SCAT Electronic News 10 March 2001 issue 553
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1458
SCAT Electronic News 10 March 2001 issue 553
Table of Contents
Seelig times for Sale - Simpson
F1J Components for Sale - Simpson
To turn or not to turn, that is the question! - Hines
SCAT Banco - Brun
F1C Geared Propeller Motor and CIAM - Bogie
Re: To turn or not to turn, that is the question! - Bauer
SEN and Web Site annoucements - Simpkins
Aermodeller RIP - Bigg Gee
14 rounds - Woodouse
Skyscraper International Challenege - Barron
Seelig times for Sale
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have 2 New Seelig 4 function timers for sale. They are not the current
model which are regulated by a ratchet arm, rather they are the fan type.
They do not run long enough for F1C flyoff flights, but are perfect for AMA
Gas (6 to 7 minutes).
Current cost would be $45.00.
Sale price is $30.00 each or 2 for $55.00
Reid Simpson
9207 Hazelhurst
Austin Tx 78729
(512) 258-4793
F1J Components for Sale
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have an Achterberg F1J Graphite wing and stab kit for sale.
Current price is $145.00
Sale price is $125.00
Reid Simpson
9207 Hazelhurst
Austin Texas 78729
(512) 258-4793
To turn or not to turn, that is the question!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I also spoke to Stan about your washin query;
my only caveat is that I believe the case in point
is at a moment when the angle of attack is fairly
high, and speed is NOT YET near the terminal velocity
reached for bunting.
[Stan's F1H example is an offset hook zoom glider,
which I believe is outside the realm of your query.]
My contention is: washin on inside turning wing WILL
drag at higher angles,THEN transition to lift when approaching bunt
speed, near top.
Many observations and trim changes on my and friends
F1As seem to bear this out.
I have consistently seen that changing tow washin on
a straight-launching bunter SELDOM requires a change
to the straight-tow rudder setting. I add or remove
tow wash to tighten or loosen circle tow AND alter
glider tow setup for climb and launching phases.
I do agree with Mike Fantham that various sections transition from drag
to lift at different speeds.
My FEELING is that B6356-types exhibit less "transition effect", to coin
a phrase, than more
highly cambered sections(ie, Gard 7510, Ritz/Stamov, M&K, etc).
I am still learning about this effect and await
your response(s).
SCAT Banco
Lost Hills, CA
March 31 - April 1 2001
F1A, B, C, G, H & J
First contest eligible for Team Selection qualification!
You MUST be entered in the program prior to the contest.
Cash prize for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place.
All classes are combined junior / senior / open.
5 - 1 1/2 Hour rounds start: 7:30am 5 - 1 Hour rounds start: 7:30am
First round maxes: First round maxes:
F1A= 4 min F1G= 2 1/2 min F1A= 4 min
F1B= 5 min F1H= 3 min F1B= 5 min
F1C= 5 min F1J= 3 min F1C= 5 min
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 JUNIOR: $10.00
Contest coordinator: Assistant Contest coordinator:
Pierre Brun Don Zink
7332 Balboa Blvd. Unit 2 5181 Manor View
Van Nuys, CA 91406 Yorba Linda, CA 92686
818-989-4970 714-970-1823
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
F1C Geared Propeller Motor and CIAM
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I shall be attending the CIAM meeting next week in place of George Xenakis.
An agenda has been assembled on offered changes in the rules. What is not on
the agenda, but may be discussed informally, concerns the geared motor for
F1C. There have been several contests in the US and the motor shows possible
superiority in climb. A few people have contacted me expressing their views.
Send me your thoughts on this matter to arrive no later than March 17.
Then I will have a basis for concensus.
Bill Bogart
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
[ we will be giving Bill the results of the SEN survey - but US sportsmen
be sure to contact Bill directly if you feel strongly about this.
Note that it is VERY important that Bill understands how the FIC flyers
really feel. While this is not stated as an item to be voted neither
was the issue about 'advanced electronic timers' where the USA's vote
did not necesarily reflect how people really felt. You [F1C sportsman]
should not assume that just because it is not on the agenda it will not
be voted on.
Finally if you have to sent your vote in for the SEN Survey please do
so right away]
Re: To turn or not to turn, that is the question!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Lee,
Thanks for your thoughts. I think we are all on the right track - I'm
not worried about who's right or wrong, just trying to promote
I believe there is a transition effect as you mention, where the
wash-in effect changes from right turning drag to left turning lift,
and we agree on the drag effect at high angles of attack. But what I
think is that we tend to forget the effect of high towline tension. I
stated in my first comments on this subject that a glider with wash-in
will turn right at the bottom of the tow-up when tension is high, but
then will turn left at the top of the tow-up IF line tension is
released, or lessened. This is a transition effect, but it depends on
line tension.
With that in mind, if the tension is kept strong up until the moment
of launch, which is what we want, then I think the right turning drag
effect is constant and there is no transition. Remember, if I am
pulling 20 pounds on the towline, the glider has to pull 20 pounds the
other way. The angle of attack and the way the wing works will likely
be about the same whether the towline is at 45 degrees or straight
over head and the 20 pound force is dominant over gravity and
everything else.
By the way, one point of this discussion and experiment, is to get
higher launches by having the glider turn while you run straight in
order to build up more line tension at launch.
Thermals, Ken
SEN and Web Site annoucements
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I would like to include our America's Cup meet announcement on your web site
but unsure as to the format you prefer. I assume it would be placed in the
2001 Contest Schedules along with other notices.
I can give provide it in HTM or PDF format. However, the PDF format is more
usefull as copies can be readily printed on a 8.5 x 11 sheet as one page.
The HTM file, when printed, takes 2 pages. Size of either file is about 12
Don Simpkins, Sec/Treas
Texas Cloud Climbers
[Don and others
We have section for contest flyers, I believe that HTML is better
because not everyone has Adobe Acrobat and it is two steps to read it.
It is good to send it in plain ASCII [when saving from MS Word - ASCII
with line breaks] so it can be included in SEN. If you concert it to ASCII
you can them be assure it a> will be done they way you want b> not
have to wait for me to get arounf to it.
Note that we are always pleased to get any contest flyer .. and the results
Aermodeller RIP
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
On Wed, 07 March 2001, SCAT user wrote:
It's a hell of a shame that Aeromodeller should die. It was part of my youth!
Unfortunately, it probably refelcted the current trends in non-R/C model
flying, that is, 'novelty models' and the endless, tiresome addiction
to vintage - nothing wrong with vintage per se, but in recent years it's
got to be a bore. Equally unfortunate is the unavoidable fact that
competition free-flight and control-line are now minority interests whether
we like it or not. Sad to recall what were for me the great days of
Aeromodeller, when Ron Moulton was in charge and keeping alive the publishing
traditions of D A Russell. For my money it started going downhill when
they increased the size of the magazine and made it all
'glossy'. How I miss the Championship reports of old, both f/f and c/l, and
the wonderful technological articles, when they actually employed a
It seems to me that the term 'dumbed down' could have been invented for
Aeromodeller of the last 10 years or so. I only hope that if it has
been bought then it's now owned by someone who will try to inject at
least a touch of seriousness and class back into it.
14 rounds
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Before the Maxmen there was much leaping up and down about whether it should
be 7 or 14 rounds. After the event narry a word, do I assume that we are
all happy? The only suggestion for the future that I have, this I suggested
to George during the fly-offs. I think that a reversal of fly-off order
would be useful in cutting down the thermal effect and thus possible number
of additional rounds. Flying order F1C, F1B and last F1A thus the models
most effected by lift go last.
Michael J Woodhouse. - Free Flight Supplies is now Rapier powered!
All mail to: -
web site: -
May 19-20, 2001
Barron and Ford Fields
Wawayanda, New York
FAI EVENTS (America's Cup). Maxes set per FAI rules.
Saturday May 19: F1A (Glider), F1C (Power), F1G (Small Rubber)
F1A, F1C have seven rounds starting at 8:00am.
F1G has five rounds starting at 9:00am.
Sunday May 20: F1B (Wakefield), F1J (Small Power), F1H (Small Glider)
F1B has seven rounds starting at 7:00am.
F1J,F1H has five rounds starting at 8:00am.
Awards for top three in each event (JSO Combined), plus awards for top
junior or senior in each event flown.
AMA AND NOSTALGIA EVENTS (National Cup). Contact either CD for details.
Entry Fees:
$10 per open contestant for first event;
$5 for each additional event; $20 maximum.
$5 maximum for juniors and seniors.
Contest Director:
AMA & Nostalgia:
Dave Acton, 914-948-4234
89 N. Broadway, White Plains, NY 10603.
Andrew Barron, 203-248-5386, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
5 Oliver Drive, North Haven, CT 06473.
Motorized Vehicles on farm roads and designated grass areas only.
Golf cart or foot retrieval on commercial sod.
On County Route 12, turn onto Barron Field road at grain silo,
after Gardnersville road, six miles south of Route 17-M
(which runs between Interstate 84 in Middletown and Highway 17
in Goshen).
Roger Morrell