SEN 2540 - Kiwi Cup Flash
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- Category: Archive 2019
- Hits: 1067
Table of Contents – SEN 2540
Kiwi Cup Flash
Link to Kiwi World Cup Results
Initially raining in the morning , the weather radar said the rain would clear up in an hour, so we delayed the start by an hour and reduced the event from to 5 rounds.. By this time the clouds had all cleared, rain stopped and sun come out.
The first two rounds were like this. The wind then increased some and the direction changed from the South to the West. This air had good thermals and some tricky turbulence.
After the regular rounds were completed we moved the flight line to the western edge of the field to give maximum on-field distance. As you can see from the results were able to complete is a very satisfactory manner. The F1B fly off was most amazing for two reasons. The fly off had 26 people. When the CD gave a 2 minute warning before the start we could see a huge flock od white birds circling tight in a thermal about 400m from the flight line, a very pretty sight. Then when we flew only one of the 26 in the flyoff made the 6 minute max so we had a winner right way, very unusual the so many people in a class field would miss the target max. Obviously the thermal that has supported the birds had dissipated. Both A and C took 2 flyoff rounds to get a winner. One other item to mention was the good performance by the 3 young flyers from China who did well in a foreign country under sometimes difficult conditions.