SCAT Electronic News 6 March 2001 issue 552
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1923
SCAT Electronic News 6 March 2001 issue 552
Table of Contents
Aeromodeller - Norton
Some Indoor news - Tim
Tapio answer/ F1A wing wiggler - Bauer
Aeromodeller magazine bought ? - Woodhouse
US 2003 Free Flight Team Selection Program - Bradley
Air Search - Abad
FYI: Lost Mini-Bone - Hines
Magnificent Mountain Men 14 Round FAI Contest. - Murphy
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The last issue of Aeromodeller magazine had on the cover a photo of =
a foam ready to fly radio control model.
what more can I say.
bob norton
Some Indoor news
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Indoor News And Views (INAV) continues on with a new editor.
INAV continues in it’s 40 year tradition of leadership to the indoor flying
community with the selection of Carl Bakay as it’s new editor. Carl is a
from Louisiana and has been a long time free flight modeler and started
flying indoor when he discovered a lack of outdoor free flight fields among
the marsh and swamps of New Orleans. Carl brings a love or writing to the
post of editor. Carl is also the editor of S.L.I.M. (South Louisiana Indoor
Modeling Journal) which is an indoor newsletter aimed at the beginner. Carl
can be reached by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or vial snail mail at 1621 Lake
Salvador Dr., Harvey, LA 70058. Carl will be looking for the support of the
indoor community to help provide the great content than fliers have come to
expect. Articles, contest information and reposts, plans, and pictures are
all welcomed and should be submitted to Carl.
INAV is the worlds foremost newsletter for the indoor free flight flier. It
has been in continuous publication since 1961 and offers how to’s,
technology, materials, contest announcements & reports, plans, and tips to
the indoor flier. INAV focuses on all facets of indoor free flight from
beginner to expert, Science Olympiad to Scale to F1D and all classes in
between. INAV is published 3 – 5 times per year depending upon material and
budget. Subscriptions cost $9.00 per year in the US, $12.00 for Canada, and
$15.00 for the rest of the world. Subscription should be sent to Tim
Goldstein (INAV), 13096 W. Cross Dr., Littleton, CO 80127. Tim can also be
contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and additional information about INAV
may be found at
[Denver, CO]
Tapio answer/ F1A wing wiggler
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
First, a quick answer to Tapio about having enough battery left to
ensure an electronic model will DT. I believe the key is to make the
timer so that it draws almost no power during the flight while the
model is gliding - then there will always be power left for DT and
small batteries can last a long time, and there is no need for fancy
battery circuits. My timers are designed to give the servo power only
for the fraction of a second when it moves and the rest of the time
the batteries draw only about 1mA of current. For a glider, if there
is enough battery for the servo to bunt the model, you are almost
guaranteed there will be enough juice left 3 minutes later to DT.
After about 8 years of using servos, I've never had a failed DT.
Lastly, I wanted to answer the question I posed a month ago about
which way a towline glider would turn under high speed if the wing was
washed in further. This last weekend I tried this experiment on a new
glider by using an electronic wing wiggler to add wash-in to the right
wing when the hook unlatched. I got the same result as I got last
year with an older glider - the model turned right. So at least for
the case of a couple models I own, drag seems to dominate over aileron
effect at high speed and high line tension. I also got a letter from
Stan Buddenbohm. He told a story of a misbehaving F1H glider that did
not want to come around with high speed before the launch. He added
1/32 wash-in to the right wing which resulted in the glider tending to
turn more to the right and fixed the problem.
Thanks for your comments,
Ken Bauer
Aeromodeller magazine bought ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I understand that the title has been purchased. However my sources did not
know who it was. Nexus are playing it very quiet.
Michael J Woodhouse. - Free Flight Supplies is now Rapier powered!
All mail to: -
web site: -
US 2003 Free Flight Team Selection Program
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Proposed 2003 Free Flight Team Selection Program has been approved. The
program will start April 1st. To enter the program you must also have a
current FAI Sporting License. You may contact Lisa Johnson at AMA to enter
the program. A newsletter will be coming out later this week with additional
Jim Bradley, FFTSC Chairman
Air Search
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger & Rocket
I am glad your model is now at Lost Hills FD, great!
I also lost a model before the Max Men, heard the beacon for
30 minutes but was not able to find it
next day after a 25 miles long search by bike. So together with
John Cuthbert we shared the rental of a
plane and found both models within 35 minutes at 3.7 and 7 miles.
Janna Van Nest arranged for us a meeting with the pilot at i
Lost Hills airstrip. He has experience from
previous air searches for Peter Allnut and was very helpful.
I hope nobody will need his services but just in case:
Melvin Lawlor; Bakersfield Municipal Airport, phone (661)834 6870,
cell phone 661 619 4300
Javier Abad
FYI: Lost Mini-Bone
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To add to the lost models list, my F1H Mini-Bone was lost on bearing 295
degrees, during 3rd round on MAXMEN MINI day(Friday). Breeze was
possibly rotating clockwise, so it might have landed more to the east,
and about 3-4 miles out, since signal stopped at
about 25 min. Risto also lost an F1A. Not found to my knowledge.
Magnificent Mountain Men 14 Round FAI Contest.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
There was an error of omission in the listing of America's Cup events in
that this year's running of this event will also have the mini events. The
dates are June 30 and July 1. The field is 27,000 A of rolling prairie
south of the DIA airport. This is the toughest contest in the USA so come
out and try hour hand at trying to be a Magnificent Mountain Man.
Jerry Murphy
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Roger Morrell