SCAT Electronic News 28 October 1999
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SCAT Electronic News 28 October 1999
"SCAT - 40 Year's of FAI Free Flight Competition"
Table of Contents
Livotto Rules
stamov airfoil - omrcen
UFOs - Gutai [who else]
The Livotto - Malkin
RE: Flyoffs or Demolition Derbies [or where are my wire cutters ?] - Gregorie
F.A.I. Rules - Hinson
Agony Column
Small RC
Getting started
Kenway ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Let me tell you a little story about the name "Calif. FAI Invitational",
that is what it meant. When I started this contest 25 years ago, only the
best were invited, lots of people didn't get invited. An all FAI, by the
rule book, contest. After several years decided to open the invitation to
everyone that wished to compete. I believe the quality of the competition
in this invitational and not my name is what make this contest so
attractive. I don't measure any lines, I don't weigh any motors and don't
check any fuel, the competitors know the rules, if someone ever decides
to play games and bend the rules, then he is going to have a problem.
I make up a flyer for the events as close to the FAI rule book as I can
and there is where stands. Unless we have a natural problem, it will not
change. We'll follow the preprinted rules. The problems we have now is
that everyone is trying to bend the rules or change the preestablished
rules, lets cut that F1-A line some, or lets make the F1-B motors
lighter, or lets add weight to the F1-C models or cut the engine run some
Did anybody ever consider asking the competitors on their particular
class if they would like to see any changes??. We get ideas off the wall
from people about changes in the rules that does not even fly the event.
I will not even try it, unless it concern my event.
Going back to my contest, I can not help if we here in California have
the best weather in the world, were can you fly a 13 minute fly/off
flight and land a couple of hundred yards down wind. Again my contest is
open to everyone that likes to participate, the only requirement is that
you follow the rules.
Regards/Juan Livotto
stamov airfoil
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I would be most thankfull if someone could supply me
with coordinates for Stamov short modell airfoil.
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I'M BAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Livotto
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
It appears to me as though Aram may have a good idea to change
all the rules, as in that way we will not have to do any fly-offs because
we will all have our Lawyers sitting out on the field talking the flying for
To clarify one point, the last round flown was the 11 minute round,
and I changed models after the 7 minute flight to my Electronically timed
model just because I knew I was not going to get any more out of my
clockwork timers, and decided to only go for 9 minutes in the 11 min. F/O
due to the lateness of the day.
Flyers have a choice in these contests, they either go for broke or
become conservative and shorten the DT. Lets face it any model that has
done 10 minutes will in all propability be reasonable high and should do
11 minutes, assuming the timer will go to 10 minutes.
It concerns me that people want to tinker with the rules virtually
every time we have a flyoff, and I think these people should be getting
on with their own flying, and leave the CD,s to run the contest.
RE: Flyoffs or Demolition Derbies
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Aram Schlossberg writes:
> A flier at the end of the line towed up immediately at the bell and
> proceeded to run across all the open lines of the other fliers, causing
> great confusion. Bob thought such tactics are not illegal under the FAI
> rules. My response was that the Israelis have written supplementary rules
> which define an "unsportsmanlike" behavior as grounds for being
> disqualified by a CD or a jury.
I don't think this should be illegal and is not unsportsmanlike. I bet
there's not a regular F1A flier who hasn't done this or something like it
when turbulence or a misbehaving model made it necessary. In Europe, at
least, everybody just lays their line down until the flier has passed by.
Au contraire, I consider standing and circling 25 m in front of the line of
poles, thereby stopping other fliers from launching, to be far more
unsporting. I also regard deliberately using your line to obstruct another
flier to be unsportsmanlike. Fortunately that, and the equally unsporting
trick of leaving a line draped across others without retrieving it as fast
as possible are both easily defeated - make sure you or your runner have a
sharp set of line cutters to deal with persistent offenders.
Martin Gregorie
F.A.I. Rules
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Someone seems to always complain about max time for our events. I think
that everyone should realize that F.A.I. freeflight is an OUTDOOR SPORT.
Everyone does not have a 5 minute at dawn A2, or a 9 minute wakefield,
and fly only at dawn in Lost Hills conditions. I have retrieved models
in alligator infested swamps, rattlesnake plagued deserts, and the
summer heat at Taft. This is part of freeflight. If you don't like it,
go fly school yard scale, play tennis, or bridge. Nothing I would like
better than a lengthy chase and search after winning a major contest
with a 13 minute max. Cheers to those that have that pleasure. I'll help
them hunt their model. Looking forward to a 10 minute max, and chase,
Rex Hinson
Agony Column
The following are three items that need replies , .. any takers ?
RC systems available for indoor flying
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I'm Al mothersele a teacher at a high School in South Windsor, CT. We have
taught an Aviation and Aerospace course for the past 25 years and I'm
looking for something different to build this year. We thought that we
would try our hand at building slow flying aircraft. Where can I find
light weight RC systems?
Info ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thank you for your information.
I would like to obtain information how to built this planes, Do you have
Catalog or plans ? What I must to do ? I 'm trying to start this interesting
Thank you for your attention.
My address:
Leonel Mendieta
13892 S.W. 90 Ave HH-102
Miami, Florida 33176
My e-mail Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
kenway motors?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I need to get a catologue of kenway motors
anyone know where to get a hold of this company?
thanks, Dean
Roger Morrell