SEN-455 August 18 2000
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- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1431
News and Reports 2000 - second half
SCAT Electronic News 18 August 2000 issue 455
Table of Contents
Jr. WC - Slobat
The Flag in the picture - Shaillor
Dihedral ribs. - Fantham
Schedule for F1 events at Labor day meet - Kowal
Icarex... - Brokenspar
Labor Day Comp at Lost Hills - Hines
Jr and Sr entrants at Nats 2000 - Markos
dihedral break ribs - Magill
Jr. WC
Ok, now for the rest:
Dorsz, P. Pol. 1290, 161
Chudoba, Cze, 1290, 150
Fish, Isr 1290, 132
Bogal, Ukr 1290,56
Bombek Cro. 1289
D. Parker USA 21st
D. Ellis USA 24th
J. Barron USA 29th
Kolic, Yug. 1290, 239
Szafrinski, Pol. 1290, 228
Ellis, D. USA 1290, 217
Radosavljevic, Yug 1290 203
Moscinski, Pol 1285
A. Arzamendi USA 20th
E. Davis USA DQ
A Gunder, USA 690, 300
Doutor Rus. 690, 188
Kolic, Yug. 690, 184
Kanakhone, Rus. 690, 168
Bogal, Ukr. 690, 102
OK, so heres what happened to Evan. He measured all of his motors at home
at less than 35 grams, but apparently his scale was off and they were all
1.5 grams over. He had the the opportunity to measure them before the meet
but did not. He was processed in the 3rd round and the error was found. By
Sporting Code rules, if a competitor is found in violation of the rules, he
is disqualified from further flying. It was a very hard pill to swallow,
but he will never have an over weight motor again!
Full report when I get home next week. GB
The Flag in the picture
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am sure most of the Free Flighters noticed the same thing I did in the
photo attachment. The flag is hanging straight down. Dead calm. I hope the
good weather holds out for the rest of the contest!
Dihedral ribs.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I make a thicker rib for each side of the joint, 7.2mm - three lams of
2.4mm wood. The joint is then sanded with a rigid flat block when the
panel is fully assembled. Perma-Grit make these blocks in the UK - Mike
Woodhouse has them. The blockis a basically square aluminium extrusion
with two opposite faces covered in a tungsten carbide abrasive material.
The one I use is 2 in. sq. by 11 in. long. (50x50x280mm.) - the Perma-Grit
part number is SB280. The abrasive stops short of the corners so you can
run the aluminium on a hard surface without wearing it away.
The joint is sanded with the structure complete - including carbon caps on
the joint ribs. I have a photo but no scanner to hand! If there is
interest I could get the pix scanned. The panel is propped up to the
correct angle on its undersurface jig and the whole structure is sanded
flat, with the block running against the end of the jig with a piece of
plastic saving the jig from damage. The end of the jig is cut to the
correct angle (come back Joe Maxwell!).
I use carbon dihedral keepers cut from carbon 'ply'. This is made by
cutting parallelograms of 0.2 UD and glueing them together 'cross-grained'
with epoxy - I clamp them between rigid blocks in a vice to cure. The
grain directions are lined up with the panel spar directions. The keepers
are cut from the resuting sheet to fit between the spar caps. I even use a
piece at the trailing edge. My technique was described in the Free Flight
Forum in 1995.
Mike Fantham
Schedule for F1 events at Labor day meet
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The schedule of events for the Tri-Club annual over Labor
Day weekend is as follows:
F1B, F1C
F1A, F1G, F1J
Rounds for F1A, F1B and F1C
round 1: Starts 7:30 Maxes F1A 210, F1B 240, F1C 240
rounds2-7 Max 180
Flyoffs begin 4:00 P.M. 15 min rounds with 15 min between rounds
maxes 300, 420, 540, 660
Don Bartick C.D. swears that "EVENTS WILL BE RUN IN TRUE FAI FORMAT"
Dons phone (760) 789-3773
Mini Events:
F1G, F1J
Fly five rounds between 8:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. 2 min max
Flyoffs start at 11:30
Maxes 150, 180, 210, 240, 300, 360
There is some confusion between the times shown on the flyer and those
The flyer shows the events on Sunday being over at 3:00 P.M. This applies
to the AMA events only. I spoke with Don to get the clarification.
Hope this helps. This has been a very fun event in the past so I hope you
all come and join us... There is a free ice cream social on Saturday
Events are only $5.00 or $25.00 for unlimited entry...How can you go
This of course is at Lost Hills...
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
According to Brueghel
when Icarus fell
it was spring
a farmer was ploughing
his field
the whole pageantry
of the year was
awake tingling
the edge of the sea
with itself
sweating in the sun
that melted
the wings' wax
off the coast
there was
a splash quite unnoticed
this was
Icarus drowning
William Carlos Williams
Pictures from Brueghel
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thanks Martin for the comment on Icarex, I now know to fuel proof the inner pan
As you know, being like Roger an expatriot Kiwi, information is often hard to
get in this remote corner of the world.
Icarex does look promising, having some very strong and virulent colours which
will enable a colour scheme ensuring a model will stand out in a crowd.
Labor Day Comp at Lost Hills
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger(aka RKS),
Just got the flyer for the TRI-CLUB ANNUAL to be held Sept 2 & 3 at Lost
F1B & F1C are Saturday. F1A, F1G & F1J are Sunday.
Contact Don Bartick(760-789-3773 at home or 858-689-9808 at office) for
The Fresno 61st Annual and Scamps 2nd Annual are held in conjunction.
Piere and I will be at the CANADA CUP so won't be seeing you.
Have a good time!
Jr and Sr entrants at Nats 2000
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Nats results provided by Lee indicate an unprecedented level of
participation by Jr and Sr age kids at this year's Nats. Many of them were
in the F1 categories of most interest to SEN readers. It looks like the Jr
Team selection could get quite a bit more competitive than it is now with
just a little encouragement from we oldtimer F1 folks. To provide some
encouragement, I took photos with two throw-away* 35-mm cameras and gave the
prints to Joe Mekina for the NFFS website if you
don't have it already bookmarked. My hope is that if we can show the rest
of the world how much fun kids are having with Free Flight , then
participation will grow even more. The photos show almost 40 different
kids in the website picture galleries 28-31. Joe made a tremendous effort
to quickly put the photos into the NFFS site....Thanks!
* If anyone else is interested, the best photos were taken with a flash
camera...better fill-in for the faces under the hats! A disposable camera
can be easily carried in a spare pocket and whipped out when a photo
opportunity presents itself. My old Minolta SLR is much too cumbersome to
carry around while flying....only 8 events this year.
dihedral break ribs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hiya's, re: Aram's question on dihedral break ribs,I just use a thick(say
1/4 inch balsa) rib, and glue it into each centre panel,on the CENTRE PANEL
side of the dihedral break line(i also use a carbon/kevlar dihedral brace
inside the box spars, and a short length of wire bound with kevlar thread to
the inside of the trailing edge)then i cap this rib on both edges with
carbon, top and bottom...of course, your rib spacing for the wing tip has to
accomodate this so's it doesnt look funny...but it saves trying to match two
thinner ribs to each other,and the thick rib also gives something solid to
stick the covering to as well, hope this helps:), whilst on the subject of
wings..can anyone tell me what a good, non-stick self adhesive film is for
building on?, as cyanocrylate sticks so well to the films i have tried so
far, that i end up with "pre-covered" wings!, thermals,
Jason Magill
New Zealand
[Refer to Chuck Markos's piece on "not your mother's Saran" a few
issues back ..]
Roger Morrell
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