SEN 2547 - NA + MM Important info
- Details
- Category: Archive 2019
- Hits: 1230
Table of Contents – SEN 2547
NA + MM Important info
- North American Cup News and MaxMen F1A flyoff info
- Looking for Rossi Conrod
- International Pot Luck @ Fab Feb
North American Cup News and MaxMen F1A flyoff info:
Here is a schedule for the North American Cup and MaxMen F1A flyoff:
We will attempt to get all of the flyoffs completed tomorrow morning
(Saturday morning)
6:30 am sportsman meeting at the registration tent
7:00 am North American Cup F1A flyoff (19 competitors) 7 minute window - 10
minute maximum
7:20 am North American Cup F1C flyoff
(5 competitors) 7 minute window - 10 minute maximum
MaxMen F1Q flyoff (window and max to be announced)
7:40 am North American Cup F1B flyoff
(33 competitors) 7 minute window - 10 minute maximum
8:00 am MaxMen flyoff F1A 7 minute window - 10 minute maximum
Bill Booth has agreed that the MaxMen F1B and F1C competition could have a
delayed start time depending on when the flyoffs are completed.
Note: we will need time keepers early tomorrow to keep this schedule.
Everybody please bring binoculars and stop watches and help us get this
Thank you all for your patience and keep your fingers crossed for good
The North American Cup and MaxMen team
Looking for Rossi Conrod
From : Alberto Dona
I'm looking for a Rossi 2.5cc Mk 2 conrod only, if someone has one
please contact me at:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
International Pot Luck @ Fab Feb
Janna VanNest
The “Chinese hosted Dumpling Party” has been rescheduled for Sunday. Please remember to bring a dish to share and your chairs