SEN- January 2 2000
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- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1289
News and Reports 2000 - First half
SCAT Electronic News 2 Jan 2000
"SCAT - 40 Years of FAI Free Flight Competition"
Table of Contents
Hobbypoxy H08 ? - Vern
First FF in Y2K - Dukie
Happy New Year - Furutani
2000 Greetings - Smith
Farewell F1C - Smith
IMS/AMA Convention - District X Meeting - Hanson
Rocket-turbulense - Leino and Wivardsson
Hobbypoxy H08
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Years ago I used Hobbypoxy H08; a clear gloss finish. Now I am having =
trouble finding it in San Diego. Is it still made? Where can I get it? =
If not, what's a good substitute?
thanks, Vern
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Pierre & I wish to send you all our most sincere wishes for a very Happy
New Year .
May it be healthy and prosperous for us all.
Our Best wishes to you
Pierre & Sylvia Brun
First FF in 2Kyy
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Before we award the prize to N.Z., you better check out the guys in Tonga. I
understand they are pretty hot in palm frond flying, especially when they are
I wonder how many flyers have flown FF in eight decades. I'll bet Bob White
has. Probably Brodersen too. Now that is a milestone.
Happy Free Flight New Year to all my friends in FF.
Happy New Year
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Happy New Year!
I wish all of you many maxes (well, maybe one less than me!).
Looking back, I think of all the wonderful people I have met through this
hobby/sport (including Old Al Hotard). Looking forward, the many I have yet
to meet (and more potshots at Al Hotard).
Roger- Thanks for keeping us all connected between contests, and thanks for
knowing when round one begins and what the max time is!
-Norm Furutani
[The first round time is easy - It is one hour after I get there and
30 minutes before Alexander Andriukov gets there .. and 55 minutes before
Randy Weiler gets there. Alex only needs the extra time because
he has to say good morning to everyone and shake their hand before getting
his models out. Now if you are looking at Old Al - It is probably
24 hours after he gets there.
But seriously you are right we have met a lot of wonderful people
and there are still plenty more to meet.]
2000 greetings
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Phil Smith
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Happy new year !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to the new millenium, I trust you've recovered from your partying
and are now ready and raring to go ?
I've made a huge decision for the new year, I'm giving up F1C at
international level ( I'll continue to fly locally, untill I run out of
I don't like the way the F1 classes are heading towards requiring factory
models to be competive, I'm an aeromodeller, not a javlin thrower. I'm now
going to fly all the other classes I've wanted to, but not had the time
I will continue to follow trends and contest results with interest. I hope,
for the sake of the F1 classes that I'm the only one who's been hit by this
particular millennium bug.
Remember, if it isn't fun, you're not doing it right and for me it's not
been fun for a while.
Haere ra
Farewell F1C
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Phil Smith
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I thought a little clarification of my last letter in order.
I sat down the other day to work out what I needed to do this year to have
a chance of winning F1C at the 2001 W/C's and figured that my current fleet
are only good as thermally rounds models. I would need to build or buy at
least 2 or 3 new big aircraft. Any of you who know the relative worth of
the NZ $ will understand why buying is out of the question, anyway, proxy
flying went out years ago ! This left me with the task of building
aircraft that have now outgrown what I consider to be reasonable
propotions. I've heard of (but not seen) 3m spans being built. This is a
class getting out of control.
R/CDT ? Now I know the plots been lost. Any way, it would be illegal in
NZ, wireless models have a max ceiling of 400' without special permission.
(I may be wrong, it gets a bit technical)
While reading the above, please bare in mind that for the last few years, I
have been the only F1C competitor at most contests and despite much
effort, I don't see this improving much. It makes no sense to continue.
I am very sorry to say that I have got left behind by the class I loved for
[Phil don't sell your self short - I seem to remember you doing
just fine against one Evgeny Verbitsky at Omarama - and I'm
sure it wasn't just local knowlege on your part.
But I do agree with you that it takes quite a commitment to do
compete at the top level in the FAI events and there are other
events that one wants to do too.]
IMS/AMA Convention - District X Meeting
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------------------ MEETING 1/15/00 --------------------
AMA District X will host a breakfast meeting Saturday
morning, 1/15, before the opening of the IMS Show / AMA
Convention to discuss flying site issues and concerns. Jay
Mealy from AMA Hq will provide a briefing on the National
Flying Site Assistance Program and members of the AMA
Executive Council will be on hand to join in the discussion
and answer questions regarding AMA's involvement in this
effort. The meeting is intended for AMA charted club
presidents, club representatives and those involved in
ongoing flying site issues.
The meeting will be held in the Justine Room at the Pasadena
Holiday Inn adjacent to the Pasadena Convention Center.
Breakfast will start at 8:00 a.m. with the meeting starting
shortly there after. If all goes as planned the meeting
should end by 11 a.m.
Since we will need a head count so the hotel can plan for an
adequate amount of food, we are requesting an RSVP from
those planning to attend. RSVP can be made by leaving a
voice message on the District X comm line, (888)899-3548.
Please state your name, the club you represent and the
number of people attending with you.
Hope to see you all there.
Rich Hanson
Academy of Model Aeronautics
District X
Keep'em Safe... and, Keep'em Fly'n!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We have a question about rocket-turbulense? (You know when you are launching
a model in a rain of fireworks and rockets and they are causing some kind of
weird turbulenses.)
How many modelflyers have experiensed this type of air?
During the New Years Eve there were two crazy guys who draged us out in the
middle of the nigth in -21 degrees Celsius (-5.8 F) and a little bit windy
The crazy guys who needed timekeepers at this hour were Mikael Holmbom from
Sweden and Jari Valo from Finland.
Mikael made his last max during 1999 at 23:56:55 lokal time so he finished
the max just 5 seconds before the year went to 2000. He continued the flight
over the millennium turn because he DT after 3:52 s.
Jari who was launching his model 00:04:20 in to the year 2000. The fire
works had allready begun and the model seemed to be in great danger for
beeing hit and demolished by the rockets. But he bravely made the start and
the model bunted nicely into the dark sky. He did 3:38 and took the model in
his hand before it landed. At the end though the model seemed to glide a
little bit nervously and we think it might have been be caused by
Have anybody had such problems before and do anybody know how th handle the
model in this kind of situations?
But anyway the night was beautiful with green Northern lights and bright
stars. The two gliders were prepared with small diods so that we could see
them during their flights. The fireworks also helpt to brighten up the sky
and the models.
WHAT A NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe this type of air isn't so bad. The problem might have been solved
allready, it was just a one night air and wount return until year 3000.
Rännösjön, Matfors, Sweden 1999-12-31 - 2000-01-01 (Swedish time is +1
Greenwich time)
Happy new year from
Laura Leino and Sofia Wivardsson
[Any more crazy Millenium exploits ?]
Roger Morrell