SCAT Electronic News 6 June 2001 issue 586
- Details
- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1340
SCAT Electronic News 6 June 2001 issue 586
Table of Contents
Gizmogezzer - Moseley
Gizmogezzer Rubber Stripper - Moseley
Big Al's Mini Events - Dukie
Indoor News and Views Archive CD released - Goldstein
Endless October Tee Shirt Design - Simpson
Big Al's FAI Shootout "Redux" - Dukie
Digital Servos - Van Wallene
SCAT summer madness contest - Ryan
P.S. - Hot Rubber - Cole
Training in October - Ackery
Heat box - Magill
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Received a flyer today for a new Gizmo product - a very neat 5:1 Precision
Winder' - five ballbearings, counter, built-in torque meter to 24 "/ozs,
even high-speed, low-torque winding (1200rpm) that automatically adjusts to
lower-speed, high-torque operation. Priced at introductory $99.00. Saw a
prototype at Geneseo last year, lightweight, well made and looks a good
Also has a Rubber Stripper in the works for early release - micrometer
adjustment, cuts down to 0.010" width, targeted at $9.95 - plus a
Micro-Fuse Dethermaliser", small, light (1/2 gram for 2:00 DT time, as yet
They're not on his website as yet but you could probably order or get
details at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
JM Ajax Ontario
Gizmo Rubber Stripper
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Oops! Have just been informed that the Gizmogeezer flyer has a typo; the
Rubber Stripper is targeted at US$29.95, not $9.95 as previously advised.
Flyer says 'Priced so low that everyone can now own one' .... $9.95 seemed
too much of a bargain, regardless.
Big Al's Mini Events
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Here are the results of F1G, H and J from Big Al's FAI Shootout on May 26,
Weather was very good on Saturday until later in the day when the flyoffs
were going to go O.O.S. We held over the F1J flyoff until the next morning
and it was even worse.
The Big Al's FAI Shootout Redux (F1A, B, and C) will be held at the Labor
Day meet in conjunction with the Tri-Club Annuals Free Flight Bonanza. Set up
will be on the east end of the flying area.
Thanks to the mny contestant who came, nd I hope to see you all there on
Labor Day.
1. Hank Cole 600
2. Larry Norval 596
3. Mike Davis 582
4. John Pratt 580
5. Dick Wood 577
6. George Batiuk 570
7. Roger Morrell 569
8. Jack Emery 560
9. Dan Protheroe 539
10. George Schroedter 535
11. Bob Tymchek 506
12. Bob Critchlow 484
13. Dck Myers 418
14. Bill Davis 321
1. Mike McKeever 960
2. Ernesto Bushnelli 872
3. Brian VanNest 847
4. Tom Coussens 791
5. Lee Hines 781
6. Don Zink 600
7. Michael Avalone 575 (1st Jr.)
8. Dallas Parker 560 (2nd Jr.)
9. Martyn Cowley 519
10. Chuck Markos 509
11. Norm Smith 504
12. Anthony Avalone 471
13. Bob Norton 437
F1J *Tie to be flown off at Livotto
1. Bruce Augustus 780*
2. Bob Johannes 780*
3. Guy Mennano 780*
4. Mike Roberts 780*
5. Dave Johannes 662
6. John Warren 565
6. Peter Sahlberg 565
8. Ed Carroll 554
9. Ray Sahlberg 511
10. Terry Kerger 465
Thanks to all.
Doug Galbreath, CD
Indoor News and Views Archive CD released
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I know that SCAT is really more oriented to outdoor & F1B than indoor and
F1D, but thought this would be of interest to your readers.
Indoor News and Views announces the release of an Archive CD containing the
complete issues from Jan. 1962 to current. The archive comes with a custom
written viewer program. The program is only for PC computers running Windows
95, 98, ME, 2000, or NT 4. Recommended minimum is a 350 Mhz system, but it
will work on any Pentium class computer. The viewer program lets you look up
issues by publication date, print any page of an issue, build an index,
search by your index, and just plain view the issues.
All articles, plans, tips, photos, drawings from over 250 issues are
included. This is a great way to have all the tremendous information from
INAV at your finger tips. Cost is only US$45.00 plus shipping ($3 USA, $5
all others) which works out to less than 0.18 cents per issue. Proceeds from
the sale of the Archive CD will be used to promote Junior flying
INAV is the worlds foremost newsletter for the indoor free flight flier. It
has been in continuous publication since 1961 and offers how to’s,
technology, materials, contest announcements & reports, plans, and tips to
the indoor flier. INAV focuses on all facets of indoor free flight from
beginner to expert, Science Olympiad to Scale to F1D and all classes in
between. INAV is published 6 times per year. Subscriptions cost $12.00 per
year in the US, $15.00 for Canada, and $20.00 for the rest of the world.
Subscription. Junior subscriptions are discounted by $6.00 from the adult
cost and require proof of age under 18.
Subscriptions and Archive orders can be sent to :
Tim Goldstein (INAV)
13096 W. Cross Dr.
Littleton, CO 80127
INAV can also be contacted via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and additional
information about INAV and the new Archive CD may be found at
[Denver CO]
Endless October Tee Shirt Design
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Endless October Tee Shirt logo was designed by Roger Simpson in 1993
for the 1993 USA Free Flight Team official flying shirts. Copyright for
the Endless October design is held by Roger Simpson, and the design
cannot be used without Roger Simpson's permission.
The 2001 American Free Flight Team has requested permission for
exclusive use of this design
throughout the 2001 World Championships for their team logo. Permission
was granted to them, and
the Endless October logo will be on their official flying shirts which I
am having made. No one else, world wide has my permission to use the
Endless October design.
At the end of the World Championships I will sell an Endless October
design tee-shirt to any and all at the world champs who want them. The
tee shirt for sale will have slightly more on it as it will tie together
the Livotto/Canada cup Contest, the World Championships, and the Sierra
Cup contest,,,,,,,,,,,,, truly the Endless October......AGAIN.
I would like to get a feel as to how many tee-shirts to order, so if you
are interested you can order the shirts ahead of time, and then pay for
them when you pick up your shirts at the World Championship or the
Sierra Cup..........., this will also insure that you will get one
before I sell out......... ! You can order as many of these Endless
October tee-shirts as you like, let me know the sizes and quantity by
JULY 15th so I can have them ordered. They will be a very nice
tee-shirt, Beefy-T 100% Cotton, multi-colored logo on front and back,
the price will be $15.00. I plan to have large and extra large on hand
to sell at the World Championships; Small, Medium and double X-Large can
obtained by order only. Double X-large tee-shirts will cost $17.00
each. If you want a tee-shirt but won't be at the World Champs or
Sierra Cup, you can order by mail and I will ship them to you after the
World Championships, add $2.00 for Postage. Make checks payable to Roger
E-mail is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Postal address is Roger Simpson, 9159 Hubbard Ct., Elk Grove, CA 95624
Telephone is 1-916-686-1301
Current plan is for the Endless October Tee-shirts to go on sale, on the
field, at the World Championships at noon on the 3rd day of competition,
somewhere in the vicinity of the processing tent.
[ This has to one of the best flying shirts ever - a real classic
so don't miss out !]
Big Al's FAI Shootout "Redux"
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Big Al's FAI Shootout "Redux" will be held at Lost Hills, on Saturday,
September 1, 2001.
This will be at the Tri-Club Annuals held by Fresno, San Diego and SCAMPS.
Same round schedule as advertised for Memorial Day.
One slight modification: Each flyer, in the flyoffs, will be required to
bring two timekeepers to the appropriate flight line (within 5 minutes)
before each round starts. Time cards will be distributed to timers before
the round starts.
Digital Servos
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear all,
Recently the new Graupner DS261 digital servo has been released on the
Rene Limberger (now resident in LA) and yours truly, are planning to buy
a few of these servos. Here are some specs:
22 x 21 x 11 mm (or 0.086 x 0.083 x 0.043")
9 grams (or 0.32 ounce)
Torque 13 Ncm (or 1,3 kg cm or 18.4 ounce inch or 1.15 lbs inch)
Holding torque 50 Ncm (or 5 kg cm or 70.8 ounce inch or 4.43 lbs inch)
Plastic gears
No ball bearing
Speed 0,16 sec for 40 degrees
For those who missed the discussion on SCAT earlier, the digital servo
does not suffer from temperature drift nor erratic movement when
switched on. Positioning accuracy is at least an order of magnitude
better than its analog counterpart(s). The servo is suitable for direct
rudder/wiggler control (F1A), direct stab control (F1B) and timer disc
control (all classes). Direct stab control on F1A still has to be
tested. Possibly it isn't strong enough for this purpose.
Price would be US$40,- (incl. shipping an taxes)
If anyone is interested in obtaining this servo, please contact either
Rene Limberger or me:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Allard)
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Rene)
Rene will be present at most Taft and Lost Hills competitions.
Regards, Allard van Wallene
Digital Servo
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger, maybe you can ad this to my previous message:
By coincidence, the latest 'field tests' arrived for the new DS261
servo. And these showed the servo is suitable for direct F1A stab
control. It is even more powerfull than a good 14 gram servo I used
regards, Allard
SSCAT summer madness contest
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger, What day is F1C at the summer madness contest June 16-17?
Thanks, Mike Ryan
[The contest is the Sat 23 and Sundyat 24. It is flown late
saterday Afternoon and early Sunday Morning- Details in the next SEN]
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Oops, I meant 105 degrees, not 205.
[Hank sent this beofre but I forgot to include it in the last SEN - Lost
Hills is Hot but not that hot]
Training in October
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Will it be possible to do some training before the World Champs, at Taft ?,
and Lost Hills ?.
I am planning some flights, and thinking of arriving 2nd October.
David Ackery
New Zealand
[Dave and anyone else - you can just show up and fly. Lost Hills
and Taft are open all the time. Just remember it will be hot so
do not forget your hat, sunblock and plenty of water]
Heat box
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi there, well it's winter here in lil old New Zealand, and I'm busy
building composite F.1.A' problem, the epoxy I'm using is taking a
REALLY long time to cure properly. My workshop is unheated, not insulated,
and has very little natural light, even in summer. We have a real problem
here with high humidity, one day in late summer we had 98% humidity...that
can't be good for applying epoxy either!
Anyway, I'd like to build a cheap, lightbulb powered, heated box to try and
get round these problems, not so much to "heat cure" the resin, but just to
set it off properly, and would like any advice/plans from anyone out there
who has built a device like this, Thanks.
Jason Magill
Roger Morrell