SCAT Electronic News 16 February 2001 issue 545

SCAT Electronic News 16 February 2001 issue 545

Table of Contents
2001 Isaacson Winter Classic - Furutani
Bill's Graphs - Andresen
Bad images - Pudney
Closed Loop Sensors FAI Wording - Bradley
Additional info F1C for sale - Simpson
Fwd: [pmac] SW Regionals results - more pics - Andresen and Lidberg

2001 Isaacson Winter Classic
Author :

2001 Isaacson Winter Classic

Thanks to all that braved the rain, wind and cold! On Saturday we were able
to get in the minimum five rounds.

No ill weather was going to stop the burger grill. Brian Van Nest jumped in
with burger flipper flying and did a superb job manning the grill. Thank
you, Brian!

On Sunday, a 13 man fly-off in F1b was flown first, Pim Ruyter did almost 7
1/2 minutes in a good breeze. Timing was very difficult and performance was
very high resulting in many OOS. In F1A, of the 6 in the fly-off, 4 went
over 5 mins. with Mike McKeever topped out at 339 secs.

For what is supposed to be a "fun" contest, there was some heavy
competition! (but then this is what makes it fun!)

As we were giving out the morning awards, the migration of tumbleweeds
began(wind!) so the rest of the contest was cancelled (you can only take so
much "fun"). The next day a record snowstorm shut down Interstate 5 at
Gorman, trapping hundreds of motorists in the snow. Hope you weren't one
one of them!
Thanks again for supporting the Isaacson Winter Classic!
Norm Furutani

F1A Results
Place Name Rnd1 Rnd2 Rnd3 Rnd4 Rnd5 Flyoff Total
1 Mike McKeever 210 180 180 180 180 339 1269
2 Victor Stamov 210 180 180 180 180 330 1260
3 Javier Abad 210 180 180 180 180 324 1254
4 Kimo Kulmakko 210 180 180 180 180 310 1240
5 Chuck Markos 210 180 180 180 180 252 1182
6 Tom Coussens 210 180 180 180 180 231 1161
7 Peter Brocks 210 180 180 167 180 917
8 Brian Van Nest 210 180 180 180 147 897
9 Aberlenc 210 146 180 180 180 896
10 Peter Allnutt 210 180 180 131 180 881
11 Cenny Breeman 210 162 180 132 180 864
12 Ben Coussens 199 180 107 180 180 846
13 Lee Hines 210 180 92 180 180 842
14 Vasily Beschasny 210 180 180 0 570
15 Don Zink 210 180 180 0 570
16 Martyn Cowley 210 180 148 0 538
17 Norm Smith 198 180 129 0 507
18 Ron Hernandez 210 180 68 0 458
19 Henning Nyhegn 210 0 0 0 210
20 Craig Cusick 0 0 0 0 0

F1B Results
1 Pim Ruyter 240 180 180 180 180 441 1401
2 Pavel Bogach 227 180 180 180 180 367 1314
3 Don Blackham 240 180 180 180 180 336 1296
4 Bob Piserchio 240 180 180 180 180 310 1270
5 Roger Morrell 240 180 180 180 180 281 1241
6 Bob Tymchek 240 180 180 180 180 275 1235
7 Richard Blackham 240 180 180 180 180 268 1228
8 Walt Ghio 240 180 180 180 180 267 1227
9 Barberis 240 180 180 180 180 237 1197
10 Peter Merkestyn 240 180 180 180 180 201 1161
11 William Booth 240 180 180 180 180 182 1142
12 Ladi Horak 240 180 180 180 180 165 1125
13 Dick Myers 240 180 180 180 180 11 971
14 John Clapp 240 180 180 180 157 937
15 Mike Mulligan 240 180 180 180 0 780
16 Eugueni Gorban 240 180 180 180 0 780
17 Jerry McGlashan 240 180 180 180 0 780
18 Andrey Burdov 240 180 180 164 0 764
19 George Schroedter 240 180 122 180 0
20 Doug Rowsell 240 180 114 180 0 714
21 George Batiuk 240 180 180 55 0 655
22 Jim Lueken 240 180 180 0 0 600
23 John Pratt 240 180 180 0 0 600
24 Oleg Kulakovsky 240 180 180 0 0 600
25 Alex Andriukov 240 180 180 0 0 600
26 Rich Rohrke 197 180 180 0 0 557
27 Joe Friebis 134 180 92 95 0 501

F1C Results
1 Ken Happersett 255 255
2 Eugeny Verbitsky 0 0

1 Jack Emery 120 120 240
1 Bob White 180 150 330

no other scores were posted

Bill's Graphs
Author :


Interesting issue. The maxout graph by Bill Bogart points to a problem for
contest organizers, namely getting enough timers for the flyoffs. This is
particularly true in F1C as noone likes to time engine runs, especially when
so many flites are crowded in the 10min window.

When a team flies at a pole in the 3min rounds they require 2 timers.
If they all make the flyoffs, with 3 timers/sportsman, that's 9 timers.
Something to contemplate when Brian & Janna request the honor of one's
prescence at the WC's in Oct.


Bad images

Would love to see these attachments, but Paint Shop Pro (which I use to
view image files) won't open three of the .gif files, and tells me that
barometeralt.jpg is "an invalid jpg jfif file".

[we will look at re-sending these after we get back from the MaxMen]

Closed Loop Sensors FAI Wording
Author :

In the 2001 FAI rules, section 4C par. 1.3.1. The wording states, "Closed
loop control system with active sensors and operating aerodynamic flight
control are not allowed, except for steering in F1E."

The thing to consider is that this is a 3 part rule and all parts must be
present for it to apply, (my interruption).
1. It must be a closed loop system.
2. It must have active sensors, I assume this would also apply to only
having 1 sensor.
3. I must operate aerodynamic flight controls.

If we assume the case of using an altitude sensor and flight time from the
electronic timer to DT the model we only have 2 of the 3 requirements. There
is no question we have active sensors, altitude and time. There is no
question that we are operating an aerodynamic device, DT'ing the stab. What
is not use is a closed loop system. There is no feedback to un-DT the model
if it decides that it is coming down faster that predicted. Hence, (in my
opinion) using an altitude sensor along with a time input from the electronic
timer to DT the model is legal.

Jim Bradley

Additional info F1C for sale
Author :

Anyone wanting to contact me regarding the sale of the F1C models
can reach me at:

Roger Simpson
9159 Hubbard Ct.
Elk Grove, CA 95624
Telephone 1 (916) 686-1301 NOTE: NEW NUMBER

Fwd: [pmac] SW Regionals results - more pics
Author :


Here is excellent report by Al Lidberg on SW Regionals with pix & results.
This is for complete contest with ROW, Delta Dart etc.

Pix download quickly & can be readily enlarged, but then would we expect
less from tireless Al?


[see the next attachment supplement]

Roger Morrell - off to MaxMen