SCAT Electronic News 31 October 1999 - Halloween
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1337
SCAT Electronic News 31 October 1999 - Halloween
"SCAT - 40 Year's of FAI Free Flight Competition"
Table of Contests
More on DTonCommand - Parker
Late Update on Skyscrapers Contest - Schlosberg
Stamov's Short Section - Schlosberg
Foil - Roberts
Eimar's Wake(s)
More on DTonCommand
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
DT on Command,
The discussion after Ken Bauer's first report on his DT on command initially
humored me. As the discussion continued I was lead to ask, "What is best for
our sport?". For me the answer is , adapt or die.
The last great emotional rule change (other than the fleeting rubber heater
issue, 5 second engine rule etc.) was the elimination of the Builder of the
Model rule. Would most now agree that the sport has experienced a resurgence
due to the availability of world class models? This however has only
postponed the inevitable end to our sports because it has recovered or
retained mostly "older" sportsman.
Ken's letter mentioned the several inquires about this sport while flying in
his neighborhood. I'm anxiously waiting to get hold of a DTNow unit. I'm
looking forward practicing with Dallas bunting our models at the sport parks
minutes from our house. This I'm sure will provide many opportunities to tell
sports minded people about our great sport. This will not replace being in a
13 minute flyoff at Lost Hills but it will add another aspect to the sport.
This technology advance will open new contest sites and so more flying.
The origins of our sport was rooted in aviation, Lindberg to moon landing.
Today's few young flyers are usually contacted to the sport by a father or
grandfather. These new flyer's world is the internet, Nintendo 64 and compact
disk. For me the choice is simple, allow the sport to adapt and give it
chance to live or freeze it and enjoy it until it dies. Because I have had
the enjoyment of seeing my son and other young flyers enjoy this sport, I
choose to adapt the sport even if it eventual changes it to a point where it
crosses my definition of "Free Flight".
We should rally and move forward and make incremental rules changes to allow
the sport to last longer than the 10 to 15 years many people predict.
To Ken Bauer, "Build it and they will come"
Thermals Jim Parker
The good news is that Ken has made a prototype of his latest design
and we have done some preliminary testing with Black and Red Magic timers.
It should also work with your home grown electronic timers too.
This prototype used a circuit board that Ken had from another project
and was a little bigger than need be. It was maybe an inch by 3/8 of
an inch. It weighs only a a gram or two. It uses the power from
the electronic timer. Part of the testing that we have to do
is to see if there is interferance between the the DT Now unit and
either the timer or tracker TX. Ken's plan is to build some more
prototype units and he has some Beta testers [including a
World Champion] lined up to try these
in the field before going into production. Once tested I expect that
Ken will publish the interface so other electronic timers
can be connected. [I have a version of the BlackMagic with
the "External Interupt" option. We were able to use this without
any changes]
These units are light enough and small enought to put in an F1B.
Unfortunately I will not be able to test at the local park
because of the height an F1B gets during power run and
the fact it is not practical to D/T it under power. However
I will be able to test fly on smaller fields.
Ken used a different approach from that used by Torlief Jensen because
he made his own radio unit. This has the downside that some more
testing is required and it had to be manufactured. Torleif's
approach gives him the radio units off the shelf. Both seem
viable to me.
The only bad news is that you cannot buy one today. We are looking
into a way of making it work for someone who did not want the complexity
of an electronic timer like BlackMagic or Red Magic.
So even if you use it use only in trimming sessions this is starting to look
a reality.]
Late Update on Skyscrapers Contest
Sender : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Due to popular demand the Coup event at Skyscrapers Annual in Maryland will
be flown on Sunday, November 14th.
If you know of anyone who is planning to fly Coup at the contest and is not
plugged in, please alert them to the change, or bring their name(s) to my
Aram Schlosberg
Stamov's Short Section
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X=140mm, c=6%, f=7.3 (root, break)
X Ytop Ybottom
0.0 0.53 0.53
1.25 2.5 -.5
2.5 3.14 -.34
5.0 5.2425 -.0525
7.5 6.62 0.38
10.0 7.8175 0.8125
15.0 9.6925 1,6975
20.0 11.015 2.585
30.0 12.6875 4.1825
40.0 13.4175 5.5125
50.0 13.505 6.515
65.0 13.0425 7.3875
80.0 11.85 7.59
95.0 10.045 6.895
110.0 7.6275 5.2425
125.0 4.5875 2.8025
140.0 0.7 0.0
X=100mm, c=4.5%, f=5% (tip)
0.0 0.2593 0.2593
0.8929 1.2928 -.3143
1.7857 1.6171 -.2472
3.5714 2.6879 -.1487
5.3571 3.3838 0.0409
7.1429 3.9874 0.2347
10.714 4.9277 0.6447
14.286 5.5848 1.0688
21.429 6.4048 1.8486
28.571 6.748 2.5132
35.714 6.7696 3.0249
46.429 6.5123 3.4828
57.143 5.8965 3.6143
67.857 4.9876 3.3001
78.571 3.7871 2.5094
89.286 2.2859 1.3296
100.0 0.7 0.0
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If anyone can spare some aluminum foil to build F1 C rudders please let me
know. I am trying to get a new model finished for the Patterson meet and
have burned up all my foil making mistakes. I also need techniques that
will be successful bonding the foil to the skins. I have been using
Alumiprep, & Beartex pads to clean but have not been using Alodine before I
braer DP 460 on the foil. I have not been getting a very good bond. Any
help is much appreciated.
Mike Roberts
2435 53rd SW
Seattle, WA. 98116
PH 206-937-2740
Eimar's Wake(s)
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Does anyone know if a 3 view exists for Bror Eimar's wake(s). Airfoils, CG,
moments, special construction details, prop, etc.?
[ I seem to remember seeing it in Vol Libre a few issues back]
Roger Morrell
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