SEN 780- Feb 17 2003
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- Category: Archive 2003
- Hits: 1320
News and Reports 2003
SCAT Electronic News 17 February 2003 issue 780
Table of Contents
Max Flash
F1P @ the Issaccson - Oldenkamp
Lost at Motel Six - Rounsaville
The Moscow school of models F1A
W/C 2003 - Hungary Canadians! - Segrave
The JUNIOR problem? - Segrave
Working with Juniors - Baxter
Isaacson Winter Classic 2003
Max Flash
Just back from Lost Hills... Great Contest,
Great Turnout, Great Weather, Great Banquet
Jim Parker
Walk Ghio
Ed Keck
Mikail Kocharev
George Schroedter
Bucky Servaites
of note
Dallas Parker 3rd in F1A - Took an early thermain the 5 min flyoff round -
eveyone else had to wait until 90 seconds to go before the next one
came through ..
Hank Cole at 82 takes 3rd in F1G !
Ghio wins F1b with the magic airplane - Burdov 239, Ruyter 240,
Kulkovsky 242, Ghio 300 - all in the same conditions!
F1P @ the Issaccson
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For those who might have witnessed my less than stellar performance with my
nearly eleven month old WoffBox , please note that I did not truly win the
event (the first ever USA comp?) , but did demonstrate the potrntial of
the formula, albeit in the hands of a septogenernarian who not once, but
twice, d/t'd under power, the second time ripping off a wingtip.
Machine weighs 9,1oz, is full span and area. Has NACA 4409 foil front.
7% Simplex rear. Power is boxstock MPJet 1CC running 10% fuel through
penny (waterbomb) balloons with Texas Timer. Prop is 6,3X2.9 APC.
Wing and stab spars are hard alum tubes from MRL, as is the covering,
laminating (Seal) film. Color is Design Master spraypaint inside wing.,
Rudder is stick built.
Has been a reliable flyer until I got piggish and tried to get it to go
straight up. Locked down does not offer that option!
F1P appears quite viable to me. I think it can be done locked up and
all-balsa (the only carbon on mine is a stray pencil mark here and there.)
but the "factory" ship displayed by Vasilly"s Store was most impressive and
will be offered at a very much bargain price.
If anything. the 06 engine may be too much poke for such lightly loaded
airplanes. The motor run most certainly is longish.
in love on St Valentine's Day, and cheers,
john oldenkamp/boxbldr
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
i would like to buy the plan of the merlin.does any one know where i can
get it .
[Thuis fellow keeps sending this to us - any one help hime ?]
Lost at Motel Six
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Just want to put all modellers on notice while staying at Motel Six Lost Hills.
Don't leave anything in your room by mistake....You may never see it again!
I left two new Walston xmitters in a file folder size plastic sleeve including
in room 140 Sunday am...these were apparently thrown out(!) by the maid at midd
and the room rented...through persistent calls I have gotten nowhere and
they say
'are not responsible'...
...this after 10 years of business from me and the modelling community....
I can't bring these Walstons back but if all modellers can put some
friendly pressure to bare
on the management,
perhaps they'll be more 'in tune' so this won't happen again .
My special thanks to Stafford Screen, Henning Nyhegn, Jon Davis and Randy Secor
for their help in this matter.
Dave Rounsaville
The Moscow school of models F1A
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Mr. Morell!
Ladies and gentlemen!
Please visit for high quality F1A models
built by from Moscow modelers Alexey Riazantsev, 2002 European Champion &
Yuri Yuri Titov.
The purpose of this page is to make the F-1-A glider models of the Moscow
school of modelers available to all aeromodelers. These models
commonly have good design, flight characteristics and competitive qualities
at reasonable prices. This site was created in part and is maintained in
part by Omer Erguner (New York), based on the information provided and with
consent of Alexander Pugachenko, Alexey Riazantsev and Yuri Titov. All
inquiries should be made to Alexey Riazantsev and Yuri Titov's
representative Alexey Florov, at the provided link, address or telephone
Omer Erguner
New York
For All Inquiries Please Contact
Alexander Pugachenko This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or USA
Alexey Florov This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please call between 18:00 to 21:00(GMT - 6:00)
W/C 2003 - Hungary Canadians!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Here are the Canadian teams:
F1A Jiri Horak,Chris Lenartowitz and Leslie Farkas
F1B Gerry McGlashan,Jim Brooks and Ladi Horak
F1C Frank Schlachta,Eric Condon and Srdjan Arambasic
Tony Mathews will probably be Team Manager
Quite a few changes this time with some new names(to me)
The JUNIOR problem?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Every time someone mentions the junior problem(i.e., lack of young people in
or entering the sport) everyone reaches for the pencil and ruler and draws
up a new design which in their estimation will completely solve the
problem!!! Or draws up a new set of rules for the non-existent modellers,
has them published which draws others to draw up their own designs or sets
of rules, again for the non-existent young modellers!!!! Completely ignoring
the fact that there is nobody to produce their problem solving designs built
to their or other sets of rules!!!!! How wrong can you get???? All the
majority of the previous discussions in SEN although fine discussions on
their own right have not addressed the REAL problem, which is to produce a
huge young reservior of young modellers. It is only THEN when this has been
done that the new designs and sets of rules can be tackled.
Go to the schools and look for those with the inherent characteristics of
the successful modellers as outlined in the article "What's wrong with
freeflight?" Invite them to a contest or even a local flying field and have
them exposed to free flight, even to the extent to having them fly some of
the contest modellers designs, and, if your summation of the talents
required is correct, you will have begun the process of producing the future
generations, the reservoir. But let's stop making rules for non-existent
modellers, please. You are only wasting everybody's time.
That raises another pertinent question. Why do these modellers draw up these
designs,or sets of rules? Why?. Is it because they can't be bothered going
to the schools because they are too intent on their own modelling career?
Or because they can't see the wood for the trees? Or what? Or because they
have not thought broadly enough?? Or not thinking the problem through and
producing some ideas which although being perhaps difficult to energise,
might be better than going to the schools. Or do they have a chip on their
shoulders for some unknown reason? Who knows? Maybe they are keeping
everything close to the vest,such as the length of their moment arm,for
example? We might need a psychiatrist to find out the REAL reason why, but
then again, this would not be necessary as we are not interested in these
types with such a narrow vision.
Mike S
Working with Juniors
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In a message dated 2/11/2003 10:53:26 PM Pacific Standard Time,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. writes:
> So
> therefore the question arises, what solutions do we have for changing
> this situation ?...... (Junior recruiting) .....What ideas do you have for
> starting to promote a
> Junior F/F program ? What other organizations can we enlist, such as
> schools, boy scouts etc, who are actually looking for worthwhile
> activities for their membership ? It seems that the Science Olympiad
> has been hugely successful as a model for similar programs that might
> include outdoor F/F ? Perhaps someone involved with the SO
> organization could publish a report on how they went about this and
> quantify the results so far ? Give it some more thought and let's
> see what we can come up with ?
A couple of comments on recruitng juniors (ages 11 to 14)
1. You cannot depend on parents to support the activity. Most of them will n
ot dirive the kid to a hobby shop or flying site, even if one exists within 5
or 10 miles.
Many of them view model building as a smelly, messy form of basket weaving.
Most parents do not see any developmental benifit for the kid. The same
people frequently think Little League is great.
2. Because of #1 you have to promote building simple stuff and flying in the
local park or gym. And mostly without adult supervision. Getting an adult
mentor to attend when the kids want to fly is impractical for adults that
work for a living. So the airplanes the kids learn on have to be fail safe in
the sense that nobody get hurt and no property damage accrues form accidents
and crashes. That means light weight models that fly slowly (low momentum)
and fuel or ignition sources needed.
3. Also because of #1 you have to limit materials to stuff you can actually
get from stores of catalogs without a lot of expert knowledge needed to make
the choices.
Why aren't the recruiters pursuing recreation department supported programs?
Why aren't the modeling organizations trying to identify their own members
with connections to schools and recreation departments? Some of these may be
willing to act as "inside men" to interest their organizations in modleing
Schools versus recreation departments? School programs tend to be short
cycles while classes of competitions are pursued to completion, follwed by a
long dry period while waiting for next year. Recreation departments can run
continuing activites, without long off season gaps.
good flying with new recruits
Dick Baxter
[For those not aware Dick has been working with young people
for a many years in a variety different programs]
Isaacson Winter Classic 2003
Pl Name RoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundTotal
1 Eugeny Verbitsk 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 1620
2 Don Chesson 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 254 1574
3 Ken Happersett 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 201 1521
4 Peter Watson 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 199 1519
5 Dave Johannes 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 168 1488
6 Bob Johannes 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 151 1471
7 D. Halliday 240 180 180 180 180 180 146 1286
8 Terry Kerger 240 180 180 180 180 180 146 1286
9 Doug Joyce 240 180 180 180 145 180 174 1279
10 Guy Mennano 240 131 180 180 180 180 180 1271
11 Stafford Screen 130 180 180 180 180 180 180 1210
12 Ed Carroll 240 180 180 180 145 925
13 Ken Oliver 240 180 180 180 114 894
14 Matt Gewain 70 3 73
Pl Name RoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundTotal
1 Mikhail Kochkar 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 420 2010
2 Jim Parker 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 309 1899
3 Cenny Breeman 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 185 1775
4 Mike McKeever 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 155 1745
5 Brian Van Nest 210 180 180 180 180 180 180 231 1521
6 Victor Stamov 210 180 180 175 180 180 180 1285
7 Ernesto Busnell 208 175 180 180 180 180 180 1283
8 Pierre Brun 203 180 180 179 180 180 180 1282
9 Tzvetan Tzvetko 210 180 180 171 180 180 180 1281
10 Lee Hines 201 178 180 180 180 180 180 1279
11 Peter Allnutt 210 141 174 180 180 180 180 1245
12 Vasily Beschasn 210 180 180 120 180 180 180 1230
13 Chuck Markos 130 180 180 180 180 180 180 1210
14 Tom Coussens 180 180 121 180 180 180 180 1201
15 Don Zink 94 180 180 180 180 180 180 1174
16 Norm Smith 210 117 125 180 180 180 180 1172
17 Peter Brocks 210 180 94 180 128 180 180 1152
18 Ben Coussens 159 180 180 180 180 73 180 1132
19 Henning Nyhegn 167 180 0 180 180 180 180 1067
20 John Cooper 186 173 165 180 124 828
21 Ohad Weisflener 210 180 180 180 0 0 0 750
22 Jon Davis 32 102 180 0 0 50 180 544
23 Risto Puhakka 41 58 0 99
Pl Name RoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundTotal
8 Alex Andriukov 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 420 484 2524
13 Igor Vivchar 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 420 313 2353
5 Walt Ghio 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 361 1981
17 Don Blackam 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 310 1930
18 Richard Blackam 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 276 1896
1 Bob Tymchek 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 214 1534
22 Bob Piserchio 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 194 1514
11 Roger Morrell 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 182 1502
2 Larry Norval 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 151 1471
9 Oleg Kulakovski 240 180 179 180 180 180 180 1319
10 Bill Booth 240 180 180 156 180 180 180 1296
23 Evgueny Gorban 240 180 180 180 145 180 180 1285
16 Radik Khuzyiev 240 180 180 180 143 180 180 1283
3 John Sessums 225 180 151 180 180 180 180 1276
24 Jerry McGlashen 190 180 180 180 180 180 180 1270
12 Rich Rohrke 189 180 180 180 180 180 180 1269
6 Martin Schroedt 240 180 180 180 180 180 127 1267
19 George Schroedt 240 180 180 180 180 116 180 1256
7 Mike Mulligan 240 180 180 179 180 180 112 1251
15 Nicolai Mikeev 156 180 180 180 151 180 180 1207
4 Pieter Merkesti 240 180 180 88 180 180 155 1203
25 Pim Ruyter 240 180 98 171 125 180 180 1174
20 Yrgo Waltonen 240 180 180 117 180 180 94 1171
14 Andrey Burdov 240 180 180 137 180 180 0 1097
21 Joe Friebis 157 139 115 156 120 180 171 1038
Pl Name RoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundTotal
1 Randy Secor 120 120 120 120 120 240 240 300 280 1660
2 Radik Khuzyiev 120 120 120 120 120 240 240 300 148 1528
3 Bob Tymchek 120 120 120 120 120 240 240 279 1359
4 Larry Norvall 120 120 120 120 120 240 240 273 1353
5 Evgeny Gorban 120 120 120 120 120 240 236 1076
6 Igor Vivchar 120 120 120 120 120 240 152 992
7 John Sessums 120 120 120 120 120 240 148 988
8 Audrey Burdov 120 120 120 120 120 240 146 986
9 George Schroedt 120 120 120 120 120 240 0 840
10 Mike Mulligan 120 120 120 120 120 99 699
11 Nikolai Mikheev 120 120 120 120 120 0 600
12 Pim Ruyter 120 120 120 120 103 583
13 Bill Booth 120 120 120 94 120 574
14 Peter Brocks 120 93 120 120 120 573
15 Jack Emery 115 120 120 83 120 558
16 Chuck Markos 120 120 98 74 80 492
17 Al Hotard 94 0 94
Pl Name RoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundTotal
1 Mike KcKeever 120 120 120 120 120 240 240 300 360 420 2160
2 Ernesto Busnell 120 120 120 120 120 240 240 300 360 386 2126
3 Ben Coussens 120 120 120 120 120 240 240 300 360 139 1879
4 Victor Stamov 120 120 120 120 120 240 240 300 307 1687
5 John Cooper 120 120 120 120 120 240 240 157 1237
6 Don Zink 120 120 120 120 120 240 212 1052
7 Lee Hines 120 120 120 120 120 240 188 1028
8 Mikhail Kochkar 120 120 120 120 120 240 119 959
9 Jon Davis 120 105 120 120 120 585
10 Vasily Beschasn 104 120 120 120 120 584
11 Brian Van Nest 120 120 120 98 120 578
12 Bob Norton 104 111 120 120 120 575
13 Norm Smith 112 120 86 120 120 558
14 Pierre Brun 117 93 71 120 120 521
15 Chuck Markos 0 0
Pl Name RoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundTotal
1 Ed Carroll 120 120 120 120 120 240 240 300 1380
2 Peter Watson 120 120 120 120 120 240 240 136 1216
3 Stafford Screen 120 120 120 120 120 240 240 0 1080
4 Dave Rounsavill 120 120 120 120 120 240 145 985
5 Guy Mennano 120 120 120 120 120 199 799
6 Kenny Happerset 120 120 120 97 120 577
7 Dave Johannes 111 120 120 120 29 500
8 Walt Ghio 0 0
9 Henning Nyhegn 0 0
Pl Name RoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundTotal
1 Mikkelsen/Crove 180 180 180 180 180 213 1113
2 Wes Funk 180 180 180 180 180 0 900
3 Randy Secor 149 180 180 180 180 869
4 Tom Laird 180 180 180 146 180 866
5 John Oldenkamp 130 82 122 102 180 616
6 Al Hotard 0 0
Old Al Gollywock Flyoff
Pl Name RoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundTotal
1 Bob White 293 293
2 Mikkelsen/Crove 213 213
3 Randy Secor 174 174
4 Tom Laird 169 169
Pl Name RoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundTotal
1 Andrey Burdov 120 120 120 360
2 Bob Van Nest 120 96 120 336
3 Cody Secor 115 115
4 Al Hotard 0 0
Nostalgia Wakefield
Pl Name RoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundTotal
1 Peter Allnutt 180 180 180 226 766
2 BOB WHITE 180 180 180 180 13 553
Pl Name RoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundTotal
1 John Oldenkamp 98 134 0 232
Pl Name RoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundRoundTotal
1 Peter Brocks 50 91 120 110 159 530
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 500%
2 Bob Norton 49 45 68 41 124 327
98%#################### ######
3 Jon Davis 41 72 58 69 54 294
82%#################### ######
Thanks to John and Sally Clapp of Fai Model Supply, Victor Stamov
and a number of
others at the last 2 weekends contests in So Cal who wanted remain anonymous
for thier donations in support of SEN.
Roger Morrell