SEN- January 4 2000
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- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1090
News and Reports 2000 - First half
SCAT Electronic News 4 January 2000
"SCAT - 40 Years of FAI Free Flight Competition"
Table of Contents
America's Cup scores - Gunder
Date ? etc - Blackam
Y2K America's Cup contest - Markos
This is a competion for flying model airplanes ? - King
America's Cup scores
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger, it's Austin Gunder. I was wondering if you have the final 99'
America's Cup Scores yet.
Best Regards,
[Austin, I was just talking to Jim Parker at lunch today
and he was updating the scores with the King Orange
results so they should be ready real soon now.]
Date ? etc
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger,
Happy New Year!
FYI: The last three Scat News' have arrived with date stamps in November
1944, like this:
Date: 11/11/44 3:04 AM
Somethings wrong at your end I think, since all my other emails have come
in with correct stamps.
Keep up the good work with the newsletter, we really appreciate it here
(but please, please kill all the BOM stuff; it's a pointless waste of
time and electrons).
[Richard - I checked the outgoing mail I generate and cannot find
that problem - the dates look fine - even the ones you cannot see.
If you or anyone else has a problem with the date please forward
the offending item back so I can check it out]
Mail from Aeromodel Dot Com
Y2K America's Cup contest
The 40th Annual FAI Invitational Contest will be held on Aug 26-27, 2000 at
the International Aeromodeling Center (AMA field) in Muncie, IN. The events
will be F1A, B, C on Aug 26 and F1G,H,J on Aug 27.
I am the CD: Ph 847-945-9225, address: 655 Carlisle Av, Deerfield IL
60015 for contest bulletins. Can you please see that it gets into the SCAT
Please change the headers on the America's Cup score sheet to indicate that
the sponsoring club is now the Chicago Aeronuts. The IMAC and Bong Eagles
have not sponsored this contest for the last three years!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
Just got the news from Al Lidburg that the Southwest Regionals will have the
distinction of having both the FIRST EVER NATIONAL CUP CONTEST(AMA) and the
first Americas Cup Contest(FAI) of the year. This is a great honor for
Phoenix and is much appriciated by the Southwest Regionals Comittee.
your friend,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
[I plan to be there as usual]
This is a competion for flying model airplanes ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger,
I was talking to a friend (Ray Elliot), yesterday about the differences
between gadget and non gadget F1B. Ray flies very low tech, PGI type F1B
and Open rubber and his models fly pretty well. We both agreed that the
differences in performance are highly exagerated these days. We came to the
conclusion that it has a lot more to do with the anount of time and skill
that is spent in achieving a perfect trim etc. When guys like Bob White
and the Canadian F1B people compete they are way up there with the best
gadget/high tec. models. Maybe the reason the 'Luddites', (How I hate
that word) , feel uncompetetive is because they expect to be able to fly
several different classes of models all the time. If you want to be
competetive in FAI, You must accept that you need to put in the time and
specialise in your chosen class. (Is that too much to ask, to have the
honour of competing in the 'Premier Division'). Going back to motor racing
again, gone are the days when a Jim Clark could win a Grand Prix and a
Rally event the next week !!!!
Another point that came out of the discussion was to do with Andriukov's
'genius'. I have come to the conclusion that a large part of his phenomenal
performance is down to his whole approach to flying, as much as all the high
tec aspects. He knows his models and his rubber so well from years of hard
work trimming and learning how his models react in all configurations and
conditions. Also, I believe that, although gadgets are used and give
advantages, the main reason for the performance is more to do with the way he
uses the basic trimmimg tools like, thrust and climb rudder settings, CG
position etc.. His models have so much Auto stability and built in
'intelligence' that they fly themselves in the same way as say, Bob White's
models do.
Sincerely your's
Peter King
[Peter - I agree with you that both Alex's and Bob White's sucess is
due to their total approach to all aspects of flying and their ability
to really focus in important events. I'm sure that there are other champions
that have this ability too, I just do not know them the way I know
these two. I think it's somewhat paradoxical [but understandable !] that
many other modeller's have had more sucess with Alex's complex models
rather than Bob's supposedly simple ones. ]
Roger Morrell