SEN-380 March 5 2000
- Details
- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1190
News and Reports 2000 - First half
SCAT Electronic News 5 Mar 2000
"SCAT - 40 Years of FAI Free Flight Competition"
Table of Contents
Puppies and patches - Dukie
Oppegard rubber strippers
Anyone have the Annexes for RCDT and Sportsman F1ABC? - Thornbery
Thank you! - Achterberg
Cleaning Mogle Electronic Timers - Mogle
Applying Micafilm - Bradley
Engine and Model Decals - Mattes
Come from behind(again?) - Hines
Sound Barrier - Hines
Re: Baughman RC/DT comments - MAC the Bigot
May '99 Tan 2
Spring Cup - Parker
Puppies and patches
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Why are puppies different from modelers?
Puppies quit whining when they are about six months old.
One of the best patches I have found is 1 mil permanent adhesive clear
polyester film made for labels. You can cut it out to any shape you like with
scissors, put it on at the field, sticks like baby crap to a blanket, and you
can shrink it with an iron when you get home. 19x25 inches, about 2 bucks a
sheet. I got it if you want it.
Oppegard rubber strippers
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to whom it may concern;
Mr. Oppegard has just lost his battle with cancer. I will be making his
rubber strippers in the future. It will take a little while to set up. Any
questions or orders please email me.
thank you
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Anyone have the Annexes for RCDT and Sportsman F1ABC?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Unfortunately the FAI web site with the March meeting's agenda
( does not have the
annexes. These include several of interest to FAI FF'ers such as an annex
on RC\DT and another on the Italian proposal for more limited Sportsman
F1A/B/C classes to be flown concurrently with F1A/B/C.
Does anyone have these in electronic form (even a fax image file) that
could be distributed via SCAT or sent directly to interested
correspondants? The FAI site states the annexes were to be mailed to the
committee members. I would be interested in reading both. The Sportsman
F1A class is of particular interest to me.
Thank you!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To Gary Baughman:
Your letter on RCDT was right on!!! Maybe Scat should run it everyday , so
the people can read it over and over. We are all getting a little thick and
slow in our old age and sometimes once is not enough. I can't remember, but
was there all this B.S. when radio tracking systems came out?? What a
tactical advantage that is!!! I don't have radios: that must be the reason I
don't win contests!!!! Boy, finally figured it out!! Guess I am going to
have to get me some of those radio tracking do-hickeys, so I can get into
the whinners( opps winners) circle!!
I believe that RCDT will help boost growth in free-flight and will make
small fields much more user friendly. This alone should make our events much
more attractive to newcomers young and old. People seem to forget that if
you spend 100's of hours building or a thousand dollars buying a model you
might like to go fly when the mood strikes you without having to drive 500
miles or hop on an airplane to do so.
RCDT allows you the freedom to go to the local park or nearby vacant land
and put up a flight or two.
People don't seem to understand how hard it is to sell freeflight to a
newcomer. Lets see, you live in L.A., and you want to try freeflight! You
tell the newcomer, buy a couple of models, since you do not have time to
build and he says that is fine. Now, after you get your $2000.00 worth of
toys and support equipment, you are almost ready.
All you have to do is drive 3 or 4 hours and you will be able to fly your
toys!! This is a pretty tough "SELL"! Now, of course if you have RCDT you
could drive over to Mile Square and fly!! This is an example of what this
unit could do for freeflight!! There are possible freeflighters in every
park all over the country that have never seen a freeflight , but I have not
notice many non-modelers out in the middle of no where at Lost Hills coming
up and asking what we are doing!! This will enhance freeflight and soon
people will be saying "how did we ever live without this"!!
Sorry for rambling on when all I really wanted to do was say thank you to
Gary Baughman!!!
Michael Achterberg
Cleaning Mogle Electronic Timers
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A few days ago Hardy discussed his problems in cleaning the start switch
of his timer; namely losing the color coding stripes which show the
switch position. He used some variety of automotive brake cleaner.
I have tried two products manufactured by CRC Industries. Inc.: "Brakleen
No. 05089" and "QD Electronic Cleaner No. 05102". Neither of these
products affected the color coding paint used in the timer start switch.
Hardy must have some especially potent brake cleaner.
I do not recommend the use of brake cleaner on the electronic timer as it
does leave some residue which may be harmful to electronics. The QD
electronic Cleaner is more highly refined and is safe for use on
electronics equipment. I use the QD for cleaning during the assembly of
the timers for flux removal and final cleaning prior to conformal
coating. This product is available at auto parts stores.
In cleaning a lot of oil and accumulated dirt from the faceplate of the
timer it is a good idea to hold the timer facing downward so the
contaminated cleaner flows away from the internal workings of the timer.
Of particular concern is keeping the dirty fluid away from the disk where
it could flow into the shielded ball bearing on the output shaft.
Hope this clears up the timer cleaning situation. Remember, use QD or
equivalent electronic cleaner.
Rod Mogle
Applying Micafilm
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I have been applying Micafilm using Pliobond contact cement that has been
thinned 50% with MEK. I use a small brush to apply the Pliobond to the
leading edge, back of the "D" tube, and all of the ribs. The Pliobond is
much better than any of the hobby shop cements. Let it dry for at least 1/2
hour, overnight is also OK, before applying with a Monokote Trim and Sealing
Iron. Stick down the edges first and then go back and do the ribs.
Small holes can be patch buy cutting out the hole and cutting a Micafilm
patch that is about 1/8 inch larger all around. Apply clear dope to the edge
of the hole and then lay the patch on top of it. Let the dope dry real good
and then shrink up the Micafilm with the iron. The heat doesn't seem to
effect the dope.
Jim Bradley
Engine and Model Decals
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger, Bruce, Charlie & Chris,
Since we now have computers and can print designs on our model covering
materials I thought it would be useful to have digital images of engine
decals and other significant free flight decals. Also it would be of
interest to retain copies of old decals for use in Old Timer and NOS
events. I have started to archive engine decals ranging from the O&R to
the Nelson. For the older decals which have begun to deteriorate, I am
restoring them to what is hopefully close to the original.
I would request that you print this note in your respective news letter
and any interested individuals can contact me for a list of what I
already have. I will e mail restored or good quality original jpg scans
to any interested modelers. I cannot provide a copy of all decals to
any individual as the quantity and size of the files are rapidly growing
too large. I would also greatly appreciate it if people would provide
decals that I could scan and return or provide the scans and I will
restore/archive as time permits. Any scans should be in color and 300
For your info the Hornet decal below has been restored from a scan I
obtained from an individual on e Bay.
Bob Mattes
190 Hunters Pointe Dr.
Saint Charles, MO 63304
[Image in separate e-mail]
Come from behind(again?)
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Yes, Roger, I will need a lot of help from BlackMagic and other sources
to catch Texas Steve again this year. He is off to a perfect start with wins in
the first two
Am Cup comps at Eloy & the MaxMen, garnering 58 points to my 25(my best
unofficial guess at the numbers).
But I am not afraid; in fact my newest BlackMagic-equipped bird will be
launched soon. Hush-hush, top-secret stuff this; code-named "Hauraki Winds" for
those intrigued by mystery and guessing games. I can say no more; don't ask,
but Italian sailors and "others" will cower, tack away from my course and
kneel in the presence of its superiority!
Next subject---I want to second Ken Kowal's suggestion of pairing international
& US flyers at future MaxMen and other comps where our out of country
friends attend. I would welcome the chance to meet new folks and will gladly
share my mountain bike with those tall enuf to safely ride it.
Lastly---Gary Baughman(Hi, Gary. How have you been? Longtimenosee!)RDT
commentary said it all for me! Right on the mark and hope to see you on the
flightline sometime soon!
PS: Roger, suppose I need to drop "Ciao" as a note signoff now that Prada got
stomped. Can you suggest a proper NZ equiv?
[Lee as they say it ain't til Palm Bay .. ]
Sound Barrier
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A while ago you ran a photo of a F-18 flying supersonic with the Mach
cone clearly visible. That picture was a big hit at Boeing, formerly Mc
Donnell Douglas, when it came out about a year ago. Thought you might
be interested in a photo which was an even bigger hit when it was taken
due to the low altitude involved. The web link noted on the photo has
many great photos for airplane buffs.
Bob Mattes
[Image - in separte e-mail]
Re: Baughman RC/DT comments
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bravo to Gary Baughman on his thoughts regarding the RC/DT discussion. He is
absolutely right about the issues (my opinion of course!). I have given some
thought to the issue some as well and I think RC/DT is inevitable and useful.
In a
contest situation I would probably disable the system so that there is one less
thing to go wrong but for trimming, test flights and everything else I think RC
would be very useful. If a flyer wants to use it during the contest then it's
their choice.
Gary's observations about the sportsman issue is important. I find it hard to
imagine that any serious FAI flyer is going to knowingly cheat. We are a
relatively small group and I think the integrity of FAI modeler's worldwide is
very high, no one in their right mind would cheat and if they do it will
eventually catch up to them anyway. The last thing I would ever worry about at
a contest is if the other flyers are cheating. If they need to win so badly that
they will debase themselves to the level of cheating then so be it. They would
most likely would not win anyway because as Gary wisely noted there are a lot
of factors in winning a contest.
Jon Davis
aka "Mac the Bigot"
May '99 Tan 2
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have @ 5 lbs. May '99 1/8 Tan2 and will sell it for less than what ever
Bill Shailor is charging..........
Spring Cup
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Lee, the Spring Cup Dates are 29-30 April and I have arranged for good
weather! By the way my new E-Mail address is: I will be
sending fliers out at the end of March and had hoped that the America's Cup
Schedule would be out by now. You can also reach me during the work day at
Roger Morrell