SCAT Electronic News 11 March 2001 issue 554

SCAT Electronic News 11 March 2001 issue 554

Table of Contents
Upcoming Events
SCAT Electronic News
BlackMagic Batteries
Bear Cup 2001 - Linkosalo et al
Re-seeding the filled in hole at Lost Hills - Wagner
Foot and Mouth - Woodhouse
Texas Cloud Climbers - Simpkins

Upcoming Events

Coming weekend - SCAT Annual at Lost Hills Big Events SAT, Minis Sunday
- Holiday - on - Ice, Norway

SCAT Electronic News

This is the SCAT Electronic news. It object is to support Free Flight
Model Airplanes. It is e-mailed out on an irregular basis whenever
'enough' news is collected. It is published in conjunction with the SCAT
Online web site at

Contributions are invited. Mail them to
Any information of interest to FAI Free Flighters is welcome, contest
announcements, contest results, product information, technology
information, comments on rules etc.

Images are better submitted in GIF or JPEG formats
as they are smaller [than BMP].

Text should be in plain text. If you use MS Word - save the
document as ASCII test with line breaks.

Contest results can be in text or excel format.

If you just started getting this it is because some else suggested
it, you asked for it or you logged on to the SCAT Web site
and indicated a prference for FAI FF events.

To subscribe send the person's e-mail address to
To be removed from the list notify the above address.

SCAT is the Southern California Aero Team.

BlackMagic Batteries

We have a supply of 180ma 4 cell Nicad for use with BlackMagic
Glider timers [actually you can use it for F1B too - if your
F1B is 30 grams under weight!]. The battery weights 30 grans with wire
but no connector. It is nominally 65.5mm x 14.4 x 17.3. The cells
are welded and it is covered in shrink tube. The cost is $15.00
without connector and shipping is extra.

I will have some at the SCAT Annual.

email to

Bear Cup 2001
Author :

The results from the Bear Cup competition can be found at

The weather forecast was a bit worrying, with decent wind and snow fall.
The actual weather turned out much better, wind was 3 m/s at highest, and
slight snow showers on first two rounds did not cause visibility problems.

The flying site was new, a large frozen lake somewhat more inland than the
previous one, and a bit more south. This means that if one takes the night
ferry from Stockholm to Turku one could get to the flying site in time. On
the other hand, this new site also has a nice holiday resort just on the
shore, so that one can wake up in the morning next to the lake, have some
breakfast and just walk (or take a car) right to the flying site.

Bear Cup 2001, Pori Finland 10.3.2001

Despite the weather forecast predicting snow fall and wind, the
weather actually quite nice. Some snowfall during the first two
rounds, but wind was up to 3 m/s, thus no visibility problems.

Class F1A0 (juniors <16 years) 1 2 3 4 5 TOT
1 Runnari Juho PoIK 180 177 162 146 180 845
2 Kiiskinen Tuomo LIY 158 180 180 171 143 832
3 Lammi Jani VeLKo 149 180 180 180 137 826
4 Keto-tokoi Lassi PoIK 139 138 155 154 60 646
5 Taponen Teemu PoIk 57 123 144 128 180 632
6 Kutvonen Lauri LIY 22 148 141 157 152 620
7 Penttilä Topi LIY 83 135 114 96 129 557
8 Joala Mikkel EST 110 92 84 126 96 508
9 Järvinen Mauri VeLKo 9 37 74 131 112 363

Class F1AJ (juniors <18 years) 1 2 3 4 5 TOT
1 Vuks Virko EST 180 165 180 180 145 850
2 Runnari Juho PoIK 144 180 147 120 161 752
3 Tuominen Turo PoIK 151 151 64 144 180 690
4 Oramaa Esko PoIk 110 35 180 146 180 651
5 Malm Jouni SaLKo 100 121 130 143 155 649
6 Parviainen Jari SaLKo 71 93 73 180 162 579

F1A 1 2 3 4 5 TOT
1 Valo Jari LePo 900+300 394 - - 1594
2 Lihtamo Matti KaIKo 900+300 313 - - 1513
3 Tuisku Kari KIK 900+300 302 - - 1502
4 Ronkanen Pekka SaLKo 900+300 289 - - 1489
5 Salminen Heikki LePo 900+300 280 - - 1480
6 Holmbom Mikael SWE 900+300 259 - - 1459
7 Poliayev Valeri RUS 900+282 - - - 1182
8 Wiardsson Sofia SWE 900+280 - - - 1180
9 Rahkala Pekka RIK 900+274 - - - 1174
10 Laaksonen Jori VeLKo 900+264 - - - 1164
11 Nereng Vegar NOR 900+260 - - - 1160
12 Kulmakko Kimmo SIL 900+251 - - - 1151
13 Kutvonen Ari LIY 900+246 - - - 1146
14 Pajunen Timo VeLKo 900+223 - - - 1123
15 Tchop Victor UKR 900+217 - - - 1117
16 Kordemets Anti EST 900+216 - - - 1116
17 Hafner Lars SWE 900+215 - - - 1115
18 Isotalo Tommi LIY 900+207 - - - 1107
19 Leino Laura LePo 900+191 - - - 1091
20 Kaskin Aleksei RUS 180 180 180 180 180 900
21 Heikkinen Juha KLK 180 178 180 180 180 898
22 Henrikson Kim LePo 175 180 180 180 180 895
23 Varhos Denits SWE 180 166 180 180 180 886
24 Veneranta Lari PoIk 162 180 180 180 180 882
Abad Javier ESP 180 180 180 162 180 882
Munnukka Niilo VLK 179 178 165 180 180 882
27 Findahl Per SWE 180 155 180 180 180 875
28 Tähkäpää Heikki Kärpänen 151 180 180 180 180 871
29 Lepp Andres EST 180 130 180 180 180 850
30 Sillgren Jukka Kärpänen 180 106 180 179 180 825
31 Pärna Ardo EST 180 104 180 180 180 824
32 Selgoja Ants EST 180 180 156 180 124 820
33 Kuningas Juhani Velko 140 128 180 180 180 808
34 Kiljunen Harri SaLKo 180 147 114 180 180 801
35 Enno Puja EST 164 146 180 124 167 781
36 Keto-tokoi Jyrki PoIK 133 166 165 132 138 734
37 Runnari Valve PoIK - 119 117 141 180 557
38 Laaksonen Mike VelKo 55 114 106 45 109 429

Class F1B 1 2 3 4 5 TOT
1 Kutvonen Ari LIY 900+300 397 - - 1597
2 Torgersen Ole NOR 900+300 374 - - 1574
3 Rolands Markus LIT 900+300 348 - - 1548
4 Waltonen Yrjö LK Torba 900+300 334 - - 1534
5 Linkosalo Tapio VLK 900+300 328 - - 1528
6 Isotalo Juhani LIY 900+300 315 - - 1515
7 Kolic Ivan YUG 900+300 250 - - 1450
8 Rosonoks Viktors LAT 900+300 233 - - 1433
9 Isotalo Janne LIY 900+294 - - - 1194
10 Mantere Antti PoIK 900+282 - - - 1182
11 Shelepov Alexsander RUS 900+275 - - - 1175
12 Saari Pekka VeLKo 900+261 - - - 1161
13 Kiiskinen Markku LIY 900+256 - - - 1156
14 Solodov Maxim RUS 900+224 - - - 1124
15 Harjo Indrek EST 180 180 180 177 180 897
16 Kilpeläinen Ossi SaLKo 160 180 180 180 176 876
17 Henrikson Jari PoIK 162 180 172 160 170 844
18 Pakarinen Teuvo SaLKo 176 128 123 156 166 749

Class F1C 1 2 3 4 5 TOT
1 Kuukka Kaarle LIY 900+256 - - - 1156
2 Roots Jyri EST 900+240 - - - 1140
3 Niiranen Timo SaLKo 180 178 180 180 180 898
4 Naaber Raimond EST 176 180 180 180 180 896
5 Lindgren Kari PoIK - - 180 176 180 536


Last updater 11.3.2001

Re-seeding the filled in hole at Lost Hills
Author :

From SCAT Electronic News 25 February 2001 issue 549

Jon, If it is important to reseed we should do it, I am sticking my foot in
where I don't know a lot but at Galeville it was a similar situation and 40
years plus ago they had native grasses that worked. I am sure we can get a
bunch of guysd together to spread the costs, If you have the enrgy to find
out what we need and how much maybe we can make it work, joe w.

Foot and Mouth
Author :


Here is an update re the foot and mouth problem. If you want a copy of the
provisional contest calender changes e-mail me. I havn't sent it as it is a
rather large word document that will have to be sent as an attachment.

The grapevine has it that 2 R/C flyers were arrested for flying on Chobham
commmon. They apperently ignored the notices that had been posted.

The way that this thing is going I reckon that there has to be doubt over
the Free Flight Nationals at the end of May.

To our overseas readers please don't get wrong impression about what is
happening in the UK. This disease effects the certain animals it does not
effect humans. The animals would get over it but they would no thrive and
as the disease is very easily spread by the wind by contact etc etc the only
way to stop it is to quarenteen the effected areas and destroy the stock.
It is a draconian measure but it works. At the moment new cases are still
springing up. The incubation period is 14 days so we need that plus some
without new cases being reported current total is 150 or so.

The FFTC met on Saturday, and considered emergency procedures caused by the
Foot and mouth crisis.

Principal conclusions were:-

1/ There is a rolling programme of postponements and cancellations of
events.All events up to 15th April are postponed or cancelled. No one should
fly or trim in any areas in the countryside.

2/ A decision on the Nationals will be taken on or before the end of April.
This will be posted on the FFTC web page. At present, the FFTC are
continuing to plan for the Nationals. The committee is also reviewing
alternative dates/venues for the Nationals if it cannot take place on the
planned date; however, a suitable venue has not been found to date.

3/ The events from the first three Area meetings have been rescheduled into
the final three events. This has necessitated a complete change of all the
events to try to avoid too many clashes, but some are inevitable.The revised
programme of Area events is attached.

4/ Sculthorpe is unavailable for the resheduled Team Selection Trials on
23/24th June. In addition, the first two trials are in jeopardy.There is a
procedure in the rule book to cater for this eventuality, which would
ultimately mean that the team would be selected by a committee.The view of
the FFTC, and of a number of fliers was that there was a preference for a
further event to be scheduled later in the year if a suitable venue and date
could be determined.Views are invited on this matter.

Michael J Woodhouse. - Free Flight Supplies is now Rapier powered!
All mail to: -
web site: -

Texas Cloud Climbers
Author :




8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

JUNE 9-10, 2001

At the beautiful Beaumont Ranch, Grandview, Texas

(About 30 minutes south of Fort Worth on I-35W, take EXIT 15, go east 1.5
mile on FM-916, turn south on 202 for 1 mile to ranch entrance. Go west
about 1 mile to site on right)

A food cart will be available in Beaumont parking lot around noon Saturday
and Sunday. Entrance is east of main ranch gate.

JUNE 9, 2000 (SATURDAY) JUNE 10, 2000 (SUNDAY)






(NOTE 1) ............ ELECTRIC JUNIOR COMBO (J) Any type model
flown to
.............020 REPLICA
AMA rules (rubber, gas,
electric, CO2, glider)







1. All events combined (JSO) Henry Spence........ (817) 473-1673
except as noted (J) for
juniors. John O'Dwyer........ (817) 346-2413

2. FAC events may be flown MOTEL (free room upgrade for Beaumont
either day but all flights patrons)
completed on the day flown.
Five Star Inn (I-35W, exit 32) (817)
3. FAI shall fly one hour 447-1271
rounds beginning at 8:00 am.
Special "golden eagle" and E-mail:
"silver cup" awards for high
time. Rates: Seniors (over 62)....... $42 - $44
plus tax
4. Motor run for specific
events shall be posted by CD. Rates: Adults...................... $48 -
$51 plus tax
5. Motor bikes allowed for
retrieval. Autos restricted Rates include a deluxe Continental breakfast
to paved roads .

6. Valid AMA license BANQUET
required. May be purchased at
field. Juniors $1.00 special. Saturday night banquet at adjoining motel
7. A liability release form
must be signed during AWARDS
1. One trophy plaque per contestant with
ENTRY FEE event and place nameplates through third
place in all events.
$10.00 first event, $5.00
each additional event (SO). 2. Three-two-one scoring for high point and
$1.00 each event for juniors Grand Champion.

Note: All contestants are 3. All Texas Cloud Climber perpetual
required to pay a $10 annual trophies will be awarded. Given for high
field fee. Proceeds will be time in 1/2A, any AMA event, rubber, and for
used for field lease. Juniors FAI major and minor events.
and site donors excluded.

Roger Morrell