SCAT Electronic News 24 June 2001 issue 591
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1406
SCAT Electronic News 24 June 2001 issue 591
Table of Contents
2001 World Champs news
Look for the elliptical tips.. - Norvall
10K oven - King
King / Kaynes Simulation update. - King
Re: Epoxy curing - Andresen
Geared Nelsons - Verbitsky via Simpkins
Texas Cloud Climbers Regional FF Champs Results - Spence
Digital Servos Update - Limberger and Van Wallene
Very good June Tan II
Hotboxes/bodies - Vincent
Endless Summer T shirts? and other old stuff - gannon
Re: who still builds? - Linkosalo
World cup reference on Scat website - Kaynes
2001 World Champs News
Firstly George Batiuk reports a very productive meeting with Joyce Hager,
the AMA Executive Director who reviewed plans and progress so far.
All appears to be on track.
There has been some discussion on these pages about a plan book etc..
The reason why this is not going to happen is a simple question of
economics and avvailability of the right people. Previous World
Champs in the US had Plan books done by the NFFS. In both cases
these were started a year in advance of the Champs. In addition the
plan book produced for the 93 event required an up front payment of
about $20,000 to produce the quality publication. Many people were
disappointed by the quality and veracity of some of the plans.
For the 2001 event neither the people nor the money are available.
However with SCAT there has been some discussion as to iwhere the SEN and
our print publication SCATTER falls. We decided that SCATTER would
be an annual publication covering some FAI FF events of note. One
was produced covering the US TEam selection, that included some
technical analysis. It appears that SCAT may produce a SCATTER
to cover the 2001 World Champs - no attempt is being made to call
this a plan book, but it is not excluded that if some plans are contributed
they will be included. For budgetary reasons would not include
all contestants airplanes. Details of this will be available later.
Look for the elliptical tips..
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In Reply to "Who still builds" David There are still a few of us who
build our own models and do well with them. Look for the elliptical tips..
Larry Norvall
10K oven
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
$10,000 for an oven !!!! ??? ....any chance of lending me the fare to the WC
this year? Even two weeks at Ronnie Scott's with Charlie Watts and a
session, doing Sax overdubs for Mick Jagger, didn't pay enough to make the
trip !! ;-))))))))))))))))))))))
Peter King
King / Kaynes Simulation update.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Several people have asked me for a list of the equations and methods used in
the Glide sim part of the program. I have finally got around to extracting
the maths from all the relevant cells, Quite a long job!!! I can email
the info to anyone that wants it. The nomentcalture needs considerable
revision but this version should give a clearer idea to myself, as well as
others, as to what I do in the sim.
While doing it I discovered some mistakes in the cells. Although correcting
them did not effect things much, I have a new version with both the
corrections and a new feature added. I have added a rough simulation of
how the model stalls when the Alpha (wing) becomes too high. To run it in
this configuration you run a macro that changes the program. The problem
with that is it gets rid of the effects of Re No that I took so long to
program !! This feature is just a rough interim development, that is only
of limited value. One day I hope to develop the sim to incorporate stall in
a much more refined way that still takes account of Re No.
Peter King
Re: Epoxy curing
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Am not going to try to top Team Gewain in the oven department, but would
like to point out how stability is increased in critical transducer
After a thorough cure with clamps etc, the parts are "post cured" at a
higher temp w/o clamps. For really critical apps, cycling between freezer
and oven is good. Recommendation was for 50F above max service temp.
This is probably real overkill, especially when compared with wooden
airplanes, but the thermal cycling did make a noticeable difference.
Probably acted as stress relief.
Geared Nelsons
Author : simpkinsdw
Evgueny Verbitsky has designed a way to mount a 4 to 1 reductor gear on
existing Nelson 15 side and rear exhaust engines. He knows that many flyers
use Nelsons and is working to make the change-over cost as low as possible
for those who are interested in trying a geared unit. He will pay postage
both ways but you must use USPS (United States Postal Service) Global
Express. To use FedEx, UPS, or other sevices are too expensive.
New parts would include geared unit, prop and spinner, brake, fuel system,
engine mount and cowl. He must know the ID and OD of your clamp ring so the
engine mount will be the correct size. Price is currently being worked up
and will be posted soon along with Evgueny's e-mail address.
To view a photo of the geared Nelson, see the attachment
Please do not contact the sender of this information. It is only being done
as a favor. You must deal with him direct.
Don Simpkins
Texas Cloud Climbers Regional FF Champs Results
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
June 9-10
Beaumont Ranch
1/2 A Gas Mulvihill
1st Jason Greer 719 sec. 1st Ed Vanlandingham 343
2nd Faust Parker 703 2nd Ed Wiley 120
3rd John Irwin 323 3rd G Carson 71
1st Russ Snyder 696 1st Lee Hines 270
2nd H D Jackson 548 2nd Steve Spence 237
3rd George Avila 458 3rd Gerald Brown 230
1/2 A Nostalgia HLG (JR)
1st Mike Fedor 274 1st J Gauthier 15
2nd Jess Shepherd 268 2nd T Gauthier 12
3rd John Irwin 222
P-30 A Nostalgia
1st Leo Langevin 360 1st Steve Bruno 411
2nd Larry Kruse 318 2nd John Irwin 336
3rd Craig Hollier 299 3rd Larry Kruse 320
Catapult Glider Catapult Glider (JR)
1st Lee Hines 314 1st Jon Schelp 84
2nd Larry Kruse 248
3rd Ken Wernicke 182
Small Field Combo A Gas
1st Larry Kruse 360 1st George Avila 472
2nd Curt Sanford 334 2nd Russ Snyder 338
B/C Nostalgia
1st John Irwin 336
FAC P'Nut FAC P'WR Scale
1st Larry Kruse 153 pts 1st Jerry Porter 137.25 pts
2nd Jerry Porter 144.5 2nd Curt Sanford 105
3rd Curt Sanford 110
FAC Rubber Scale FAC Elec. Replica
1st Jerry Porter 171.25 pts 1st Larry Kruse
2nd Jim Thorton 130 2nd Curt Sanford
3rd Larry Kruse 116
1st Lee Hines 840 1st Ed Wiley 580
2nd Mike Fedor 814 2nd Richard Wood 547
3rd Jon Schelp 801 3rd Ken Wernicke 526
1st Fred Pearce 1182 1st Lee Hines 579
2nd Richard Wood 840 2nd Steve Spence 470
3rd Ed Wiley 824 3rd Mike Fedor 462
1st Faust Parker 840 1st Faust Parker 600
2nd Reid Simpson 798 2nd Jason Greer 402
Hi-Time 1/2 A Gas..................Jason Greer
Hi-Time Large FAI..................Fred Pearce
Hi-Time AMA Gas....................Jason Greer
Hi-Time Mini FAI...................Faust Parker
Hi-Time Meet.......................Fred Pearce
Glider Champ.......................Lee Hines
Rubber Champ.......................Ed Wiley
Grand Champ........................Larry Kruse
FIA Don Chancey Memorial......Lee Hines
F1B Ed Turner Memorial........Fred Pearce
F1C Dub McCormick Memorial....Faust Parker
Very good June Tan II
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
By now many of you are aware that FAI MODEL SUPPLY has very good June
rubber in stock in all sizes. ( per three independent test people that
tested 3 lots of 1/8", other sizes are from the same lots ) For those
of you that have outstanding orders on us, please be patient, we are
filling orders as fast as we can. Thanks, John
Re: who still builds?
Sender : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
> Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
> So I am sure there is plenty of good material original to be published,
> and any plans book would be well sought after. A plans book forms an
> excellent historical reference, I know that the copies I have in my free
> flight library ( 1983, 1987, 1993) are greatly treasured and refered to
> frequently. So I think it is a pity that there will be no plans book for
> the 2001 World Champs.
Old plan books are indeed a joy to read, to browse through all those
then-innovative ideas, and to see what has remained and what has not. Tho
problem is - as you said - that at some moment the books become rare, hard
to attain and so on. What about making the next plans book into the net,
and updating it continuously, whenever some new plan becomes available?
Digital Servos Update
Sender : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hey Guys!
For all of you who have ordered Graupner Digital servos for me, i would
like to give you an update on the status of our action.
We finally ordered a batch from graupner directly in germany. Graupner
delivered to my address in germany and my father already sent a package
containing the servos to the US. So finally, after all these weeks, the
servos are on their way to us. As soon they arrive, i will let everybody
know and i will distribute all orders. In addition, Allard already
received his batch of servos and everybody who ordered from him (mainly
the frensh guys) will receive their servos within the next few days as
For all of you who have not ordered servos yet, we still have a couple
left to sell for this special price.
Rene Limberger
Sony Pictures Imageworks
phone: 310.815.4673
fax: 310.840.8100
pager: 310.960.6099
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Roger. glad to see fellow Kiwi Jason Magill has found the perfect way to cure e
getting married. Here in New Zealand it is winter, so pop the electric blanket
put the moulding between Jason and Bride and it should cure in no time.
My hot box is very simple, a galvanised iron covered workshop. Pick a sunny Tau
day, shut the door and windows and solar power does the rest.
After curing has been known to be done here by leaving mouldings on a windowsill,
solar heating does the rest.
Dave Ackery has commented on who builds anymore. On our national team, of which
is a member, there is a mixture. He has been getting model drawings together fo
our national bulletin, FFoNZ NeWZ, which I edit, and there is everything from o
mainly using hardware components from overseas, to RTF models.
I am reserve for the F1B team. My own models range from modified RTF to bitsas
a mixture of something borrowed, something blue.
Endless Summer T shirts?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger,
First question, in the last issue or so (588, 589) of the SCAT news
one subject by somebody was the availability of Endless Summer T shirts for
the up and coming World Champs, well before I could get his address and
express an interests in the shirts the SEN letter got deleted, so could you
repeat that article about the T shirts or just send me his E-mail address.
Next question, I would like a point of contact (CD, Asst CD, etc.) if
possible for the contest on the weekend before the World champs as I'd like
to fly in the mini events and would like a flyer for that contest. Thanks
allot Bill Gannon
[All old issues of SEN are kept on-line at the
SCAT Website - - under the section News and events.
You can get to back numbers there.
Also there is a contest calandar section that has about the contest you
are talking about. One of the CDs is Juan Livotto - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..]
World cup reference on Scat website
Sender : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Prompted by recent SEN reference to things on the web site I checked out
what was there and request one change. There is a link to the 1999 World
Cup results. Could you change that to link to the index of all the FF Wor=
Cup results:
[We have corrected the reference on the SCAT web site as Ian suggests.
Readers should note that this site is the definitive source for International
Free Flight Contest results - Includes World Champs, Euro Champs as well as
World Cup events. A sterling job by Ian Kaynes!]
Roger Morrell