SEN 2359
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- Category: Archive 2017
- Hits: 2374
Table of Contents – SEN 2359
1. Flash from Euro fly 2017-– World CUP in Switzerland
2. World Cup Dates in Australia for 2018
Flash from Euro fly 2017-– World CUP in Switzerland
From: Ansgar
Day 1 Saturday
in F1B/ C/ Q 1st round 240 sec, 2-4 rd 180 sec, 5thrd 240 sec + 120sec for all, who maxed rd 1-4 as pre fly off , 1st flyoff 8min at 17”10 – 17”30, 2st Fly Off 10 min at 8”30 Sunday morning
F1C 11 of 18 competitor in 8 min FLY off
1. Aleksandrov Viacheslav UKR 1020 + 360 + 440 sec
2. Claus-Peter Wächtler GER 1020 + 360 + 436 sec
3. Gauthier Briere FRA 1020 + 360 + 430 sec
4. Artem Babenko UKR 1020 + 360 + 429 sec
5. Franco Gradi ITA 1020 + 360 + 394 sec
F1B 67 participants
35 competitors with 4 Maxes, 27 in 8min Fly Off, 13 competitor in 10min FLY off
1. Rigault Mickael FRA 1020 + 360 + 480 + 376 sec
2. Christian Andrist SUI 1020 + 360 + 480 + 365 sec
3. Richard Nouvian FRA 1020 + 360 + 480 + 308 sec
4. Andreas Gey GER 1020 + 360 + 480 + 305 sec
5. Georg Batiuk USA 1020 + 360 + 480 + 304 sec
F1Q 15 participants
10 competitors in 8min FO1, 4 in 10min FO2, 2 in FO3
1. Omri Sirkis ISR 1020 + 360 + 480 + 600 + 318 sec
2. Oleksandr Maksimov UKR 1020 + 360 + 480 + 600 + 262 sec
3. Dietrich Sauter GER 1020 + 360 + 480 + 445 sec
4. Matti Lihtamo FIN 1020 + 360 + 480 + 86 sec
5. Paul Seren GER 1020 + 360 + 423 sec
F1A 70 participants
1 round 240 sec, 2nd rd 120 sec, 3rd rd 150 sec, due wind direction across the valley in direction to the forest, 4th rd 240 sec, 5thrd 240 sec + 180 sec (= 7 min) for all 19 , who maxed rd 1-4
1. Volker Bajorat GER 990 + 420 sec
2. Michael Bleuer SUI 990 + 420 sec
3. Mikail Kosonozhkin RUS 990 + 420 sec
4. Lauri Malila SUI 990 + 390 sec
5. Allard van Wallene NED 990 + 381 sec
F1H Gürbetalpokal as HEC contest
1. Ansgar Nüttgens GER 600 + 237 sec
2. Vasiliy Beschasny UKR 600 + 230 sec
3. Jörg Schellhase GER 600 + 169 sec
4. Yaron Kraus ISR 600 + 51 sec
5. Simon Piertzko (jun) GER 588 sec
World Cup Dates in Australia for 2018
From: Vin Morgan
41st Australian Free Flight Society Championships
Tui Cup
Widgiewa Cup
Narrandera 2018
Tui Cup (NZ World Cup Event)
Monday 16 April F1A/B/C 5 x 1 hour rounds 0800 - 1300
Tuesday 17 April Flyoffs F1A/B/C 0700 - 0800
AFFS Combined %3 flights no rounds0800 – 1200
Widgiewa Cup (World Cup Event)
Wednesday 18 April AFFS Combined % Open Fly-off 0700 - 0710
F1A/B/C 5 x 1 hour rounds0800 - 1300
Thursday 19 April F1A/B/C Fly-offs from Wednesday 0700 - 0800
AFFS F1G* 5 x 1 hour rounds*0800 - 1300
AFFS F1H*5 x 1 hour rounds*0800 - 1300
AFFS F1J* 5 x 1 hour rounds*0800 - 1300
Evening AFFS AGM(Narrandera Club)1900
AFFS Championships (World Cup Event)
Friday 20 April F1A/B/C 5 x 1 hour rounds 0800 - 1300
Saturday 21 April F1A/B/C Fly-offs from Friday 0700 - 0800
AFFS Combined Vintage 3 flights no rounds*0800 – 1200
AFFS Combined HLG/CLG/TLG0800 - 1200
AFFS Scramble0900 - 0930
Evening. Presentation Dinner 1800
Venue: Morundah Hotel Bus from Narrandera provided.
Sunday 22 April Moving Day to West Wyalong Nationals.
* Daylight saving NSW finishes 1 April 2018
* Sunrise 16 April 2018 0638 Sunset 1750
* Sunrise 21 April 2018 0642 Sunset 1744
* * Minis & % Combined Vintage will be 1st flight “High Time”
This program has been adopted by the AFFS committee as the best option for our 2018 event schedule. Due consideration was given to the following:
1. NSWFFS request at our AGM for a compressed AFFS program prior to the Nationals.
2. FFONZ request to again hold the TUI Cup at Narrandera.
3. Name change of Dave Anderson Memorial to Widgiewa Cup to reflect the locality * (see footnote).
4. Retention of the attraction for overseas competitors of 3 World Cup Rounds in one location.
5. Minimising the travel requirements for interstate competitors. (Note: MAAA approval will be sought by AFFS to include all World Cup Event scores in the trial period for the 2019 World Championships).
6. F1/ABC Event rounds will all be flown on the one day.
7. Some AFFS Events e.g. Open Power, Open Rubber, Oz Diesel have been omitted for this year’s program only as they will be held within the NSWFFS Nationals the following week.
8. Some local events e.g. Combined % Open, Combined HLG/CLG/TLG, Scramble, Combined Vintage have been retained within the program to maintain some events for non FAI flyers.
9. The Event Schedule timing lies close to the optimal weather window (Temp & wind) for the year at Narrandera and is around the traditional period that AFFS would normally hold its events.
10. Retention of our mandatory AGM meeting requirement.
11. Retention of our World Famous Banquet at Morundah Pub !!
* The place name Widgiewa is derived from the local Aboriginal word meaning "What do you want?" (The Answer for AFFS is easy: Great Free Flight Competitions!!!)
The Australian Nationals
The Australian Nationals follows at West Wyalong that is about an hours drive away. The link to the full schedule was in a previous SEN. The Nats has a full schedule of events, Free Flight, Control Line and Radio Control. The F1ABC events at the Nats are also World Cup Events
Tuesday 24 April – F1A and F1C
Thursday 26 April – F1B