SEN-456 August 23 2000
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- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1465
News and Reports 2000 - second half
SCAT Electronic News 23 August 2000 issue 456
Table of Contents
How to Search SEN Archives
Web Site Upgrade
Dihedral ribs. - Woodhouse
Dihedral ribs again !! - King
dihedral breaks - Blackam
Re: Icarex - Blackam
re: Non-Stick building surface - Andressen
Looking for a Champion Coupe - Campbell
2001 World Champs - Pudney
Looking for Icarex - Goodnow
How to Search SEN Archives
All the information that has been in the SEN is held and indexed
on-line on the SCAT web site Taking a recent topic
of Icarex when you click on the Search Icon you get a form like in the
Search attachment. Just enter the word you want search on in the
first field - Icarex. Then click on the Search Button.
The you will get a hit list of all times it was mentioned in previous
SEN issues or in other places on the Web Site
- See the found attachment as an example.
Web Site Upgrade
We have upgraded the Web Site to a much faster
processor and have changed slightly the way that we send out SEN
[SCAT Electronic News]. You may notice that the address it came from
is different. The preferred e-mail address is as always
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Dihedral ribs.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I use a similar method to Mike Fantham on my F1B's. The end ribs are
from 3 mm as against the main ribs being 1.5mm. I also incude small
balsa blocks at the corners. The panel ends are sanded and mated, takes
a little cut and try. I butt glue with no keepers. Once dry the joint
area is covered over the te and the d box with wedges of 93gsm carbon
cloth fixed with cyano. I cover the carbon with Fablon (self adhesive
plastic), the wedges are then cut to size. Cyano is then applied to the
surface of the wing the wedge is then laid on and rubbed down. The
Fablon is removed and the whole is lightly sanded. I don't use braces as
I am a member of the school of clean breaks!
Michael J Woodhouse
Dihedral ribs again !!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mike Fantham's method sound like the best method by far, provided you have
the tools. I guess it would be ideal if you have a power saw that cuts on an
angle. In this case I would cut both sides of the rib so they were the same
thickness top and bottom. This saves extra unnecessary material and saves a
bit on the weight of the wood and the carbon. My method with inserted TE
stock, is OK but has one problem. Because I CF cap them after they are
formed, the slant in them causes a slight compound curvature in the CF caps
which can present a problem. I haven't found it in surmountable, but it is
Peter King
dihedral breaks
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If I recall the original question was related to how to get really neat
fits at dihedral joints. When I started making foil F1C wings I worked
out how to do this.
Like many others I use thick dihedral break ribs on each side of the join
and sand or pare the correct angle (same on both panels) in each side
before gluing.
For me the secret to making wing panels fit together perfectly is that
the two halves of the wing must have identical sections. To achieve this
I always sand dihedral break ribs as PAIRS. If there's a balsa sheet
covering (such as in an F1C wing) I thickness sand the adjacent sheets at
the same time and laid out dihedral join to dihedral join, that way I
know that both the ribs and the sheet covering are identical thicknesses
at adjacent points on the section.
Then you need to be careful in actual construction that all skinning
(whether CF shells or other sheet) is accurate and identically performed
on both sides of the dihedral joint.
Finally I sand the dihedral angles in a temporary jig, set up the same
for both sides. The joint is glued with epoxy (slow cure), sometimes with
an internal dihedral brace, sometimes with a glass cloth overlay on the
joint. A surface overlay is much more efficient at preventing broken
dihedral joints (because it's the furthest distance away from the neutral
axis of the structure) as long as you can bond it well to the wing skin.
The big problem with internal dihedral braces is that when they break
they usually do terrible structural damage as well.
Re: Icarex
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I've seen a lot of models covered in various types of icarex fabric
(mostly glider and power models). An interesting (subjective) observation
I've made to myself is that none of those models seem to glide as well as
I'd have expected (given the quality of the builders/designers/fliers).
I've often thought that the surface texture of the icarex fabric might
have something to do with that...
re: Non-Stick building surface
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If all else fails there's always Teflon(TM).
Yes, it is hard to see thru, however there is a clear version that isn't
used much (probably cause no one can afford it), but it does exist as I've
seen it in action, providing non-stick barrier for clampled joints in a 350F
oven. Also don't know source.
Glad to be of help,
Looking for a Champion Coupe
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
One of my customers is looking for a Champion Coupe kit.
Lee F. Campbell This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 1-765-289-7753
2001 World Champs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I must be looking in the wrong places (CIAM/FAI websites) - but I can't
find the dates for the 2001 World Champs, to be held at Lost Hills. As I
have to calculate just how many pennies to put in the penny jar between now
and whenever, any information will be gratefully received.
Jan Pudney
Adelaide, South Australia
[Jan, the date is not announced yet. It will almost certaimly be
in October 20001. October is the best flying month at Lost Hills.]
Looking for Icarex
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Icarex sounds interesting as a covering material. Where can I order some?
Thermals: Brooks Goodnow
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Roger Morrell
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