SCAT Electronic News 19 January
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- Category: Archive 1998
- Hits: 1287
SCAT Electronic News 19 January
South West Regionals
Provisional Results of the 'big' FAI events from the South West Regionals
at Eloy, AZ. The first America's Cup event of 1998. Good weather, a bit
breezy for the first couple of rounds, but absolutely perfect by the end of
the day.
1. Weiler
2. Parker, Jim
3. Diez
4. Puhakka
5. Van Nest
6. Gewain
7. Hines
8. Coussens, Tom
9. Coussens, Steven
10. Zink
11. Parker, Dallas
12. Busnelli
13. Brun
14. Allnutt
15. Joyce, Kate
16. Watson
6 Flyers maxed out. Top two went to 7 minutes round where they both
turned the screw too much. Randy Weiler won by 3 seconds.
1. Fitch
2. Andriukov, Vladi
3. Acterberg
4. Batiuk
5. Brush
6, Crowley
7. Tymchek
8. Rohrke
9. =Morrell
9. =Norvall
11. Maves
12. Piserchio
13. Cushenberry
14. Ghio
15. Andriukov, Alex
16. Walters
17. Laird
18. Saks
19. Gibbons
20. Cooney
21. Ulm
22. O'Reilly
14 Flyers Maxed, 8 made 5 minutes, no one made 7 minutes.
1. Archer
2. Kech
3. Simpson
4. Perkins
5. Kerger
6. Happersett
7. Parker, Faust
8. Chesson
9. Waterman
10. Joyce, Doug
11. Oliver
12. Wood
13. Schwend
Archer and Keck went to the 9 minutes round.
Seen at Eloy ..
Hard core power flyers Hardy Broderson and Charlie Stiles with Coupes.
They bought the very attractive Burdov Coupes from Starline and flew
them the next day. They went well but looked like they needed a couple
more trimming flights. Also AA was seen walking off with coupe bits too.
Bill Cushenberry had new Beau Coupe, built with guidance from the
master, Bob White.
Doug Joyce has a new chase bike, looks great. Doug's last good chase bike
was stolen at Lost Hills some time back. Doug was seen wheeling this
one into the motel room in the evening. I understand that Marion drew the
line at putting it the bed.
From This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I would like to anounce that the full listing of materials & models
available at ABC Free Flight Supplies is finaly at the web..
I would be very glad if you could include this listing into your webside.
Note that ABC's page is far from finished but all the available products /
prices are mentioned.
Congratulations with your site!!
Best regards,
Jos Melis