SCAT Electronic News 19 June 2001 issue 590
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1261
SCAT Electronic News 19 June 2001 issue 590
Table of Contents
SCAT Summer Madness Contest
SCAT Electronic News aka SEN
Editorial Policy - Products, Price Lists etc
Oven advice - Fully cured Magill
2001 World Champs Field Set-Up and Take-Down - Coussens
Who still builds ? - Ackery
Gas Cookers - Malkin
From Last issue - World Champs Stuff
SCAT Summer Madness Contest
Get together the best hours of the day,
fly , have fun, get home early Sunday before it
gets really hot.
This coming weekend.
Saturday June 23
5 flights - no rounds 5 pm til 7:30 pm
R1 5:30 - 6:15 Pm
R2 6:15 - 7:00 pm
R3 7:00 - 7:45 pm
R1-3, 5-7 3 minute max
Sunday June 24
6:15 am - Flyoff
Details on field.
F1A,B,C Champagne Flyoff
F1A 6:30 - 6:40
F1B 6:50- 7:00
F1C 7:10 - 7:20
R4 7:30 - 8:15
F1a 210
F1B 240
F1C 300
R5 8:15-9:00
R6 9:00-9:45
R7 9:45 - 10:30
Trophy presentation 10:45
Glassware to first place
[if youse aint first, youse ain't nuttin' !]
CD Hector Diez - 805 238 3538
SCAT Electronic News aka SEN
This is the SCAT Electronic news. It object is to support Free Flight
Model Airplanes. In particular the FAI classes.
It is e-mailed out on an irregular basis whenever
'enough' news is collected. It is published in conjunction with the SCAT
Online web site at
Contributions are invited. Mail them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Any information of interest to FAI Free Flighters is welcome, contest
announcements, contest results, product information, technology
information, comments on rules etc.
Text should be nn plain text. If you use MS Word - save the
document as ASCII test with line breaks.
Contest results can be in text or excel format.
If you just started getting this it is because some else suggested
it, you asked for it or you logged on to the SCAT Web site
and indicated a prference for FAI FF events.
To subscribe send the person's e-mail address to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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SCAT is the Southern California Aero Team.
Editorial Policy - Products, Price Lists etc
On the SCAT Web Site we have a
suppliers section. This is is material submitted
by the various suppliers that support our hobby.
It is the suppliers responsibility to keep the information
up to date. The presence of any item in the list does
not mean an endorsement of the product.
In SCAT Electronic News we like to publish the latest information
about products and services for our hobby.
To this end we will publish various peoples price lists.
Also we will publish press releases or other announcements
that are relevant to FAI free flight.
If you want to submit any information in these categories
you should send them This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Oven advice
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi all, just a note to say thankyou everyone for all the advice on heat
ovens, and in response to Chris Edge's comments; Chris, I'm soon to be
married, and my partner is already rather protective of our home oven, i
fear that if i used it for something other than culinary purposes, i may end
up LIVING in my damp, dark workshop, so i can sympathize :)
Thermals(and fully cured epoxy)
Jason Magill
2001 World Champs Field Set-Up and Take-Down
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Volunteers are requested to help set up the flying field for the Livotto/Canadi
an Cup and 2001 W/C. We'll start the set up on Wednesday, October 3 and will t
ake down all equipment that has not been provided by subcontractors on Sunday,
October 14.
Tasks include: Flight line markers, tarps for the power flyers, sun shades for
competitors, chairs and tables for the various tents, pylons, warning cones, fl
ags, warning tape, etc. Please email Tom Coussens at:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., if you can help with either set-up and take-down or
Who still builds ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Nowdays, no one designs their own models other than deciding
what manufacturer to use. An idea would be to have the top two
manufacturers in each of the classes F1A, F1B, and F1C submit engineer
quality drawings of their products. Previously, there was an exchange of
design ideas, this is no longer the case.+ACI-
I am currently compiling for publication in FFONZ NEWZ some profiles of
the New Zealand team members going the World Champs.
And I see that there are still plenty of original designs, and builders
there. So it is refreshing to see that there are still plenty of
people around who still prefer to design and build their own aircraft.
It may well be the (general) trend in the USA to pick your
manufacturer, and then write out the cheque and go flying, but there are
still plenty of people out there who do build their own.
Reasons for this can vary, some people just prefer to fly their own
designs, having always done this. Stubborn pride can achieve a lot. Some
people really enjoy the process of design, and the construction, and
feel that by putting in extra effort and care in these areas they can
gain an edge over people with lesser skills. Or perhaps it is just
parsimonious thrift by people who are unable or unwilling to stretch
their budgets to the current cost of aircraft that are measured in the
strongest currency in the world.
And there is still innovation and new ideas out there. People continue
to work on flappers and folders, and we have seen Igor Zilberg with a
Wakefield that had the rear peg behind the tailplane, and a 2 minute
motor run. People with the courage to try things rather than follow the
So I am sure there is plenty of good material original to be published,
and any plans book would be well sought after. A plans book forms an
excellent historical reference, I know that the copies I have in my free
flight library ( 1983, 1987, 1993) are greatly treasured and refered to
frequently. So I think it is a pity that there will be no plans book for
the 2001 World Champs.
David Ackery
New Zealand
Gas Cookers
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
$10000 for a Gas Cooker constructed of Cast Iron; X X X ! Are you
sure the salesman did'nt speak with an Australian accent because
somehow I think you have purchased a section of the Sydney Harbour
From Last issue - World Champs Stuff
Don Zink - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. is trying to borrow canopies of sunshades
to lend to visiting teams - If you can help out or have already
made a deal with a visiting team to provide tehm with a sun shade
please e-mail Don.
So that it does not get lost ot otherwise diverted Don's wife Shirley
requests that ....
Will you please indicate in the next SCAT that email that Don needs to read:
please put To Don in the subject area. I don't recognize all lot of the
email addresses and this will insure that he gets the info he needs.
Roger Morrell