SCAT Electronic News 16 January 1998
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SCAT Electronic News 16 January 1998
Latest Rubber
A qualitative comment. Since the July rubber we have had two batches -
October and December. There has been different opinons on how good
these are and which is the better. There is no doubt that they are not as
good as the best of the July 97. But what is very good about these batches
[or at least my boxes] is that quality of the rubber is high and very uniform.
I made up 30 motors from the October batch as as part of my breakin/test
procedure stretched them to 80 pounds. The difference between the longest
stretched length and the shortest stretched length was 5 inches with most
being within one or two inches. This is very consistant. In addition while
the energy level was not as good as my best July motors, it is as good as
anything else I ever had in the past. I only broke one strand in
one motor while stretching. It was not necessary to minutely examine the
rubber [as it is with July 97] to find flaws. I have a formula that I used to
estimate the number of turns a motor will take based on the length when
stretched to 80 pounds. I found that the July rubber would not take as many
turns as previous batches, however the October looks strong and will take
more turns without breaking.
So when you get in the fly off at Beer Sheva is this rubber going to do it
for you when Alex, Igor,Bror, Anslermo etc bring out the carefully
hoarded July 97 for that 9 minute flight .. probably not .
But if you're in that flyoff you most likely
have some July 97 too. However most other times this rubber will do
it just fine and you won't have to worry it breaking.
Now if they had only paid the same attention to the quality control when
they made the July 97 rubber ! Still it's John Clapp's credit that he and
the rubber company are on the right track as far as the manufacturing
processes is concerned. I think that the consistant quality is more important
than having to hunt thru a box to find that killer motor that will not break;
The consistant rubber is certainly easier for those like most of us
who are just regular guys and do not get in those 9 minute fly offs at dusk.
All that said and done if anyone has some July they do not need, you know
my e-mail address.
1998 FAI Calendar
This is now published on the FAI Web site at
Junior Team
In the Junior Team Stakes David Ellis and Steven Coussens turned in
respectable scores. The Barron brothers are younger and still aquitted
themselves well. There was no turn out in F1B, somewhat disappointing
for a F1B person like myself and in the light of US performances in the
past in this category. In F1J it's not clear if all the participants are Team
contenders. You can tell the level of performace by looking at the score, a
score of 100 for the event would mean the person maxed out.
From Thomas Koster via , Bill Gieskieng. AKA This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Max men contest does look like a "biggie" Denmark will be
represented if Thomas Koster makes good on his intentions. I'm certainly
sorry that I can't make it this time around. I stayed with Koster in '79
when he won the World Champs in Power. Jim Parker and I shared a
room in Paris for a week waiting for our flight back to the USA. Most
exciting thing on our trip occurred on the Eiffel tower; Jim and I were
looking out from the first level when a steel bolt about a foot long
and half inch diameter thudded on the deck between us. Either the tower
was falling apart or we were the targets of some nasty people!
Best, Bill Gieskieng. AKA This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
HI Bill,
has been a long time... hasn't it ? Hope you are well and in good spirit
still. I got a message from Jens B. Kristensen that you are still there. I
have not been modelling from 89-95 due to work. Now I am back and
building models. I am right now finnishing a new flapper with a span of
260 cm.
with foam core and unidirect. carboncovering cured in autoclave.
I am going to the contest in California in Feb. ! Do I see you there ?
It would be great.
Let me know if you are coming....
Best regards - Thomas. (Koster)
Roger Morrell