SEN 2572 - Watching from the store while reading the FF Forum and helping out.
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- Category: Archive 2019
- Hits: 969
SEN 2572 – Table of Contents
Watching from the store while reading the FF Forum and helping out.
- A View from the Store
- The Search
- Helping Out
A View from the Store
It's ALL depending on demand.
I've been in the Hobby biz since 1971 and let me tell you that
the F/F sales are -0 (minus zero)
Lately even the R/C stuff has been difficult to sell
with all the cheap imports.
My experience: people do not like to spend more
money on the hobby, if they see on the internet that
a similar item, brought from overseas will cost them half
the price or even less...even though that some of the products
coming from overseas may last 1 time or may be even
do not operate at all..!!
I see this on a daily basis, even with "my local flying pals"
Alberto Dona (former F1A flyer)
Hobby Club
The Search
Re: SEN 2571 from Michael Achterberg
* The Search. To those that are interested in F1q. Varadi, from Hungary can supply you with a beautiful carbon fuselage all ready to put your wings of choice on it. It is a carbon front end with Massimo timer, limiter, rdt, electric motor, folding props and GPS can be added. Has stab,coupler, tailboom, rudder,. It's as close to plug and play as I know of. Massimo timer very easy to use and understand. He offers a very nice and light GPS system. I, like you, don't understand all the electronics
Systems, so this will be my idea on how to start. One stop shopping with Pay pal. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
* Thermals,
* Michael
The Free Flight Forum Report is now in its thirty-fourth year. This year’s is just out and it’s the biggest yet, with no less than 17 papers, covering a vast range of the topics that make free-flight so fascinating.
Only Joules and Forces - Peter Watson; Classic 1/2A Models - Simon Dixon; Trimming the Sopwith Snipe - Mike Smith; Russell Strips - Russell Peers; Testing June 2016 Tan Super Sport in April 2017 - Tim Chant; Developments in Carbon Wing Construction - Stuart Darmon;
Buckminster – We’ve Got It; How Can We Use It? - Gavin Manion/Stuart Darmon; The Management of Models - Mike Woodhouse; Combined BMFA Rubber and CdH (F1G) - Phil Ball; Drone Legislation and Free Flight - Dave Phipps; The Rate of Climb of Model Aircraft - Dr. John Gibbings; A Review of Contemporary FAI Space Modelling - Stuart Lodge; GPS versus Radio Trackers - Mike Woodhouse; About Time - Chris Edge; “W” Style Geodetic Ribbing for Model Aircraft and Microlights - Denis Oglesby; Flat Plates, Cambered Plates and Coupe Aerofoils - Alan Brocklehurst; FAI Free Flight Since the BoM - Stuart Darmon.
The UK price is £13.00 including postage; to Europe it’s £15 and everywhere else £17. Sales of the Forum Reports help to defray the heavy expenses of those representing Great Britain at World and European Free-Flight Championships. Cheques should be payable to ‘BMFA F/F Team Support Fund’ in pounds sterling, drawn on a bank with a UK branch; you may also order by credit card, which is a lot easier (and cheaper).
Copies are available from : Martin Dilly
20, Links Road,
West Wickham,
or by phone: (44) + (0)20-8777-5533, or by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Helping Out
We got an email from a flyer from South America who has flown in the USA before, he said that he felt a little guilty because of family schedule he would not be able to help us time at the World Champs.
First he should be assured that there is no need to feel guilty about not being able to help out this time. We all have family commitments and the organizer can work around them.
One of the reasons for writing about helping was to recount my personal experience when I gave people some more details about how the Champs worked, in particular, timing in a team with another person and having the sportsmen to be timed assigned in an orderly fashion, they were happier to help.
The second was to remind people, particularly in the USA that we always need helpers and while for a ‘regular event’ we only need a few people so with a family and friends it is quite easy. But for an event like the World Champs for starters we need 2 time keepers per pole, that’s about 80 time keepers. Fortunately we have quite a number of Free Flighters in the USA who are ready to help, this includes people who fly other classes, people who flew FAI in the past and those current sportsmen who did not make the team this year. The people filling the top roles in running the event are regular FAI flyers with experience in both attending major events and running them. But we need everyone who has not volunteered, particularly those who regularly fly in competitions, to step up and help. Our sport depends on everybody playing a part – even if this time they did not “get on the team”.