SCAT Electronic News 22 Feb 2001 issue 548 - Remembering Bob Wiehle
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1338
SCAT Electronic News 22 Feb 2001 issue 548 - Remembering Bob Wiehle
Table of Contents
Remembering Bob Wiehle - Furutani
Omarama Odyssey Ongoing Opdate ! - Malkinsky
rubber testing - Brooks
F1J Info - Lorbiecki
Remembering Bob Wiehle
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Before I became a SCAT member, Bob Isaacson told stories about the
different guys in the club, the uncanny flying skill of Bob White, Juan's
ability to take the latest concept and have it out on the field the next
weekend, don't listen to Bob Tymchek when you're out on the flight line and
the beautiful craftsmanship of Bob Wiehle.
I met Bob Wiehle out at the Moorpark field. He was working out the kinks on
a new instant prop release (and I was trying to figure out how to put a
Seelig in my Tilka). He had these neat little springs that kept the blades
extended, all attached to a slick home machined front end. When I got past
all the glitter, I saw what Ike had talked about- what a gorgeous airplane!
Every joint was perfect, all the gussets were neatly radiused, great skill
and care were evident on every component, a perfect example of the then
latest in F1B technology.
At the contest Wiehle (you had to call him Wiehle, because if you called
him Bob, half the field would answer- too many Bobs!) was a major
competitor, an outstanding sportsman. (The new guys may not know that he
was on the US Nordic team the year Ritz won the World Champs). Always
friendly and ready with a smile. In later years I was helping him chase at
a FF champs. He had made the fly-off and it was getting windy. I went after
his plane and on the way back the wing folded in half! I was sick, here Bob
had a chance to win and I had broken his best airplane! I couldn't
apologize enough, I helped him get a back-up together and get the last
flight off. He took second, and it was my fault. I moped around for a while
and then with a big smile Bob says "you know Norm, that wing was already
broken, and I forgot to tell you to be careful coming back!"
Bob was a modelers modeler, he loved all types of planes, from p-nuts to
old time ignition, from Gollywocks to the latest in stealth that he built
at the Skunkworks.
I'll miss his stories of the old days, the SCAT old days and the old, old
days! (now I'll have to listen to Hotard!)
I'll remember Bob Wiehle every time I look at the radiused gussets on MY
Norm Furutani
This is a reminder that the Memorial Service for SCAT original
member Bob Wiehle is on this Saturday, February 24th at 10:00 am.
Services will be held at:
First Presbyterian Church of Encino
4963 Balboa Boulevard
Encino, CA 91316
Omarama Odyssey Ongoing Opdate !
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
It was discovered that the dates that I sent you recently did not quite tie in
with the Easter weekend so we have changed the Easter weekend.!!
The Kotuku Cup contest will be on 18, 19, 20 March and the Omarama
Contest will be held on 22, 23, 24 March 2002.
This will allow all those prospective overseas visitors to tie in with
whatever contests the Australians will be holding over the Easter
weekend, which I am reliably informed is March 29 -Apr 1 2002.
More information as it arrives but there will definitely be some data
availabe at the Lost Hills World Champs.
rubber testing
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I'd like to get a description/drawing of George X's rubber testing machine
(for want of a better term.) I've seen one operate and I think it would
give a much better picture of the stored energy in the motor. So if one
needed to know that there were a few absolutely top quality motors in the
bag for the flyoff, this rubber tester is, I think, the way to go.
I'm currently using the method described by Bob Pischerio in the
99 yearbook and , at least with the equipmejnt I'm using, there is'nt
enough discrimination to make me confidant that I've selected the very
best motors.
Can anyone let me know how to get hold of some info about George's
Jim Brooks
F1J Info
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am trying to compile info on F1J models that are presently being
flown. This will be used for an article or three for the NFFS Digest. I
want details! Sizes, engines, timers, bunt info, construction, etc. I am
not only interested in high tech stuff, but also the low tech
(Luddite??) models, something that doesn't include carbon, etc. Please
email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. I thank you all in advance!
John Lorbiecki
Roger Morrell