SEN- January 1 2000- New Years Day
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- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1241
News and Reports 2000 - First half
SCAT Electronic News 1 Jan 2000 - New Years Day
"SCAT - 40 Years of FAI Free Flight Competition"
Table of Contents
salutation - Brokenspar
Jnr World Champs - Robbins
Urethane Foam - Allen
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell, Editor,
Inspecting his power, we can see that he has control.
He is the gate, as in metaphysics or simple binary logic, - 1 : 0 -
It's his choice.
He has come close to abusing this power only once.
This makes him just a fine increment less than perfect !.
( God has erred massively, as we have seen, as you
may read history...). Good luck, Roger
How he tends the gate shapes his product.
Then, otherwise, a mindless editor would obtain no respect at all !
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
With New Zealand the first in the world to see the sun each day, I'd like to
lay claim to being the first to fly a free flight model this Millennium!
Also, as the first country to experience the potential problems of Y2K, that
I can communicate my midnight flying activities by email confirms that
others in the world have little to be concerned of as their millenium dawns.
The event took place outside my home at a millisecond past twelve this
morning. Conditions were dark, calm and warm (20 C). The model chosen was
a 1937 HLG by Joe Hervat as this was the oldest design I had and I was less
certain that my more modern F1A's etc were Y2K compliant. Those concerned
about BOM will be heartened to know that I built the model myself although
the balsa and glue was imported. The flight was witnessed by many party
revellers at my home and timed on a watch previously tested and confirmed as
Y2K compliant by fellow NZMAA member, John Henson. John is an F1B flyer who
just happens to live directly over the road. Others assisted with torches
and moral support. The flight was timed OOS at 24 seconds when a stall
above a neighbour's roof resulted in the torch bearers losing contact with
the model which was heard to hit something solid about 15 seconds later.
At the time of writing the model hasn't been recovered but will no doubt
turn up when New Year partygoers surface having been up til around 6.00am to
watch the first sunrise.
Greetings from Downunder and a happy New Year to all. Keep up the good work
with SCAT, Roger. I enjoy receiving SCAT and it reminds me how small the
world really is when we can all communicate like this. Looking forward to
seeing many of you visit our lovely country around the World Cup and World
Champs events in this part of the world over the next 18 months!
Regards, Stewart
[ Stewart, I was disappointed that you were not having you World
Cup event this year [as was the Chief Luddite, Bob White who
is planning a trip down under] but will try and do it
next year. Also what happened with you guys, did you wimp out
and not got the the Nats and let Malkin win ? ]
Jnr World Champs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Where is the Junior World champs being held and when? i.e. Fund
Cheers! Herb Robbins.
[Herb, its this summer in the Czech Republic. Goerge Batiuk is the
team manager again. As usual I'm sure contributions are welcome -
What's the plan George ? . I know that as the team selector George
will have a difficult job because of the depth, particularily in F1A
and F1B. Normally the selction committe is 3 people but the other two
Jim Parker and Art Ellis both have sons in the program.]
Urethane Foam
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If any of you neeed Foam Packs, we have them in a Las Vegas
warehouse. They dispense 1.75 # density rigid foam which sets up in
less than a minute. 2 1/2# density is also available. Manufacturer is
Fomo Products. I am in Bakersfield, CA.
Sam Allen
Formdec Associates, Inc.
p.s. Also glad to exchange technical information and help with
Roger Morrell