SEN 2788 Upcoming soon and in a little bit
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SEN 2788
Upcoming soon and in a little bit
1. Patterson
2. 2020 Arizona FF Championships
Nov 14th & 15th Reserve Nov 16th, 2020
at Lost Hills Field
Americas Cup Contest
Saturday, Nov 14th: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q, F1P
Seven [7] one hour rounds start @ 7:30 AM with extended max times
F1A, F1B, F1C, and F1Q: 240 sec F1P 240 sec
Remaining round maxes are 180 sec.
Fly off schedule 30 min after end of last round. Event start times will be posted
Sunday, Nov 15th: F1G, F1H, F1J, F1S
Tie Breaker flight to the ground. F1H 7:30-7:40; F1G 7:45-7:55; F1S & F1J 8:00:-8:10
There may be a slight delay if F1A, F1B, F1C require morning fly offs
Standard Five [5] rounds 45 minute long starting @ 8:30 AM, 120 sec maxes.
2 FO flights starting 45 min after end of last round Event start times will be posted.
If tied at end of standard rounds, tie breaker flight time add
Tie breaker as above 10 second motor run timed to the ground
F1S will run in rounds the same as F1H & F1G ( 10 sec motor run 2 minute max)
Fly off 1 will be 5 second motor run 2 minute max
Fly off 2 will be 5 second motor run 3 minute max
If there is tie after 5 rounds +2 fly offs tie breaker will be based on early morning flight.
Entry Fees:
FAI events: FIA, B, C, G, H, J, P, Q; $25 first event, $10 for second
AMA age juniors: $5/event,
Trophies awarded for 1-2-3 places in F1A, B, C, G, H, and F1S
Perpetual trophies for F1A, B, C, G, H, J (if they show up at the field)!
Junior Hi-Time Trophy Glider, Rubber
F1J, F1Q & F1P 1st only
AMA & Lost Hills Field Assn memberships are MANDATORY
FAI events run to the 2020 FAI rules
Flight line will move as needed to avoid retrieval from the trees
No Moto-flapping
RDT allowed all events.
Contest Director
Brian Van Nest
2346 Cheyenne Dr
Bishop CA 93514
Cell 760-937-0177
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Covid 19 rules and social distancing apply
Bring exact change
2020 Arizona FF Championships
From:Peter Brocks
On Dec. 5 and 6, the Arizona FAI Free Flight Championships will be held in Eloy, AZ. This is the last America’s Cup contest to collect points for the year 2020. There are also AMA, NFFS and SAM events. On the desert flying field in Eloy it will be cool in the mornings but it should warm up to about 70° during the day. The fliers (FAI and AMA and entry form) can be downloaded from the NFFS Contest Calendar website - . Please Pre-enter by mail to facilitate COVID-19 contact.
For information on the 3-day 2021 Southwest Regional Model Airplane Championships on January 16-18 go to the SWR website – please use the Entry Forms there to pre-enter before Jan. 1, 2020.
Hope to see you in Eloy,
Peter Brocks