SEN 2715
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- Category: Archive 2020
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SEN 2715
2020 SCAT Annual
From: James Parker For SEN,
2020 SCAT Annual
This is a long message but most of us have plenty of time to read.
Summary: A modified SCAT Annual will be held March 28, 29. No reserve day. We have gotten a new AMA Sanction.
I do take the C-19 seriously. I spoke to a friend who just recently retired as the Infectious Disease Department head at USC. He has been engaged with the various government consultation groups. He believes the “safe at home” order California has initiated is the proper response for the data we currently have.
I’ve spent hours reviewing the California Executive order and searching the California Government website for applicable rules and regulations in regard to COVID-19.
I could not find on the official website the TV news showing clarifications that came out after the initial ‘Safe at Home’ order announcement for small gatherings with instructions. I am using these guidelines in the contest format. I did find on the California COVID-19 website a question and answers that applies:
California Government Website;
Stay home except for essential needs:
Last updated March 21, 2020 at 10:06 AM
Question and Answers.
Outdoor recreation
Q: Can I still exercise? Take my kids to the park for fresh air? Take a walk around the block? Walk my dog?
A: Yes. So long as you are maintaining a safe social distance of six feet from people who aren’t part of your household, it is OK to go outside for exercise, a walk for fresh air. Gyms are closed.
Q: Does this order affect hiking? State Parks?
A: No, you may still go outside so long as you practice social distancing of six feet. California State Parks have closed indoor facilities and campgrounds, but trails and outdoor spaces are still open. Spending time outdoors can lead to a number of overall health and wellness benefits like lessening anxiety, boosting creativity and getting your vitamin D. If you decide to make a trip, remember to keep social distance.
The SCAT Annual will take place with the following changes:
- Practice 6 foot separation.
- No entry fees will be collected
- The AMA safety form will be taped to a table near the ‘Loaf’. Sign the form and take time card(s). Hand sanitizer will be on the table.
- Flyers will keep their time card and return to the drop wood box when flying is complete. Please total your scores!
- I’ll do the final tally. If less than 10 people enter per day, we’ll do a quick trophy presentation. If more than 10 people, I’ll bring trophies to the various 10 max size group areas.
- Results will be official and valid for Am Cup regardless of participation levels. I’ll also report results for National Cup.
- The trailered out house will be the official hand wash location as required by current recommendation.
- Limit flying groups to 10 people. This will naturally divide up events.
- If you have a cough or sneezing or have been exposed to a person with or suspected to have COVID-19, DO NOT COME.
- Wash your hands, don't touch other people’s stuff and don't touch your face.
-Everyone to make their own informed decision as to come or not. It is not necessarily a 65 years age decision put rather health and risk factor for each of us that should guide our decision.
We will honor the conscience of each person, since the circumstances are admittedly very difficult.
I am looking forward to the open spaces of Lost Hills and some towline time under my gliders.
Jim Parker, SCAT Annual CD, <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>