SEN 2716 - No Annual but try the Living Room
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- Category: Archive 2020
- Hits: 1346
SEN 2716
No Annual but try the Living Room
1. 2020 SCAT Annual CANCELLED
2. Indoor Free Flight
Summary: The 2020 SCAT Annual scheduled for March 28, 29 has been cancelled.
Yesterday, Mar 23, 2020 I was informed that I may have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus. From Mar, 4-6, 2020 I did volunteer work for a conference at my church. There were 3500 men from 49 states and 64 countries gathered on the church grounds. One of the attendees, a 90-year-old pastor from Washington State passed away. On Sunday afternoon, Mar 22, 2020, the doctors confirmed that the cause was COVID-19.
I did not have direct contact with the pastor, I have not shown any symptoms and I’m now outside the incubation period by the CDC (14 days).
I consulted the doctor I previously referenced and he advised that even with no symptoms, and that I’m outside the 14 day incubation period and that asymptomatic carriers are less likely to transmit the virus that I home isolation for at least another week (28 days total). As more testing is being done, they are learning that most who test positive (80 to 90%) and have the virus are asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic and it is not clear how long they remain contagious.
My not attending (and running the contest) is also consistent with the rules I had sighted for the contest.
I’m not setting a new date. Perhaps this summer.
Virtual Thermals,
Jim Parker
Indoor Free Flight
For those who are up to a challenge or can’t live without one. The Indoor Free Flight (that’s the group name) group on FB have organized a Postal/FB contest for a small airplane – see FB for specs, to be flown in the living room of your house. I think at the moment of writing this the top time is over 6 minutes. No GPS Tracker needed. But keep control of the cat.