCC-4 ACT-2
16 Markos, Chuck 47 AFA-2 CC-1
16 Parker, Jim 47 SWR-3 USF-1
18 Lenartowicz, C 43 HC-1 CC-3
19 Jones, Tom 40 USO-2 AFA-3
20 Diez, Hector 38 SWR-5 BAl-4 PC-4
21 McQuade, Pete 36 MMM-4 DC-1
21 Schelp, Jon(Jr) 36 SCT-4 McL-3 ACT-4
23 Parker, Dallas (Jr) 34 SWR-4 MM-3
24 Limberger, Rene* 32 MM-5 NCA-2
25 Fedor, Mike 31 SCT-3 USO-4
26 Brocks, K Peter 29 BAl-5 MMM-5 SC-4
26 Clark, Dean* 29 BAl-1
28 Smith,Norm 27 NCA-1
29 Shepard, Jesse jr 26 SCT-5 TCC-2
30 Allnutt, Peter 25 MM-2
30 Barron,John (Jr) 25 Sky-5 SkA-3
30 Bradley, Jim 25 McL-1
33 Davis, Jon 21 MMM-2
34 Leath, Don 20 McL-2
34 Reeve, Mike 20 TCC-5 ACT-3
34 Smitz, Willard 20 DC-2
37 Butt, Jeff 15 TCC-3
37 Kozlyuk, Dimitro 15 SCA-4
39 Horak, Ladislav 12 CC-4
40 Boiadjien, Todor 11 HC-4
40 Fradkin, Igor* 11 EFF-4
40 Thornbery, Jim 11 IFA-4
43 Bauer, Ken 10 CFA-5
43 Coussens, Ben(Jr) 10 SCA-5
43 Fags, Kevork 10 ESF-4
43 Lane, Robert 10 NWF-3
47 Farkas, Leslie 6 HC-5
47 Revkin, Josh(Jr) 6 EFF-5
49 Avollone, Michael(Jr) 5 McL-5
49 Scharb, Bill 5 AFA-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 15 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
MM 40 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 9 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
EFF 7 Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
SCT 2 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 4 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
NWF 6 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
FFA -x- FFAMS, Muncie. IN
Sky 10 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 14 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
TCC 4 Texas Cloud Climbers, Allen TX
McL 5 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 15 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
MMM 6 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
HC 8 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 25 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
ESF 5 Empire State FF Champs, NY
AFA 7 Chicago Aeronuts-Muncie, IN
WFA 5 Western FAI Challenge- Harts Lake, WA
CC 12 Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
DC 1 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
CFA 22 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
SC 17 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
SWC -X- S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
SkA 7 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
ACT 2 Autumn Cup USAF Aux Field- Seguin, TX
PC 18 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 0 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 0 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Wood, Dick 98 SCA-4* SCT-1 BAl-2 TCC-3* McL-1 MMM-2* HC-5* USO-4* ESF-2* AFA-5* DC-1 SkA-3* USF-5* AZC-3*
2 Clapp, John 94 EFF-2 Sky-2 HC-1 ESF-1 USF-3*
3 Ghio, Walt 92 NCA-1 BAl-4* TCC-1 MMM-3* CC-3 SC-5* PC-1
4 Sessums, John 90 SWR-3 MM-2 SCA-3* MMM-1 CFA-3 USF-4*
5 Piserchio, Bob 88 SWR-4 SCA-5* CFA-1 SC-2 PC-3
6 Crowley, Paul 82 SWR-2 BAl-3 IFA-3 HC-4* AFA-2
11 Fitch, Jerry 56 SCA-1 SC-1
7 McGlashan, Jerry 72 EFF-3 IFA-4 ESF-3 CC-1 SkA-4*
8 Morrell, Roger 66 SCA-2 NCA-3 CFA-4 SC-4
9 Jones, Charles 65 Sky-3 CC-2 SkA-1
10 Pearce, Fred 60 SCT-2 TCC-2 ACT-2
12 Biedron, Bob* 52 EFF-4 Sky-4 IFA-1
13 Andriukov, Alex 50 CFA-2 PC-2
14 Cooney, Ralph 46 NWF-1 WFA-4 CFA-5
15 Jensen, Blake 44 WFA-1 SC-3
16 Wang, Lee (Jr) 43 EFF-1 Sky-5 WFA-4
17 Shailor, Bill 41 USO-1 AFA-3
18 Wiley, Ed 35 TCC-4 ACT-1
19 Avollone,Anthony 32 McL-2 CC-4
20 Luken, Jim 30 MM-1
21 Batiuk, George 29 SWR-1
22 Jensen, Dane 28 BAl-1
23 Ellis, Dave 27 Sky-1
24 Kosciarz, Jozej* 26 AZC-1
24 McGlukin, Devek* 26 NWF-2 WFA-6
24 Simon, Greg 26 AFA-1
27 Ioerger, Tom 25 USO-1
28 Guinder, Taylor(Jr) 24 IFA-2
28 Rohrke, Rich 24 SWR-5 MM-4
30 Horak, Ladi 23 HC-3 CC-5
31 Mathews, Tony 21 HC-2
31 Radziunas, Sarah(Jr) 21 SkA-2
31 Scheiman, Philip(Jr) 21 USF-2
31 Tymchek, Bob 21 AZC-2
35 Booth, Bill 20 MM-3
35 Davis, Mike 20 NCA-4 PC-5
35 Jensen, Gene 20 WFA-2
35 Ryan, Eric 20 NCA-1
35 Seymour,John 20 USO-3
40 Borland, Chris 16 NWF-3
40 Davis, Evan 16 MM-5 MMM-5
42 Avollone,Eddie 15 McL-3
42 Norvall, Larry 15 PC-4
42 Tracy, Dan 15 WFA-3
45 Blom, Fred 11 AFA-4
45 Hanna, Bruce 11 NWF-4
45 OReilly, Jim 11 MMM-4
45 Peterson, Alan 11 AZC-4
49 Hinson, Rex 10 McL-4
49 Nelso, Elmer 10 USO-5
51 Brooks, Jim 9 IFA-5
52 Pratt, John 8 BAl-5 USF-1*
53 Felix, Ron 6 SkA-5
53 Ladislan, Horak 6 EFF-5
53 Myska, Marianna* 6 AZC-5
53 Schroeder, Lee 6 NWF-5
57 Bradley, Jim 5 McL-5
57 Friebis, Joe 5 ESF-4
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 10 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
MM 22 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 7 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
EFF -x- Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
SCT 3 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 2 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
NWF 3 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
FFA -x- FFAMS, Muncie. IN
Sky 3 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 13 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
TCC 4 Texas Cloud Climbers, Allen TX
McL 2 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 10 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
MMM 1 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
HC 4 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 10 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
ESF 3 Empire State FF Champs, NY
AFA 2 Chicago Aeronuts-Muncie, IN
WFA 1 Western FAI Challenge- Harts Lake, WA
CC 6 Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
DC 0 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
CFA 12 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
SC 8 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
SWC -x- S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
SkA 1 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
ACT 4 Autumn Cup USAF Aux Field- Seguin, TX
PC 6 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 1 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 0 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Gutai, Bob 101 Sky-1 IFA-2* HC-2* USO-4* ESF-1 AFA-1 CC-2* ACT-2* PC-1
2 Parker, Faust 100 MM-1 SCT-1 TCC-2 McL-2* USO-3* ACT-1
3 Spence, Henry 92 MM-5* SCT-2 TCC-1 McL-1 USO-2 ACT-3*
4 Joyce, Doug 91 SWR-5* MM-2 SCA-2 NCA-2 NWF-1 BAl-4* CFA-5* SC-4* USF-2* PC-4*
5 Kirilenko, Andrei 89 Sky-2 IFA-3 HC-1 ESF-2* SkA-1
6 Archer, Randy 81 SWR-3* BAl-1 CFA-1 AZC-1
7 Keck, Ed 75 SWR-4 IFA-1 ESF-3 CC-1
8 Roberts, Mike 61 NWF-3 WFA-1 PC-2
9 Mc Burnett, Ron 59 NWF-2 BAl-2 CFA-4* PC-3
10 Simpson, Roger 53 MM-3 NCA-1 BAl-5
11 Warren, John 51 SWR-2 CFA-2 PC-5
12 Poti, Norm 46 SWR-1 IFA-4 USO-5
13 Etherington, Chuck 40 TCC-3 MMM-1
14 Carroll, Ed 37 SCA-3 SC-2
15 Happersett, Ken 32 SCA-1 SC-5
16 Johannes, Bob 27 USO-1
17 Arambasic, Srdjan 26 HC-3 CC-4
17 Galbreath, Doug 26 SC-1
17 Schlachta, Frank 26 HC-4 CC-3
20 Mennano, Guy 25 USF-1
21 Gewin, Matt 24 SCA-5 CFA-3
22 Sifleet, Bob 20 AFA-2
22 Simpson, Reid 20 TCC-4 ACT-4
24 Johannes, Dave 18 BAl-3
25 Gunder, Craig 17 Sky-3
26 Oliver, Ken 16 SC-3
27 Perkins, Daryl 15 MM-4
28 Morris, Gil 11 SCA-4
29 Chesson, Don 7 IFA-5
30 Condon, E 6 CC-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 19 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
MM 25 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 7 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
EFF -x- Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
SCT 2 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 3 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
NWF 6 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
FFA 3 FFAMS, Muncie. IN
Sky 10 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 15 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
TCC 4 Texas Cloud Climbers, Allen TX
McL 5 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 11 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
MMM 7 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
HC 5 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 46 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
ESF 6 Empire State FF Champs, NY
AFA 9 Chicago Aeronuts-Muncie, IN
WFA 3 Western FAI Challenge- Harts Lake, WA
CC -x- Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
DC 3 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
CFA 19 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
SC 11 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
SWC -x- S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
SkA 9 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
ACT 4 Autumn Cup USAF Aux Field- Seguin, TX
PC 12 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 9 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 0 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Ioeger, Tom 107 Sky-1 IFA-1 HC-1 SkA-1
2 Wood, Dick 102 SWR-1 MM-4* SCA-5* SCT-1 FFA-2* BAl-5* TCC-2* McL-1 IFA-4* MMM-3* HC-4* ESF-2* AFA-2 DC-2* SkA-5* USF-2* AZC-3*
3 Cooney, Ralph 96 MM-1 NWF-1 WFA-1 CFA-4
4 Emery, Jack 95 MM-3* SCA-2 NCA-1 MMM-4 CFA-1 SC-4* PC-5
5 Clapp, John 85 Sky-3 HC-3 USO-2 ESF-4 SC-3
6 Brocks, Peter 81 SWR-3 SCA-4* MMM-2 USF-4 PC-1
7 DeLoach, Don 76 TCC-1 MMM-1 DC-1
8 Davis, Bill 64 MM-2 BAl-3 SC-5 PC-4
9 Sessums, John 62 SCA-1* BAl-1 MMM-5 USF-1
10 Davis, Mike 55 MM-5 SC-1 PC-3
11 Schroedter, G 47 CFA-2 SC-2
11 Simon, Greg 47 IFA-5* USO-3 AFA-1
13 Jones, Charlie 45 FFA-3 Sky-2 IFA-6
13 O Dwyer, John 45 SCT-2 McL-4 ACT-3
13 Tymchek, Bob 45 PC-2 AZC-2
16 Ivers, Rich 43 ESF-1 SkA-3
17 Burrow, Taylor(Jr) 40 TCC-4 IFA-3 AZC-4
17 Wiley, Ed 40 TCC-3 ACT-1
19 Cole, Hank 38 NWF-4 CFA-5 USF-3
19 Pelatowski, Larry 38 ESF-3 SkA-2
21 Critchlow, Bob 31 SCA-3 NCA-3
21 White, Bob 31 SWR-4 NWF-3
23 Ringlien,Warren 30 USO-1
24 Peterson. Alan 27 AZC-1
25 Crowley, Paul 25 SWR-2
25 Markos, Chuck 25 FFA-1
27 Hatschek, Bob 24 Sky-4 SkA-4
27 Mulligam, M 24 BAl-2
29 Wilson, Dale 23 IFA-2
30 Hannah, Bruce 21 NWF-2
30 Norvall, Larry 21 BAl-4 USF-5
32 Gannon, William 20 CFA-3
32 Jensen, Blake 20 WFA-2
32 Sayer, Leo 20 HC-2
32 Scheiman, Philip(Jr) 20 NCA-2
32 Vanlandingham, Ed 20 ACT-2
37 Konefes, Ed 17 AFA-3
38 Avallone, Eddie 15 McL-2
38 Hepler, Tom 15 McL-2
38 Jensen, Gene 15 WFA-3
38 Murphy, Jerry 15 DC-3
38 Pivitt, James 15 USO-4
43 Blom, Fred 12 AFA-4
44 O Reilly, Jim 10 SWR-5
44 Stafford, Jim 10 ACT-4
44 Vargo, Edward 10 USO-5
47 Buss, Bill 7 Sky-5
47 Ferwerda, James 7 AFA-5
47 Rogers, Alex* 7 AZC-5
50 Pratt, John 6 NWF-5
50 Sneed, Ed 6 ESF-5
52 Brooks, Jim 5 HC-5
52 Ross, John 5 McL-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 8 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
MM 15 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 11 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
EFF 6 Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
SCT 4 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 9 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
NWF 2 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
FFA 4 FFAMS, Muncie. IN
Sky 9 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 8 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
TCC 0 Texas Cloud Climbers, Allen TX
McL 0 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 6 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
MMM 4 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
HC 1 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 18 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
ESF 3 Empire State FF Champs, NY
AFA 6 Chicago Aeronuts-Muncie, IN
WFA -X- Western FAI Challenge- Harts Lake, WA
CC -x- Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
DC 1 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
CFA 8 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
SC 10 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
SWC -x- S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
SkA 7 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
ACT 3 Autumn Cup USAF Aux Field- Seguin, TX
PC 12 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 5 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 0 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Cowley,Martyn 108 SWR-2* MM-1 NCA-1 CFA-2* SC-5* USF-3* PC-1 AZC-1
2 Sifleet, Bob 103 MM-3* Sky-2* BAl-4* IFA-1 HC-1 USO-4* AFA-1 SkA-1
3 McKever, Mike 100 MM-2* SCA-1 NCA-4* NWF-1 BAl-1 CFA-5* SC-2 USF-1* PC-3* AZC-2*
4 VanNest, Brian 91 SWR-1 SCA-3 BAl-5* MMM-1 CFA-3* PC-2 AZC-5*
5 Nippert, Vic 87 EFF-3 Sky-4* USO-1 ESF-2 SkA-2
6 Busnelli, Ernesto 81 SWR-3 SCA-2 NCA-2 CFA-4* USF-2 PC-4*
7 Pailet, Jean 62 EFF-2 FFA-3 ESF-3 AFA-4
8 Markos, Chuck 58 FFA-1 Sky-1 IFA-5
8 Smith, Norm 58 SWR-5 MM-5 SCA-5 NCA-3 MMM-2
10 Zink, Don 55 MM-4 USO-2 SC-3
11 Schlarb, Bill 52 FFA-2 IFA-3 AFA-3
12 Ivers, Rich 48 Sky-3 ESF-1 SkA-5
13 Jones, Tom 46 Sky-5 IFA-2 AFA-5 SC-4
14 Reeve, Mike 45 SCT-2 ACT-1
15 Parker, Dallas (Jr) 43 SWR-4 BAl-2 USF-4
16 Mekina, Joe 41 USO-3 AFA-2
17 Hines,Lee 40 NCA-5 MMM-3 PC-5 AZC-4
18 Smitz, Willard 35 MMM-4 DC-1
19 Sheffer, Jackie 30 SCT-3 ACT-3
19 Spence, Steve 30 SCT-4 ACT-2
21 Brun, Pierre 28 SCA-4 BAl-3
22 Norton, Bob 27 SC-1
23 Limberger, Rene* 26 CFA-1
23 Pelatowski, Ed 26 EFF-1
25 Fedor, Mike 25 SCT-1
26 Kluiber, Rudy 21 FFA-4 IFA-4
27 Thomson, Ben(Jr) 16 SkA-3
28 Archer, Ryan* 15 AZC-3
29 Pelatowski, Larry 11 EFF-4
29 Lindell, Rich (Jr) 11 SkA-4
31 Basta, Michael 10 USO-5
32 Coussens, Ben (Jr) 6 USF-5
32 Wagner, Joe* 6 EFF-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 7 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
MM 18 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 3 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
EFF -x- Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
SCT 6 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 6 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
NWF 2 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
FFA 3 FFAMS, Muncie. IN
Sky 3 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 8 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
TCC 3 Texas Cloud Climbers, Allen TX
McL 2 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 10 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
MMM -x- MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
HC -x- Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 19 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
ESF 3 Empire State FF Champs, NY
AFA 3 Chicago Aeronuts-Muncie, IN
WFA 1 Western FAI Challenge- Harts Lake, WA
CC -x- Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
DC 1 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
CFA 8 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
SC 6 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
SWC -x- S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
SkA 0 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
ACT 7 Autumn Cup USAF Aux Field- Seguin, TX
PC 3 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 0 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 0 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Gutai, Bob 106 MM-1 Sky-3* USO-5* ESF-1 AFA-1 CFA-2* SC-5* ACT-1 PC-1*
2 Carroll, Ed 94 SWR-3 SCA-3* BAl-1 USO-2 CFA-1
3 Poti, Norm 88 SWR-4 MM-2 IFA-2 USO-1
4 Parker, Faust 82 MM-5* SCT-1 TCC-3 McL-2 ACT-2
5 Pailet, Jean 80 FFA-2 Sky-2 McL-3* ESF-2 AFA-3* SkA-2
6 Keck, Ed 68 SWR-2 MM-4 IFA-3 USO-4* ESF-3
7 Roberts, Mike 65 NWF-1 WFA-1 PC-2
8 Mennano, Guy 63 SWR-1 BAl-3 USF-2
9 Shirley, David 57 CFA-5 SC-1 USF-1
10 Carstens, Fred* 55 TCC-2 DC-1 ACT-4
11 Gunder, Austin (Jr) 52 Sky-1 IFA-1
11 Haught, Jim 52 NCA-3 AFA-2 SC-3
13 Johannes, David 49 BAl-2 CFA-3 SC-4
14 Lynch, Bill 47 NCA-1 SC-2
15 Warren, Ed 46 MM-3 CFA-4 PC-2
16 Parsons, Dave 41 NCA-2 NWF-2
17 Sheffer, Jackie 37 SCT-2 ACT-3
18 Marsh, Jack 32 FFA-1 IFA-5
19 Robertson, Tony 26 SCA-2 NCA-5
20 Brown, Gerald* 25 TCC-1
20 Conton, Charles 25 McL-1
20 Laird, Tom 25 SCA-1
20 Kerr, Tom 25 SkA-1
24 Servaites, Bucky 20 USO-3
25 Snyder, Russ 17 SCT-4 ACT-5
26 Mace, Marvin 16 SCT-3
27 Campbell, Lee 15 FFA-3
27 Roundsaville,Dave 15 USF-3
29 Fulmer, Keith 12 IFA-4
29 Ginder, Fred III 12 BAl-4
31 Simpson, Reid 11 NCA-4
32 Kruse, Matt* 7 BAl-5
33 Menanno, C--? 6 CFA-5
33 Menanno, Frank 6 SWR-5
33 Schelp, Jon(Jr) 6 SCT-5
33 Kibiki, Keilichi * 6 SkA-3
Roger Morrell