SEN 2791- AM Cup Update
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- Category: Archive 2020
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2020 Am Cup update
From: Jim Parker
Second to Last 2020 AmCup Results and Report.
2020 started off great with a fabulous Fab Feb at Lost Hills California. Next thing I knew I was the CD for the next Lost Hills contest, SCAT Annual, when Covid-19 hit. Try as I may, I cancelled the contest based on the information at the time. At this point I had little hope for a competitive AmCup season.
Slowly many decided being outside flying model airplanes was a great break from the quarantine situations. Covid -19 was reported to be significantly less transmittable outdoors. Contest directors using Covid-19 safety protocols held contests. From the scores, it is clear the attendance was down, the contestants were almost all “locals” that could drive to the field. I saw more people camping out, I assume to avoid motels.
Of the originally scheduled 34 AmCup 2020 sanctioned contests, 28 contest will have been flown at the completion of the Arizona Championships. Other than F1E with its flying site constraints, all the first place flyers have met the 3 flying site rule to qualify their 4 best contest results. While the entries are down, there has been plenty of competitive FAI free flown this year.
I’m not sure of the award banquet. It looks as the Covid-19 restrictions will be in place here in California so the Fab Feb will likely be Fee (feeble) Fab that will not have the 100 people to make the award banquet financially viable as well as the current restrictions of large gatherings, especially indoors. If there is no Award banquet, I’ll coordinate a time with the Feb CD’s to do an on the field award presentation for those there. I’ll then coordinate getting the perpetual trophies to the 2020 winners.
Most all the events have been practically decided. If Canadian Jama Danier could get to Eloy for the Arizona Champs, he could challenge Mike McKeever in F1A. Jerry Fitch if willing to make the California to Arizona drive could challenge Blake Jensen’s first place in F1B. Like his fellow countryman Jama, Yuri Shvedenkov could challenge Faust Parker in F1C.
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Jim Parker
America Cup results - with individual placings
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 12 1
Ike 15 2
NAC 9 3
MM 17 4
SCA 0 5
SAN 0 6
NCA 0 7
Srn -x- 8
Dua 0 9
Spe 2 10
Sky 3 17
Cas 3 11
Hcu -x- 12
Hat 4 13
COL 2 15
CEN -x- 14
Hur 2 18
Can 5 19
FFF 0 20
Lac -x- 17
NWC 4 22
NWK 4 23
I-C -x- 16
Bro -x- 24
Rck 1 25
Har -x- 27
USF 5 26
TCC -x- 28
Ser 14 30
Kot 13 29
SWC 0 31
Sim 1 32
Pat 12 33
AZC 0 34
1 McKeever, Mike 104 Cas-1 NWC-1 NWK-1 Kot-4* Pat-1
2 Parker, Jim 101 SWR-1 Ike-4* NAC-2 MM-3* NWC-3* NWK-2 Ser-4* Kot-1 Pat-5*
3 Danier, Jama 83 Ike-1 NAC-1 MM-2* Can-1
4 Pecenkovic, Enes 78 SWR-2 Ike-5* NAC-4* Ser-1 Kot-2
5 Fedor, Mike 70 Spe-1 COL-2 Sim-1
6 VanNest, Brian 62 SWR-4 NAC-3 MM-5 Cas-2
7 Bauer, Ken 60 Ike-3* MM-4* NWC-2 NWK-3 USF-1
8 Rosenzweig, Shlomi 53 SWR-5 Ike-2 USF-3* Kot-3* Pat-3
9 McQuade, Pete 50 COL-1 Rck-1
9 Ulm, Gene 50 Sky-1 Lac-1
9 Pukakka, Risto 50 Cas-3 USF-4 Ser-2
12 Farmer, Jim 49 SWR-3 MM-1
13 Goldstein, Guy 44 USF-2 Pat-2
14 Ulm, Adelaide (jr) 40 Sky-2 Lac-3
14 Barron, Peter 40 Sky-3 Lac-1
16 Goldstein, Noa (jr) 34 USF-5* Ser-3 Pat-4
17 Allnutt, Peter 30 Hur-2 Can-4
17 Lenartovicz, Chris 30 Hur-1 Can-5
19 Bevan, Dave 20 Spe-2
19 Brun, Pierre 20 NWC-4 NWK-4
19 Farkas, Leslie 20 Can-2
22 Tzvetkov, Tzvetan 15 Lac-4
22 Nikolajeras, Vidas 15 Can-3
22 Brocks, Peter 15 Ser-5
25 Pecenkovic, Jasminka 8 NAC-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 10 1
Ike 19 2
NAC 15 3
MM 17 4
SCA 0 5
SAN 0 6
NCA 0 7
Srn -x- 8
Dua 0 9
Spe -x- 10
Sky -x- 17
Cas 1 11
Hcu -x- 12
Hat 1 13
COL 2 15
CEN 0 14
Hur 4 18
Can 4 19
FFF 0 20
Lac 1 17
NWC 3 22
NWK 3 23
I-C 3 16
Bro 4 24
Rck 1 25
Har 2 27
USF 7 26
TCC -x- 28
Ser 12 30
Kot 11 29
SWC 0 31
Sim -x- 32
Pat 9 33
AZC 0 34
1 Jensen, Blake 95 SWR-2 Ike-4* MM-1 NWK-2 Ser-4* Kot-2
2 Fitch, Jerry 93 SWR-3 NWC-1 NWK-1 USF-1 Ser-2* Pat-2*
3 Schlosberg, Aram 75 NAC-2 Hat-1 Lac-1 Har-2*
3 Andriukov, Alex 75 Ike-3 NAC-1 Har-1
5 Horak, Ladi 70 MM-2 Hur-1 Can-2
6 Malkhasyan, Sevak 57 Ike-2* Ser-1 Kot-1 Pat-1*
6 O'dell, Tiffany 57 SWR-1 Ike-5 MM-3
8 Jones, Charles 55 MM-4 I-C-2 Bro-2
9 Booth, Bill 50 Ike-1 NAC-3 Pat-3*
9 Ghio, Walt 50 NAC-4 NWC-2 NWK-3 USF-4* Kot-4* Pat-5*
9 Pivonka, Jace 50 COL-1 Rck-1
9 Simon, Greg 50 I-C-1 Bro-1
13 Mathews, Tony 45 Hur-2 Can-1
14 Davis, Mike 39 SWR-4 USF-5* Ser-3 Kot-5
15 Richardson, Mike 32 SWR-5 Cas-1
16 MacKenzie, Patrick 30 Hur-3 Can-3
17 Shailor, Bill 25 I-C-3 Bro-4
18 McGluckin, Derek 24 NWC-3 Ser-5
19 Kovhavi, Itti (jr) 23 USF-3 Pat-4
20 Donnelly, Skylar 20 COL-2
20 Ackerley, Cameron 20 Hur-4 Can-4
22 Norvall, Larry 18 Kot-3
23 Gannon, Bill 16 USF-2
24 Sifleet, Bob 15 Bro-3
25 Felix, Ron 10 MM-5
25 Obligenarz, Tomer 10 NAC-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 1 1
Ike 7 2
NAC 7 3
MM 9 4
SCA 0 5
SAN 0 6
NCA 0 7
Srn 1 8
Dua 0 9
Spe 1 10
Sky -x- 17
Cas -x- 11
Hcu -x- 12
Hat -x- 13
COL -x- 15
CEN -x- 14
Hur 1 18
Can 1 19
FFF 0 20
Lac -x- 17
0 -x- 22
NWK -x- 23
I-C -x- 16
Bro -x- 24
Rck -x- 25
Har -x- 27
USF -x- 26
TCC -x- 28
Ser 3 30
Kot -x- 29
SWC 0 31
Sim -x- 32
Pat 3 33
AZC 0 34
1 Parker, Faust 91 SWR-1 NAC-4 MM-4* Srn-1 Spe-1
2 Shvedenkov, Yury 76 NAC-1 MM-5* Hur-1 Can-1
3 Menanno, Guy 45 Ike-5* MM-3* Ser-2 Pat-1
4 Chesson, Don 44 Ike-3* NAC-3 MM-2
5 Carroll, Ed 41 Ike-1 Ser-3
6 Mc Burnett, Ron 40 Ser-1 Pat-3
7 Ellington, Jeff 28 MM-1
8 Buskell, John 26 NAC-1
9 Roberts, Mike 22 Ike-4 NAC-5
10 Malkhasyan, Taron 21 Ike-2
11 Perkins, Daryll 20 Pat-2
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 1 1
Ike -x- 2
NAC -x- 3
MM 4 4
SCA 0 5
SAN 0 6
NCA 0 7
Srn -x- 8
Dua 0 9
Spe 1 10
Sky -x- 17
Cas -x- 11
Hcu -x- 12
Hat -x- 13
COL -x- 15
CEN -x- 14
Hur 0 18
Can -x- 19
FFF 0 20
Lac -x- 17
NWC -x- 22
NWK -x- 23
I-C -x- 16
Bro -x- 24
Rck 1 25
Har -x- 27
USF 1 26
TCC 1 28
Ser 3 30
Kot 0 29
SWC 0 31
Sim 1 32
Pat 4 33
AZC 0 34
1 Hanford, Bob 100 Spe-1 Rck-1 TCC-1 Sim-1
2 Kerger, Terry 50 MM-1 Pat-1
3 Feistel, Henry (jr) 45 USF-1 Ser-2 Pat-3*
4 Kelly, Jim 35 MM-4* Ser-1 Pat-4
4 Secor. Randy 35 MM-3* Ser-3 Pat-2
6 Fedor, Mike 25 SWR-1
7 Rounsaville, Dave 20 MM-2
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 9 1
Ike 9 2
NAC -x- 3
MM 12 4
SCA 0 5
SAN 0 6
NCA 0 7
Srn -x- 8
Dua 0 9
Spe -x- 10
Sky 4 17
Cas 2 11
Hcu -x- 12
Hat 2 13
COL -x- 15
CEN -x- 14
Hur -x- 18
Can -x- 19
FFF 0 20
Lac 2 17
NWC 2 22
NWK 2 23
I-C 2 16
Bro 3 24
Rck 3 25
Har 3 27
USF 2 26
TCC 1 28
Ser 4 30
Kot 4 29
SWC 0 31
Sim -x- 32
Pat 2 33
AZC 0 34
1 O'Dell, Tiffaney 108 SWR-1 Ike-1 MM-1 NWC-2* NWK-1 Ser-2* Kot-2*
2 Fitch, Jerry 92 SWR-3 MM-2* NWC-1 NWK-2* USF-1* Ser-1 Kot-1 Pat-2*
3 Richardson, Mike 68 SWR-5 Ike-2 MM-4 Cas-1
4 Clapp, John 64 MM-3 Sky-2 Har-1
5 Ghio, Walt 57 SWR-2 Ser-4 Pat-1
6 Avla,Yuda 50 Sky-1 Lac-1
7 Rousseau, Don 45 Sky-3* Hat-1 Lac-2* Har-2
7 Gerspacher, David 45 I-C-1 Bro-2
9 Jones, Darlod 40 Cas-2 Rck-2
10 Petersen, Alan 37 SWR-4 Rck-1
11 Pelatowski, Larry 35 Sky-4* Hat-2 Har-3
11 Seymor John 35 I-C-2 Bro-3
13 Brocks, Peter 30 Ike-5* Ser-3 Kot-3
14 Horak, Ladi 26 Ike-3 MM-5
15 Markos, Chuck 25 Bro-1
15 Murphy, Jerry 25 TCC-1
17 Pykelny, Mike 20 USF-2
18 DeLoach, Don 15 Rck-3
19 Mathews, Tony 12 Ike-4
20 VanNest, Kurt 10 Kot-4
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 4 1
Ike 3 2
NAC -x- 3
MM 3 4
SCA 0 5
SAN 0 6
NCA 0 7
Srn -x- 8
Dua 0 9
Spe 1 10
Sky -x- 17
Cas -x- 11
Hcu 0 12
Hat -x- 13
COL -x- 15
CEN -x- 14
Hur -x- 18
Can -x- 19
FFF 0 20
Lac -x- 17
NWC 1 22
NWK 1 23
I-C -x- 16
Bro -x- 24
Rck -x- 25
Har -x- 27
USF -x- 26
TCC 1 28
Ser 2 30
Kot 2 29
SWC 0 31
Sim -x- 32
Pat -x- 33
AZC 0 34
1 Parker, Jim 85 SWR-4 Ike-1 MM-2* NWC-1 NWK-1 Ser-1* Kot-1*
2 Jensen, Blake 65 SWR-1 Ike-2 MM-3* Ser-2 Kot-2*
3 Fedor, Mike 50 Spe-1 TCC-1
4 VanNest, Brian 48 SWR-2 Ike-3 MM-1
5 Bauer, Ken 15 SWR-3
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 5 1
Ike 7 2
NAC -x- 3
MM 6 4
SCA 0 5
SAN 0 6
NCA 0 7
Srn 1 8
Dua 0 9
Spe -x- 10
Sky -x- 17
Cas -x- 11
Hcu 0 12
Hat -x- 13
COL -x- 15
CEN -x- 14
Hur -x- 18
Can -x- 19
FFF 0 20
Lac -x- 17
NWC -x- 22
NWK -x- 23
I-C -x- 16
Bro -x- 24
Rck -x- 25
Har 1 27
USF -x- 26
TCC 1 28
Ser 3 30
Kot 2 29
SWC 0 31
Sim -x- 32
Pat 7 33
AZC 0 34
1 Parker, Faust 87 SWR-4 Ike-1 MM-1 Srn-1 TCC-1*
2 McKeever, Mike 50 SWR-5 Ike-4* MM-4* Ser-2 Kot-1 Pat-5*
3 Kerger, Terry 47 MM-2 Pat-1
4 Mennano, Guy 46 SWR-1 Ike-2
5 Johannes, David 45 Ser-1 Kot-2 Pat-4*
6 Fedor, Mike 36 SWR-2 Ike-3
7 Mennano, Neal 31 MM-3 Ser-3
8 Hooke, Drake 25 Har-1
9 Perkins, Daryll 21 Pat-2
10 Secor, Randy 16 Pat-3
11 Schneider, Glenn 15 SWR-3
12 Roberts, Mike 6 MM-5
12 Carroll, Ed 6 Ike-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 2 1
Ike 2 2
NAC 4 3
MM 4 4
SCA 0 5
SAN 0 6
NCA 0 7
Srn -x- 8
Dua 0 9
Spe 3 10
Sky 1 17
Cas 3 11
Hcu -x- 12
Hat -x- 13
COL 1 15
CEN -x- 14
Hur -x- 18
Can -x- 19
FFF 0 20
Lac 1 17
NWC 2 22
NWK 2 23
I-C -x- 16
Bro -x- 24
Rck 1 25
Har -x- 27
USF 1 26
TCC -x- 28
Ser 2 30
Kot 2 29
SWC 0 31
Sim -x- 32
Pat -x- 33
AZC 0 34
1 Tarcher, Ben 100 Ike-1 NAC-2* MM-1 Cas-1 NWC-2* NWK-1 USF-1* Ser-1* Kot-1*
2 Murphy, Jack 75 SWR-2* Ike-2* NAC-4* MM-2* Cas-3* COL-1 NWC-1 NWK-2* Rck-1 Ser-2* Kot-2*
3 Schlosberg, Aram 65 NAC-3* MM-3 Sky-1 Lac-1
4 Ioerger, Tom 60 SWR-1 NAC-1 MM-4
5 Richardson, Mike 20 Cas-2
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR -x- 1
Ike 6 2
Cal 7 3
MM -x- 4
SCA 0 5
SAN 0 6
NCA 0 7
Srn -x- 8
Dua 0 9
Spe -x- 10
Sky -x- 17
Cas 3 11
Hcu -x- 12
Hat -x- 13
COL -x- 15
CEN -x- 14
Hur -x- 18
Can -x- 19
FFF 0 20
Lac -x- 17
NWC -x- 22
NWK -x- 23
I-C -x- 16
Bro -x- 24
Rck -x- 25
Har -x- 27
USF -x- 26
TCC -x- 28
Ser 6 30
Kot 7 29
SWC 0 31
Sim -x- 32
Pat -x- 33
AZC 0 34
1 Greening, Jack 69 Ike-1* Cal-1 Cas-3 Ser-2* Kot-1
2 Richardson, Mike 53 Ike-3 Cal-3 Cas-2
2 McKeever, Mike 53 Cas-1 Ser-3 Kot-4
4 Terzian, Fred 43 Cal-4* Ser-1 Kot-3
5 Brocks, Peter 33 Ike-4 Ser-4* Kot-2
6 Van Nest, Kurt 22 Cal-2
7 Parsons, David 21 Ike-2
8 Ioerger, Tom 13 Ike-5 Cal-5
8 Fitch, Jerry 13 Ser-5 Kot-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 8 1
Ike 8 2
NAC -x- 3
MM 7 4
SCA 0 5
SAN 0 6
NCA 0 7
Srn 1 8
Dua 0 9
Spe 2 10
Sky -x- 17
Cas 4 11
Hcu -x- 12
Hat 2 13
COL 5 15
CEN 5 14
Hur -x- 18
Can -x- 19
FFF 0 20
Lac 1 17
NWC 3 22
NWK 3 23
I-C 2 16
Bro 2 24
Rck -x- 25
Har 2 27
USF 7 26
TCC 2 28
Ser 4 30
Kot 3 29
SWC 0 31
Sim 1 32
Pat 2 33
AZC 0 34
1 Murphy, Jack 102 Ike-1 MM-2* Cas-1 COL-1 CEN-1 NWC-2* NWK-2* TCC-2* Ser-1* Kot-1*
2 Parker, Julie 91 Ike-4* MM-3 Srn-1 Spe-1 TCC-1* Sim-1
3 DeLoach, Don 82 Ike-2 Spe-2 COL-2 CEN-2
4 Hooke, Drake 50 Hat-2* Lac-1 Har-1
4 Bauer, Ken 50 NWC-1 NWK-1
4 Sifleet, Bob 50 I-C-1 Bro-1
7 Norvall, Larry 46 Ike-5* USF-2 Ser-2* Kot-2* Pat-1
8 Donnelly, Robert 45 SWR-4 Ike-3 MM-5 COL-4 CEN-5*
8 Avia, Yuda 45 Hat-1 Har-2
10 Achterberg, Mike 42 MM-1 USF-3
11 Murphy, Jerry 40 Cas-2 COL-5 CEN-3
12 Tarcher, Ben 35 Cas-4 Ser-4 Kot-3
12 Menano, Guy 35 Ser-3 Pat-2
14 Buddenbohm, Stan 33 SWR-5 USF-1
15 McGluckin, Derek 30 NWC-3 NWK-3
16 Brooks, Clint 27 SWR-1
17 Morris, George 22 SWR-2
18 Lorbiecki, John 20 Bro-2
19 Morris, Charlie 17 SWR-3
20 Mecham, Allan 15 Cas-3
20 Donnelly, Skylar 15 COL-3
22 Sechrist, David 11 MM-4
22 Bartik, Don 11 USF-4
24 Pangell, Rick 10 CEN-4
25 Gannon, Bill 6 USF-5