SEN 2551 - Lost Hills Lore and the FAA
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- Category: Archive 2019
- Hits: 1261
Table of Contents – SEN 2551
Lost Hills Lore and the FAA
- Lost Hills Weather
- F1Q MM _ Flash
- AMA Govt Relations Blog
- Lost Hill other events
- New Records Broken at Lost Hills' 'Fab Feb'
Lost Hills Weather
This year while chatting with George Batiuk at Lost Hills he said he was getting great weather reports from the Wonderful Farms at link I had given him. I went back and checked on older items that I had talked about and found the link to Paramount Farming on Wunderground. Paramount is the old name for Wonderful. This is not work. George sent me the link , ….. and George I did not give you that link, some other wonderful person must have. But here is the new link, a more “official site” than Wunderground and while it does not mention Wonderful farm is clearly at their place and looks very good. So thanks George you are Wonderful. (sorry could not resist that one.) The strong performance of George and the German team reflects their additional weather information.
Tabular Weather Forecast for 35.68N 119.8W (Elev. 417 ft)Tabular Weather Forecast for 35.68N 119.8W (Elev. 417 ft)
F1Q MM _ Flash
From: William Booth
Somehow the F1Q results got left off the MaxMen Flash – here they are
Sitton, S
Murphy, J
Schlosberg, A
AMA Govt Relations Blog
There has been some press recently about the latest FAA regs require a FAA number on all controllable UAVs, which includes R/C model aircraft and drones over 250 grams. Free flight and Control line excluded. Read about it in the AMA blog – link below
Lost Hill other events
Our events at Lost Hills have given rise to “other” non-model flying events, such as can you order food at Denny’s with out the waitress asking you a question – for example if you just order eggs for breakfast, she will ask how many ? and do you want them cooked – boiled, poached, fried, scrambled, etc and them maybe how well done.
Well not to be out done …
New Records Broken at Lost Hills' 'Fab Feb'
From: chris edge
In near perfect conditions the long awaited 'Fab Feb' met all
expectations, with competitors from dozens of countries competing in the
2019 'Dirt Olympics'.
Held alongside the model flying events, the Dirt Olympics match the
finest individual and team competitors against each other on the field
of play with the chance to be crowned 'World Cup' champions and
potentially beat world records as well.
As the rain fell and the mud was carefully curated by the organisers,
there were many days of excellent practice before the three main events
themselves. Easy winner of two of the three individual competitions for
'Greatest Mass of Dirt on a Tee-Shirt; 7 Rounds or less' was Danier
(CDN) who managed an average of 65kgs per event, only pipped during the
first weekend by the finely tuned figure of Carter (GBN) with a
remarkable 87kgs after two tense 'fling offs'.
But better was to come. The German team of 'Ultimate Filth' beat the
long-held Egyptian record for 'Most Dirt in a Hire Car in 24 hours' with
their May 99 registered Chevvy Van called Florence, with the French 2nd
but previous winners the Brits in a disappointing 94th place. Sadly the
well fancied Israelis couldn't move their golf cart the requisite
distance after they broke a motor, an unfortunate result as they were
above the legendary 2 Ton weight at the time.
As the clouds parted and the sun shone, the organisers moved to the car
park of Motel 6 for the cleaning events where 'Ultimate Filth' missed
out on the award for 'Fastest Time to Fill-Up the Filter in a Washing
Machine' sub-category '1200 rpm or less' to the remarkable two members
of the unofficial Swedish Team of Dirk and Deek. The motel owner's had
heavily invested in ten of the the new 'Raptor' units, but some users
were disappointed that the legal spin-down time of 4 seconds was
sometimes exceeded - some adjustment may be needed for next year.
In a strange twist of fate, falling snow in the locality caused
disqualifications for many countries in the 'Stand Off' events as they
had chosen white kit that looked un-sullied from the regulation 50
metres. Winners here were of course the New Zealand 'Kiwis' who's black
outfits, often a poor choice, excelled this time.
Reported by your man at the heart of the action - EoB