SEN 2779
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- Category: Archive 2020
- Hits: 1386
SEN 2779
1. Kotuku Results
2. Covering 1 and 2
Kotuku Results
Kotuku 2020
NAME CTRY LICENSID NUMActual seconds score for each round
180 156 180 180 180 SUMPT
1 Jack Greenin USA 137 156 152 144 128
59.44% 72.44% 100.00% 100.00% 86.11% 417.99%
2 Peter Brocks USA 84018 25511 106 77 150 105 150
76.11% 100.00% 84.44% 80.00% 71.11% 411.66%
3 Fred Terzian USA 137 90048 180 109 160 143 129
100.00% 69.87% 88.89% 79.44% 71.67% 409.87%
4 Mike McKeeve USA 93 103 119 176 180
51.67% 66.03% 66.11% 97.78% 100.00% 381.59%
5 Jerry Fitch USA 74 58 180 180 47
41.11% 37.18% 100.00% 100.00% 26.11% 304.40%
6 Kurt VanNest USA 85 104 101 102 96
47.22% 66.67% 56.11% 56.67% 53.33% 280.00%
7 Ben Tarcher USA 44 81 79 21 66
24.44% 51.92% 43.89% 11.67% 36.67% 168.59%
Kotuku Cup 2020 OCT 10&11 Brian Van Nest CD
F1A FAI Number ID NUMBER Rnd1 Rnd2 Rnd3 Rnd4 Rnd5 Rnd6 Rnd7 FO1 FO2 FO3 FO4 TOTAL
1 Jim Parker USA N89015 10152 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 420 426 0 2466
2 Enes Pecenkovic BIHF120 100847 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 420 365 2405
3 Sholomi RosenzweigUSA 1009245 16314 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 420 348 2388
4 Mike McKeever USA 89734 25476 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 165 1485
5 Brian VanNest USA23122 240 180 180 180 180 167 180 1307
6 Guy Goldstein USA1142291 114165 218 180 180 180 180 180 180 1298
7 Ken Bauer USA30748 127812 240 180 180 180 180 180 149 1289
8 Noa Goldstein 240 137 180 180 180 180 180 1277JR
9 Attn Goldstein 240 105 140 180 180 180 180 1205JR
10 Jasminka PecenkoviBIH F121 100848 155 105 180 180 180 180 180 1160
11 Liad Friedman 240 180 180 146 61 180 96 1083JR
12 Peter Brocks USA 84018 25511 0 180 101 117 180 180 180 938
13 Pierre Brun 218 180 180 180 123 0 0 881
F1B ID NUMBER Rnd1 Rnd2 Rnd3 Rnd4 Rnd5 Rnd6 Rnd7 FO1 FO2 FO3 FO4 TOTAL
1 Sevak Malhkasian USA 879795 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 376 1996
2 Blake Jensen USA 35000 25506 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 363 1983 389
3 Larry Norval USA17628 112644 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 363 1983 301
4 Walt Ghio USA 15325 25464 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 333 1953
5 Michael Davis USA 6143 25512 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 311 1931
6 Tiffany Odell 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 249 1869
7 Tomar Obligenarz 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 268 1588
8 Bill Booth USA47079 25503 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 215 1535
9 Jerry Fitch 240 180 180 180 180 100 145 1205
10 Ittai Kohavi 186 180 180 180 97 180 180 1183Jr
11Skylar Donnelly 240 129 93 180 180 156 180 1158Jr
F!C ID NUMBER Rnd1 Rnd2 Rnd3 Rnd4 Rnd5 Rnd6 Rnd7 FO1 FO2 FO3 FO4 TOTAL
none 0
F1Q ID NUMBER Rnd1 Rnd2 Rnd3 Rnd4 Rnd5 Rnd6 Rnd7 FO1 FO2 FO3 FO4 TOTAL
1 Ben Tarcher 240 180 180 180 180 180 180 1320
2Jack Murphy 195 180 180 180 77 180 180 1172
F1G Rnd1 Rnd2 Rnd3 Rnd4 Rnd5 FO1 FO2 FO3 FO4 TOTAL
1 Jerry Fitch 120 120 120 120 120 179 779
2 Tiffany Odell 120 120 120 120 120 150 750
3 Peter Brocks 120 120 120 120 120 21 621
4 Kurt VanNest 4 4
Rnd1 Rnd2 Rnd3 Rnd4 Rnd5 FO1 FO2 F03 FO4 TOTAL
1 Jim Parker 120 120 120 120 120 600
2Blake Jenson 120 99 120 120 81 540
F!J Rnd1 Rnd2 Rnd3 Rnd4 Rnd5 FO1 FO2 FO3 FO4 TOTAL
1Mike McKeever 120 120 120 120 86 566
2Dave Johannes 0 67 120 120 67 374
F1S Rnd1 Rnd2 Rnd3 Rnd4 Rnd5 FO1 FO2 FO3 FO4 TOTAL
1Jack Murphy 120 120 120 120 120 600
2Larry Norvall 0 120 120 88 120 448
3Ben Tarcxher 13 110 24 83 120 350
F1P none
Covering Suggestion 1
lightweight covering
From: Salzer
For a scale / semiscale project like the Minimoa you would probably like a classical look.
Most of the weight, however, comes not from the covering material, but from the finish - be it just weatherprofing, or optical effects.
The lightest (IMO) is the silverized plastic as often used on F1B tailplanes. but I would be horrified to have a Minimoa in silver - sorry. It does not stand up to abuse well.
Jap tissue (8 or 12g/dm²) is second. To have it really weatherproof it needs a lot of dope which decides the final resulting weight. and the doped tissue gets brittle with age.
I would recommend Polyspan (15 or 20g/dm²), which can be weatherproofed with very little dope (2 coates 50% thinned), and does not get brittle with age. I have FF planes nearly 40 years old with the original covering still in good shape, and my F1B tailplanes are not too heavy either.
Silk(or synthetic cloth), of course, would have the perfect optic,but certainly would weigh more.
Hope that will help:
Klaus Salzer from Austria
Covering Suggestion 2
From: Chaussebourg
May I suggest polyester papier or light Ikarex